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The impending war against Iran thread

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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Cap » Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:03 pm


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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Schnauzer » Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:16 pm

:lol: We really must learn to count our blessings !. :wink:
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:29 pm

We seem to be more on a ‘Syrian’ thread than an ‘Iranian’ one but ......... you did ask! It is a subject I have a great interest in but realise whatever I do will make no difference as it will happen anyway. So FWIW ................. IMO
What do you foresee for our beloved Republic then?

In engineering terms, landing gas here will be for domestic consumption only. The cost of building the process plant required and the loading facilities in Cyprus to ship it to customers would not be economically viable. LNG as opposed to LPG (which is what we buy in bottles) is dropping in price because the biggest customer for it, the USA, is expected to become self sufficient within a couple of years through ‘fracking’. An undersea pipeline, likewise, very expensive and it would cross a fault line. If it were possible to cross the island to the north side with a pipeline to Turkey, that would be feasible but politically a non-starter. It will almost certainly be the Israeli’s that will process the gas and pipe the Cyprus/Israeli gas to Europe and for that to happen there have to be a few changes in the region!
So the Syrian regime change is a piece of the bigger picture
Absolutely and the overall picture is a very, very big jig-saw puzzle.
Regardless of public opinion, whether they used chemicals or not, it doesn't matter, Assad government will be ousted by whatever means possible.

Yes – look back at recent history Iraq (Saddam,) Libya (Ghaddafi) and I would suggest even Egypt (Morsi?) same old story and of course by projection, Iran. There are many instances just since WWII where the US has been involved either directly or indirectly, in regime change. In 1953 the CIA/MI6 overthrough the Mossadegh democratic government in Iran and installed the Shah. An interesting story recently confirmed by released documents in the US although the story has been known for years:

Chemical attacks is the pretext correct?

Yes – if it is such a ‘slam-dunk’ case ..... where is the evidence? If there is no conclusive evidence it is just that .... an excuse for war.

In Law before anybody is charged with a crime the prosecution has to present its evidence firstly to the Court to assess whether there is sufficient evidence to bring charges. Once the Court says there is an answerable case, then the defence gets access to the evidence pre-trial and they in turn provide the prosecution with their counter evidence. The Court at trial, after hearing all the evidence will decide whether the accused is guilty beyond all reasonable doubt and, if guilty, pronounce sentence. Obama/Kerry would not get past step one and they know it!

It is not a case that the plaintiff (US Govt.) makes an accusation by saying they have evidence but can’t disclose it because it would jeopardise ‘national security’, by-passes the legal process completely (UNSC), drums up a bit of dodgy support and then takes the accused out and shoots him without a trial! In a civilised society it does not happen that way, only in a dictatorship where the people have no rights, do things happen like that. That is why if the US goes ahead with its threat of action against Assad then Obama, Kerry et al become war criminals!

The same applies to any action against Iran taken by Israel. In International Law proof is required and to say a pre-emptive strike is required for self defence is a bit nonsensical! With all the threats against it by Netanyahu and the US, would Iran not have an even stronger case for a pre-emptive strike against Israel to remove an obvious nuclear threat to Iran and its people, from a rogue nuclear regime? Of course they would also need evidence to validate their actions but the Israeli’s have already provide that.
Death from 'chemical weapons' as opposed to death from 'conventional weapons' is still death right? Or do 'chemical' weapons make you more dead as to warrant a foreign military intervention?

As you cannot be a little bit dead, or more dead than dead I suppose the cause of death is really irrelevant and is only a highly emotive excuse for a war anyway? Nothing warrants an attack on another nation without proof of its legitimacy and then the authority for any action comes through the UNSC.
Similar to the Iraqi 'weapons of mass destruction'

Yes, same fairy tales but now, with the internet, the people have a much better idea of what the leaders are doing, that is if they are interested enough to find out? This is why the NSA and GCHQ are working flat out to intercept internet traffic and are trying desperately to control the flow of internet information which is punching huge holes in government credibility and integrity. We admire whistle blowers who blow it on benefits scroungers and bent politicians but when it applies to lies and criminal acts and even war crimes, by governments, the whistle blower becomes a traitor and a threat to ‘national security’ ......... although the threat is actually the exposure of crimes by those that we are supposed to trust with the running of our society.
So there you have it, they will do it eventually.

