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The Bloody Truth about Cyprus

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Re: The Bloody Truth about Cyprus

Postby Viewpoint » Sat Jan 28, 2012 5:28 pm

Hermes wrote:
zan wrote:
AKRITAS and Nicos whatshisname.............................Not third party but evidence....Keep fooling yourself mate.

Please provide us then with a link to independent documentary evidence of a systematic plan by the ROC to commit "genocide". I'm not talking about lines jotted down on a piece of paper by a few fanatics. But evidence of a deliberate campaign at senior levels of the ROC government to plan and implement the murder of hundreds of thousands of people.

If you can it would be very important. But like I said, I don't think you can because no such evidence exists. All we do know for sure is that Turkey invaded the island in 1974 and systematically cleansed 200,000 GCs from their homes. There is no doubt that this was a crime against humanity. That is why the international community refuses to recognise the pseudo-state that Turkey declared on the back of this crime.

Your comments on the documentary which clearly defines there were plans afoot to rid the island not only of the British but also the TCs.
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Re: The Bloody Truth about Cyprus

Postby Lordo » Sat Jan 28, 2012 5:40 pm

Does it explain what Makarios was going to do with 5,000 secret GC mitia he recruited in 64, or the 10,000 Greek soldiers that were brought it in the same year with their tanks.

Never mind Akritas plan, does it also explain what the Aprhodite One and Aphrodite Two plans had in mind for the TC population. If it does not, perhaps GR can explain to you what to do with this fantastic bit of truth.

In the mean time perhaps you can learn about 16 day old girl Selden and what happened to her and while you are at it, why the two boys in the incedent were decapitated.
By the time the GC population learns the real truth about the bloddy history of cyprus, we would have lost 37% of our island to Turkey.

What a shame.

enjoy. ... re=related

If you want the truth, it is out there.
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Re: The Bloody Truth about Cyprus

Postby Hermes » Sat Jan 28, 2012 6:29 pm

Lordo wrote:Never mind Akritas plan, does it also explain what the Aprhodite One and Aphrodite Two plans had in mind for the TC population. If it does not, perhaps GR can explain to you what to do with this fantastic bit of truth.

I ask again. What independent evidence is there of any systematic attempt by the ROC government to plan and implement a systematic "genocide"? I keep asking for a link to any respected third-party documentary evidence and no-one can provide me with one.

I remind you that inter-communal violence, in which both communities suffered, does not qualify as "genocide". Nor do counter-offensive military plans in case of a Turkish invasion (the so-called Aphrodite Plan). Otherwise we could say that the TMT's goals were the "genocide" of the GCs and left-wing Turks.

Genocide is a legal term. No matter how much Greek and Turkish Cypriot villagers feared for their lives, intercommunal violence and intercommunal deaths are not genocide. What we had in Cyprus in the 1960s was inter-communal violence in which villagers from both communities lost their lives.

Labelling such clashes as "genocide" is ludicrous. It is nothing but blatant propaganda to justify the Turkish invasion. It is beneath contempt to use such emotive nonsense to cover up the real crime against humanity which occurred in 1974: the invasion and expulsion of 200,000 Greek Cypriots from their homes.

It's time TCs stopped using such stupid and emotive nonsense to try and turn themselves into the world's new Jews. You are nothing of the sort. No-one believes this crap. That is why the "trnc" is embargoed and under sanction. Because Turkey is the aggressor in Cyprus. Not the GCs.
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Re: The Bloody Truth about Cyprus

Postby Viewpoint » Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:03 pm

The fact that it was the pervert makariosis, grivas and samsons goal is proof enough, do you forgive and ignore the crime being plotted against your whole community because you stopped it. The Tcs fought back for their survival against the GC plotted to wipe them out which is called genocide. You are a GC so we cannot expect you to see further than the end of your hooked nose.
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Re: The Bloody Truth about Cyprus

Postby Hermes » Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:19 pm

Viewpoint wrote:The fact that it was the pervert makariosis, grivas and samsons goal is proof enough, do you forgive and ignore the crime being plotted against your whole community because you stopped it. The Tcs fought back for their survival against the GC plotted to wipe them out which is called genocide. You are a GC so we cannot expect you to see further than the end of your hooked nose.

