Bananiot wrote:This is what Grivas was saying in January 1973:«Σήμερον η Ένωσις είναι δυνατή αρκεί να το θελήσωμεν ημείς και να το θέσωμεν εις την Ελληνικήν Κυβέρνησιν η οποία δεν δύναται να την αρνηθή. Προσπάθεια ιδική μας είναι η κατάληψις της εξουσίας, η απομάκρυνσις του Μακαρίου ώστε το αίτημα της Ενώσεως, ως αίτημα ολόκληρου του Κυπριακού λαού θα υποβάλλαμεν πλέον εις τον ΟΗΕ καλούντες τούτον να τιμήση τας υπογραφάς των μελών του, και (προς) την Ελληνικήν Κυβέρνησιν. Ουδείς θα ετόλμα, ούτε η Τουρκία να κάμη απόβασιν εις Κύπρον διότι διεκδικούμεν δίκαιον αίτημα διεθνώς αναγνωρισμένον. Ο Κυπριακός λαός δεν ενέκρινε τας Συμφωνίας Ζυρίχης - Λονδίνου, ούτε είναι υπεύθυνος δι' αυτάς. Εν τω μεταξύ θα οργανώσωμεν την άμυναν της νήσου και εάν η Τουρκία θέλει να κάμη απόβασιν και ακόμη εάν η Ελλάς δεν θελήση να μας ενισχύση η Κύπρος δύναται με τας ίδιας δυνάμεις να αποκρούσει τυχόν απόβασιν Τουρκικήν. Τούτο δε αμφιβάλλω εάν η Τουρκία θα τολμήση να κάμη τοιαύτην, όχι μόνον διότι μέχρι τούδε εμπλόφαρε αλλά και διότι η εσωτερική κατάστασίς της είναι τοιαύτη ώστε είναι αμφίβολον εάν είναι εις θέσιν να κάμη επιστράτευσιν και να αντιμετωπίση πόλεμον και εις τα σύνορα της Ηπειρωτικής και νησιώτικης Ελλάδας». Γ. Γρίβας, Ιανουάριος 1973..
Short translation: Enosis is possible today, as long as we and the Greek government want it. Remove Makarios, grab power and make an official request at the UN for enosis. Nobody will disagree and certainly nobody will dare to intervene. Turkey won't because our demand for enosis is internationally recognised. Our people did not approve of the London - Zurich agreements. We will organise our defense and if Turkey decides to intervene militarily, even if Greece decides not to lend a helping hand, we can successfully repel the Turks on our own. I seriously doubt whether Turkey would dare to try to invade Cyprus because Turkey is known to bluff its way around as it did in the past and because the internal situation in Turkey is such that it cannot mobilise her forces for war across continental Greece and on the islands.
P.S. Tomorrow, thousands of GC will flock to Limassol to remember and honour Grivas.
Bananiot wrote:I take it you won't be going to the memorial service tomorrow. But, didn't Makarios have the same agenda as Grivas? Doesn't this makes Makarios equally treacherous, if as you suggest, it is the acts of some treacherous individuals that brought on the Turkish invasion?
Bananiot wrote:
Having said that, in many of my posts I stress that the nationalists in Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot leadership, were not innocent.
Hermes wrote:Bananiot wrote:
Having said that, in many of my posts I stress that the nationalists in Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot leadership, were not innocent.
I must've missed it. I promise you I will read your posts more carefully in future to see that you are indeed being balanced. I look forward to reading your coruscating opinion of current Turkish policy in Cyprus. And less of your views on dead Archbishops...
Bananiot wrote:Now you are being childish Hermes. Makarios is not just a dead Archbishop. He was the protagonist in Cyprus from 1955 till his death in 1977 and many unbiased historians think that his share of the blame for our dire situation today is great.
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