Yup I guess so – but if sufficient people all over the world were to stand up and be counted and show that we were fed up with being dragged into wars on a pack of lies by major players, people will realise that it is they who have the power, not the politicians/diplomats. Upwards of 80% of the American people are opposed to the US taking action but Obama is now releasing horrific previously classified (!) video’s to persuade the people that the US has to act against tyranny, Unfortunately I suspect this will turn the people as it will divert from the proof requirement. Action from the people will not happen until it is too late because 99% of people are apathetic, too dumb to see through the lies and quite honestly, couldn’t give a s**te anyway.
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:53 pm

So basically, if what you say is true, this whole thing is about Israeli/Cypriot Oil and gas!

Without even realizing it, the US in serving its own energy interests, is also serving Israeli and Cypriot interests!

Well, I'll be damned! :?
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:08 pm

As I am sure you are intelligent enough to work out, Cyprus is just a teeny weeny and insignificant part of the story. :roll:

That particular paragraph was simply a reply to one question. I am afraid the 'Cyprus' aspect of these events is maybe one piece of a 1000 piece jig saw puzzle and, out side of Cyprus, I doubt whether it is of the slightest interest to anybody! :o
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:22 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis,
As I am sure you are intelligent enough to work out, Cyprus is just a teeny weeny and insignificant part of the story. :roll:

That particular paragraph was simply a reply to one question. I am afraid the 'Cyprus' aspect of these events is maybe one piece of a 1000 piece jig saw puzzle and, out side of Cyprus, I doubt whether it is of the slightest interest to anybody! :o

Do you really think so Robin Hood?

A trillion dollar Gas bounty might not be that significant to the 16 Trillion Dollar US economy, but it really is substantial to Israel's economy and even more significant to the EU's Energy Security concerns. That is probably why France, Germany and UK are backing the US.

You consider yourself an 'intelligent' man because you hold many alternative views (which does not bother me btw), whereas I am concerned with RoC interests and immensely concerned for its future since 37% is illegally occupied, and 200000 Cypriots are not allowed to return back to their lands.

At this point Robin, I am willing to accept assistance from the likes of Israel and US since Russia, Greece, EU et al are just full of shit!
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:40 pm

If all you say is true, then it would be much easier if the US pressured Turkey to withdraw from Cyprus. Then, a pipeline can connect all Israeli and Cypriot rigs and transport the Gas to Cyprus up through Kyrenia and then to Turkey and the EU.

Much easier than trying to oust Assad! This could also serve Turkey's interests well since it will reap transmission levies from Israel and RoC.
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Sep 08, 2013 6:35 pm

Maybe you are right but it has to be seen from the viewpoint of what is in the interests of the US and Israel overall. I said a pipeline through the North was feasible but for the Israeli’s it would not suit their national interests .......... Israel would lose control as the processing and transmission would be under Cypriot control/management and Israel does not like sharing. Israel would want complete control and I can’t see the Cyprus government stepping back and handing the reins to them.

The ultimate prize is Iran for the US as it is the only route open to them for piping oil/gas to Pakistan and India and Iran’s destruction as a military force is essential for Israel. The nuclear claims are a red-herring. What Israel fears is the Iranians, Syrians and Hezbollah combined as that would present a serious threat to Israel’s national security. Conflict could easily be triggered by their ambitions in the area. An attack on Syria could mobilise Iran to make an entry into the fray which would inevitably draw in Hezbollah as both take measures to protect their own national security.

Turkey will get transmission levies from Israel and the RoC anyway, whichever way the pipeline went, if it went ultimately via Turkey?
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Sep 08, 2013 6:50 pm

You consider yourself an 'intelligent' man because you hold many alternative views (which does not bother me btw),

No! Not particularly intelligent but interested in the overall scene in the region and therefore maybe better informed than most. This is a forum for discussion hopefully between moderately intelligent people and by this we all get to see aspects that maybe never occurred to us until someone else made an observation.
At this point Robin, I am willing to accept assistance from the likes of Israel and US since Russia, Greece, EU et al are just full of shit!

IMO: I believe the history of both those nations makes reliance upon either a very dangerous liason. Both work exclusively in their own, and joint, interests. If it suited either to work against Cyprus’ interests for their own gain ........ they would do so without a second though for either the RoC or its people. What if they decided it was in their interests to go the opposite way to your suggestion and encouraged the Turks to finish what they started in ’74? :(
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Get Real! » Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:54 pm

Robin Hood wrote:As I am sure you are intelligent enough to work out, Cyprus is just a teeny weeny and insignificant part of the story. :roll:

In case you haven’t noticed Israel is also teeny weenie so size doesn’t seem to be the issue.
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