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Is an honest public debate too much to ask?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Re: Is an honest public debate too much to ask?

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:55 pm

Well ... may help if we view this article for what it is, as an editorial, as an opinion piece and as such these things express an opinion of the paper and its editorial staff. These things are usually unsigned. Indeed the original bears no author.

So it's a newspaper's opinion, nothing more and nothing less.
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Re: Is an honest public debate too much to ask?

Postby zan » Tue Jan 31, 2012 12:40 am

Viewpoint wrote:Best way to deflect from the real subject play the name game.

Absoluely VP and i played along because now Kiks has shot all his bullets in one thread.........All know his game now and if it happens again he will look even sillier.... :wink:
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Re: Is an honest public debate too much to ask?

Postby zan » Tue Jan 31, 2012 12:42 am

bill cobbett wrote:Well ... may help if we view this article for what it is, as an editorial, as an opinion piece and as such these things express an opinion of the paper and its editorial staff. These things are usually unsigned. Indeed the original bears no author.

So it's a newspaper's opinion, nothing more and nothing less.

Again, absobloodylutely Bill.....Same as your opinion and my opinion and Chris's opinion. Nothing matters so what the hell are we all doing here?
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Re: Is an honest public debate too much to ask?

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:11 am

...for so many years, the same results have evolved from the same debate. It is possible that it is the "Debate" which is misguided.

What is Bicommunal, if it is not to give our identity a definition for the words Individual, and Person; this is not a "Greek"/"Turkish" issue. It is an issue between People, so that they find in their security, collectively, as Individuals, a means to sustain themselves as Persons. Thus, in Cyprus one would expect to see a State, a Constitution, its Government, to represent its Citizens as Sovereign, defending their Universal Rights indiscriminately for their benefit, equal as Individuals. And within Cyprus, National Assemblies (at least two), for these Citizens, where through their self-representation as distinct Majorities, as Persons, they can sustain this Identity, and these needs first within their daily lives, while they recognise the Minorities amongst them, providing for their special needs as well, demonstrating as a Community their Goodwill.

Similarly, Bizonal does not mean tearing the island in two. And within defining a Federal Principal where we are as Individuals collectively united toward our responsibilities within a larger Family of Man, Territorial Jurisdictions will provide to Maronites, Armenians, as well as Turks and Greeks, (and others if we wish) the equal opportunity to apply themselves to their relics and the living Heritence for which they are Stewards. If enclaves were to pocket the whole island, at least for some of the displaced they will return as they left, as Communities; what better way for Justice to be Seen. This will ensure that the services Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots want are provided by their National Assemblies island-wide, while ending the relevance of the Green Line as a border easily militarised; it may remain unchanged but it becomes a frontier amongst many.

…there is a third option brewing in the Buffer Zone, now Occupied, not by “Greeks” and “Turks”, but by Cypriots, Greek and Turk. When this round of talks end, if unsuccessfully, then there will be a hot summer where, I hope, under the banner of the Cypriot Flag, there may be Freedom Riders we can join, on there way to picnics across the island, the debate will not remain in secret, and it will not remain the same.

That federation would comprise a federal government with a single international personality, along with a Turkish Cypriot constituent state and a Greek Cypriot constituent state, which would be of equal status.

…read this quote carefully, there are three governing bodies in its concept.

It will be too late for the rest of us, if we tire of Cyprus, and the Problem. It is Humanity that will suffer and be placed in danger, if we dismiss Human Rights and the Rule of Law for this ‘fait accompli’. However, within the solution on this tiny island, in its perfection, there is a template and a language that for the wider region is desperately needed. It may be the ultimate irony if Turkey would emulate the Bicommunal Principal (so too Iraq, and others) in their own governance, so that Turks who are not “Turks” thrive as well; it may be the only way that "she" will recognise a "Greek" majority in Cyprus.

