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The impending war against Iran thread

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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Get Real! » Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:13 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Iran's three choices.............
by Kikapu » Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:43 pm

Choice 1. Stop in trying to build nuclear weapons.

Choice 2. Continue trying in building nuclear weapons and get bombed by Israel.

Choice 3. Build nuclear weapons and get nuked by Israel.

Take your pick!

Israel will accept any of the above choices for Iran. There isn't a 4th choice!


I really don’t think so Kikapu! Israel is too small to do such a thing and survive the repercussions.
Which would come from multiple directions.

What repercussions exactly, GR?

For starters from Iran:

Iran is 2.5 times the size of Turkey and littered with missile sites so what exactly does Israel plan to strike from all that without getting a reprisal? And not to mention that the Pentagon says…

“U.S. bombs not strong enough to destroy Iran's nuclear program” ... s-1.409607

Israel is well within range of Iran’s ballistic capabilities… ... 2-0&size=l

A single Iranian strike against Israel’s large above-ground Dimona nuclear plant would bring enormous devastation… ... n77_01.jpg

I don’t think the Israelis are stupid enough to start something they cannot finish off on their own and I cannot see the US participating without Russia siding with Iran. It’s too complicated, too messy, too dangerous, too unpredictable, and nobody’s going to do it!
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Bananiot » Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:53 pm

GR, I just wonder, is every secret out on the internet? Can one formulate policy on just what one finds in the internet? Man, at least put an "if" somewhere, in case someone is holding back some info or feeding you (us) with false info.
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Get Real! » Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:33 pm

Bananiot wrote:GR, I just wonder, is every secret out on the internet? Can one formulate policy on just what one finds in the internet? Man, at least put an "if" somewhere, in case someone is holding back some info or feeding you (us) with false info.

No doubt a mere mortal like me will never be privy to a lot of information but what else have I got to go on with, and doesn’t the same constriction apply to every other international issue we discuss here?

Overall, I think we should not encourage Israel with our words or anyone else to attack Iran because this is not Hamas we are talking about and the last thing we want is an Iranian missile causing a chain reaction at the Dimona plant and toxic gas shit making its way to Cyprus which is only a small breeze away! :?
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:51 pm


i appreciate your answers, but they will ALL fall on deaf ears, specially in the west. The fact that Iran has been threatening to wipe Israel off the map, is enough of a justification for Israel to defend itself in anyway she deems necessary. I'm sure Iran would not dare to nuke Israel, but just the threat alone will not be acceptable to Israel. Such potential threats from Iran towards Israel will promote further instability in the region, because you will then see every terrorist organisation will be empowered to attack Israel because they will have their "big brother" Iran with nuclear weapons to strike at Israel at any time if Israel pushes too hard against these terrorist groups. Look how many in the Arab world got very supportive of Turkey just by Erdogan saying he will use the Turkish Navy to destroy the Gaza blockade. Of course Erdogan backed down and that it was all talk and no action, but many terrorist organisations will not back down easily

I agree in general with what you say but, as Schnauzer says the ‘...wipe Israel off the map.’ statement by Ahmadinejad was conveniently poor translation from Farsi and has been proved to be wrong. Although, look at almost any comments columns related to the subject and time and time again you will see this being repeated by US readers.

‘Sheeple’ believe almost without question what they are told and they must form around 99% of the worlds population, you only become informed when you question the validity of what you are being told. You can never be sure that what you find on the internet is 100% truth as it is up to the individual to come to a reasoned conclusion from various sources of information. Always avoid accepting verbatim what you read in the MSM because, whilst there may be a basis of truth, the details will inevitably have been ‘adjusted’. You stand far more chance of achieving a more accurate view of events by looking it up on the Internet, than you will from reading the papers or watching the BBC World News or Sky News etc.

You also refer above to terrorists! What is a terrorist? The Cypriots I know believe EOKA fighters were ‘Freedom Fighters’ not terrorists, and they are right. But the British called them terrorists because it suited their version of armed combat. Freedom fighters take up combat using what means they have, often against a superior equipped and numerically greater enemy, but they do it within their own borders against an occupying army. Hezbolah and Hamas are both identified as terrorist groups by the US but by far the greater numbers of contacts are against the Israeli occupying forces of their land and take place (normally) on their own lands. In my book these guys are not terrorists but freedom fighters. On the other hand the PLO is a terrorist group as were many Israeli (Zionist) groups, which went on to form the Israeli Government after 1948. Many of the Israeli terrorist attacks were well recorded as being against civilians. Once a freedom fighter exports his/her brand of combat outside their own national borders, then in my book, they become terrorists.

Plenty of details here:

‘...... but when you have nutcases in Iran threatening to wipe Israel off the map,’
....... they (Ahmadinejad) didn’t say that, we now know but, it’s never been retracted in/on the MSM’s.

Have you never seen the Extreme Orthodox Jews in the black hats, long coats and with shaved heads and ringlets? Now in my book they are also nutcases especially when they scream insults at 8yr old girls going to school in a normal school uniform, calling them whores! Or, even when they are shooting at Palestinians just trying to tend the crops in their own fields. But again, you don’t see that on the MSM news broadcasts............. bad PR! And these 'nutcases' DO have nuclear weapons!!!!