In an ideal world my thinking suggests that, Talat and Christofias can be freed from the National aspects of this State, so that Eroglu could negociate with a “Greek” counterpart as yet unchosen, (as well as Maronite and Armenian representation), to define the Territorial Jurisdictions of their Assemblies. is honest public debate, here is a made in Cyprus solution, by Cypriots.
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Re: Is an honest public debate too much to ask?

Postby Kikapu » Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:30 am

zan wrote:One last time Kiks, I too had no idea who the author was and the Patrick I know is not the author. Still dont know what it has got to do with it anyway but you can ask the CM easily and I am sure they would tell you. If they dont then suspect them. If they do then then you would have made a fuss for nothing. I met MY patrick at a fund raising event for Embargoed and his surname is not that of the author you think wrote the article. If it was he then I would possibly have boasted I knew the guy, instead an ordinary guy named patrick has recieved a hell of a lot of airtime because he is called Patrick and has an unusual way of signing off. If you are trying to discredit the author by associating him with me then again........Look at what he writes and comment because the name has no barring on the matter.

Not at all, Zan, am I trying to discredit the article or the author just because he may be associated with you. No offence, but, you are not that important or influential enough for you to matter to discredit others for them to be labeled "guilt by association". Your whole attempted explanation how "Patrick" appeared on your article and not on the original article did not make sense then or even now, was the center of my questions and had nothing to do what the article had to say, hence I did not discredit neither the author or the article . That's something you invented in trying to distract me from my questions regarding "Patrick", which you have managed to create more doubts to your answers than help yourself. My first thoughts were that you inserted "By Patrick" into the article to give it a "personality" than just for it to be just a anonymous article, but with your nonsensical explanations in the interim, brought about a new thinking, that you did not insert "By Patrick" into the article, but you ONLY took away "Dewhurst" from the article, either deliberately or a mistake, in not taking the whole "By Patrick Dewhurst" name away. You are even now trying to do some "damage control" to what seems to be an attempt to distance Patrick Dewhurst from the article. I personally don't care who wrote the article, and never did, but the suspicions will be there all the same, that it was in fact, Patrick Dewhurst!
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Re: Is an honest public debate too much to ask?

Postby zan » Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:28 am

Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:One last time Kiks, I too had no idea who the author was and the Patrick I know is not the author. Still dont know what it has got to do with it anyway but you can ask the CM easily and I am sure they would tell you. If they dont then suspect them. If they do then then you would have made a fuss for nothing. I met MY patrick at a fund raising event for Embargoed and his surname is not that of the author you think wrote the article. If it was he then I would possibly have boasted I knew the guy, instead an ordinary guy named patrick has recieved a hell of a lot of airtime because he is called Patrick and has an unusual way of signing off. If you are trying to discredit the author by associating him with me then again........Look at what he writes and comment because the name has no barring on the matter.

Not at all, Zan, am I trying to discredit the article or the author just because he may be associated with you. No offence, but, you are not that important or influential enough for you to matter to discredit others for them to be labeled "guilt by association". Your whole attempted explanation how "Patrick" appeared on your article and not on the original article did not make sense then or even now, was the center of my questions and had nothing to do what the article had to say, hence I did not discredit neither the author or the article . That's something you invented in trying to distract me from my questions regarding "Patrick", which you have managed to create more doubts to your answers than help yourself. My first thoughts were that you inserted "By Patrick" into the article to give it a "personality" than just for it to be just a anonymous article, but with your nonsensical explanations in the interim, brought about a new thinking, that you did not insert "By Patrick" into the article, but you ONLY took away "Dewhurst" from the article, either deliberately or a mistake, in not taking the whole "By Patrick Dewhurst" name away. You are even now trying to do some "damage control" to what seems to be an attempt to distance Patrick Dewhurst from the article. I personally don't care who wrote the article, and never did, but the suspicions will be there all the same, that it was in fact, Patrick Dewhurst!

Only a moron can take the truth and try to make it suspicious Kiks...Your full of contradictions in one paragraph......Only you can "make it worse for yourself" ( you do get hooked on a saying dont you :lol: OCD I think) and try to stick it on others.......I dont care but I will talk about it for days....What a lame brain :roll:
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