I said right at the beginning of the thread that the moral indignation displayed by the US/Israel and mimicked by the EU over Iranian nuclear weapons and their Uranium enrichment program, is all hype with one purpose; to give the US the opportunity, maybe through Israel , to get their grubby hands on the vast Iranian oil/gas fields and the proposed Iran/Pakistan pipeline to India.


I don’t think the Israelis are stupid enough to start something they cannot finish off on their own and I cannot see the US participating without Russia siding with Iran. It’s too complicated, too messy, too dangerous, too unpredictable, and nobody’s going to do it!

I agree completely! The Iranians are far too smart to be enticed into war by either Israel or the US.

But, the one thing that would concern me is the ‘false flag’ event, which both Israel and the US are adept at. With control over the media by the Zionists that run both these countries, we could be plunged into a ‘retaliatory’ war against Iran before we had time to find out that it was all on a falsehood. The majority will believe what the media tells them! It happened in Vietnam, but it only came out years later (Gulf of Tonkin incident) when most of the guilty parties were in unassailable positions of power, or dead like thousands of US and other allied servicemen, not to mention a couple of million Vietnamese. Even then, you could only find this out by going and looking for it.

An interesting thread........................
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Bananiot » Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:55 pm

"We should not encourage Israel with our words" - who gives a f**k of what we say GR? And another thing GR, use your brain and do not take every thing at face value.
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Schnauzer » Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:55 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Once a freedom fighter exports his/her brand of combat outside their own national borders, then in my book, they become terrorists.

You raise rather an interesting question with the above comment RH, since it becomes a moot point when one seeks to determine which of the two (or more) opposing forces deserve to be labelled 'Terrorist'.

It is very easy to recognize the actions of a 'Freedom Fighter' and to allow them THAT much credibility, since they invariably ARE actually fighting for their freedom against a superior force which seeks to deprive them of it.

For as much as an 'Invading force ' may be operating outside of it's own borders when it attacks a lesser one, the term 'Terrorist' is surely more aptly applied to the 'Invader' than to the 'Defender' (or Freedom Fighter).

Faced with a vastly superior adversary, the 'Freedom Fighters', on viewing the destructive influences of the 'Invader' upon their own territory, may feel quite justified in seeking vengeance upon the territories of their enemies.

As to the "Wipe Israel off the Map" nonsense, one need look no further than the territory once known as 'Palestine' to realize that the ONLY "Wiping of Maps" in recent history, has been perpetrated by the 'Israeli' forces (in liaise with their Western counterparts) quite unnoticed apparently by many members of this forum and certainly on a much wider scale worldwide.

YET, should one refer to 'Israel' as the 'Terror State', one is bound to receive howls of protest in defence of mass slaughter and intimidation, the howlers seem to be completely oblivious to the fact that they could well be next on the list. (imho)

It's a funny old world. :wink:
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Get Real! » Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:04 am

Schnauzer wrote:
Kikapu wrote: The fact that Iran has been threatening to wipe Israel off the map, is enough of a justification for Israel to defend itself in anyway she deems necessary.

I am greatly surprised to note that the above quote, (positively discredited as an outrageous misinterpretation by Western propagandists) should be once again mentioned as an excuse for whatever warlike intentions Israel (or others) might be contemplating in connection with Iran.

Kikapopoulos said that? :shock:

Funny how Israel's countless threats are ignored... :? The only logical explanation is that they are barred from American media!
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Get Real! » Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:07 am

Bananiot wrote:"We should not encourage Israel with our words" - who gives a f**k of what we say GR? And another thing GR, use your brain and do not take every thing at face value.

This 1+1 is for Bananiot!

Israel, Cyprus mulling stationing IAF jets on island

Iran says will hit any country used to strike its soil ... 9G20120205

It looks like we may not have to wait for a toxic cloud from Israel to suffocate us but a direct hit! :lol:
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby kurupetos » Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:15 am

Good luck to Iran. If you need my expertise send me a pm. :wink:
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Kikapu » Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:15 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:
Kikapu wrote: The fact that Iran has been threatening to wipe Israel off the map, is enough of a justification for Israel to defend itself in anyway she deems necessary.

I am greatly surprised to note that the above quote, (positively discredited as an outrageous misinterpretation by Western propagandists) should be once again mentioned as an excuse for whatever warlike intentions Israel (or others) might be contemplating in connection with Iran.

Kikapopoulos said that? :shock:

Funny how Israel's countless threats are ignored... :? The only logical explanation is that they are barred from American media!

I'm ONLY giving you people my interpretations on what Israelis would do to defend Israel regardless of cost to their enemies, including perceived enemies. Israel also determine who are the terrorist groups and what political damage they are willing to accept by destroying any threat from such enemies to Israel. Israel will shoot first and ask questions later when they are under any potential threat. Iran's potential threats with possible nuclear weapons will not be left for chance nor will it be left for Iran's "goodwill" towards Israel. Israel has not built a formidable military force for a very small country for nothing. It was built to specifically defend Israel at ALL cost against ALL enemies. I believe, Israelis basic message to all their enemies is "If you value your lives as much as we value Israel, don't fcuk with us"! I think that says it all really!
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