Oh dear. When you lose the argument your racism starts to show, VP. Now please provide us with the evidence that Pres. Makarios or the bumbling fool Sampson planned a 'genocide'. A link to a respected third-party commission or independent historian would do. Remember that ‘genocide’ is not an attack by a few fanatics on innocent civilians. Both sides suffered from intercommunal reprisals in the early 1960s and both communities suffered from attacks by their own right-wing militias. That is not what is understood as genocide in the Turkish-Armenian sense. So please provide us with any actual evidence, if you can...
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Re: The Bloody Truth about Cyprus

Postby Viewpoint » Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:35 pm

Hermes wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:The fact that it was the pervert makariosis, grivas and samsons goal is proof enough, do you forgive and ignore the crime being plotted against your whole community because you stopped it. The Tcs fought back for their survival against the GC plotted to wipe them out which is called genocide. You are a GC so we cannot expect you to see further than the end of your hooked nose.

Oh dear. When you lose the argument your racism starts to show, VP. Now please provide us with the evidence that Pres. Makarios or the bumbling fool Sampson planned a 'genocide'. A link to a respected third-party commission or independent historian would do. Remember that ‘genocide’ is not an attack by a few fanatics on innocent civilians. Both sides suffered from intercommunal reprisals in the early 1960s and both communities suffered from attacks by their own right-wing militias. That is not what is understood as genocide in the Turkish-Armenian sense. So please provide us with any actual evidence, if you can...

OK we all accept that you cannot possibly understand due to your upbringing. Even if we brought back form the dead your perverted leader and he told that it was his life long goal to wipe out the TCs and if we did not fight back he would have succeeded, you are so conditioned that you would still ignore it.
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Re: The Bloody Truth about Cyprus

Postby Hermes » Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:51 pm

Viewpoint wrote:OK we all accept that you cannot possibly understand due to your upbringing. Even if we brought back form the dead your perverted leader and he told that it was his life long goal to wipe out the TCs and if we did not fight back he would have succeeded, you are so conditioned that you would still ignore it.

I ask for evidence and all I get is fantasy. I think it's time to move on...
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Re: The Bloody Truth about Cyprus

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:21 pm

Lordo wrote:Does it explain what Makarios was going to do with 5,000 secret GC mitia he recruited in 64, or the 10,000 Greek soldiers that were brought it in the same year with their tanks.

I guess they had the same plans as the Turkish officers that were imported to aid the TMT…

If you guys want to go for round #374 of “you did this and we did that” go ahead… without me! I’m bored of it… :?
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Re: The Bloody Truth about Cyprus

Postby Bananiot » Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:21 pm

This is what Grivas was saying in January 1973:

«Σήμερον η Ένωσις είναι δυνατή αρκεί να το θελήσωμεν ημείς και να το θέσωμεν εις την Ελληνικήν Κυβέρνησιν η οποία δεν δύναται να την αρνηθή. Προσπάθεια ιδική μας είναι η κατάληψις της εξουσίας, η απομάκρυνσις του Μακαρίου ώστε το αίτημα της Ενώσεως, ως αίτημα ολόκληρου του Κυπριακού λαού θα υποβάλλαμεν πλέον εις τον ΟΗΕ καλούντες τούτον να τιμήση τας υπογραφάς των μελών του, και (προς) την Ελληνικήν Κυβέρνησιν. Ουδείς θα ετόλμα, ούτε η Τουρκία να κάμη απόβασιν εις Κύπρον διότι διεκδικούμεν δίκαιον αίτημα διεθνώς αναγνωρισμένον. Ο Κυπριακός λαός δεν ενέκρινε τας Συμφωνίας Ζυρίχης - Λονδίνου, ούτε είναι υπεύθυνος δι' αυτάς. Εν τω μεταξύ θα οργανώσωμεν την άμυναν της νήσου και εάν η Τουρκία θέλει να κάμη απόβασιν και ακόμη εάν η Ελλάς δεν θελήση να μας ενισχύση η Κύπρος δύναται με τας ίδιας δυνάμεις να αποκρούσει τυχόν απόβασιν Τουρκικήν. Τούτο δε αμφιβάλλω εάν η Τουρκία θα τολμήση να κάμη τοιαύτην, όχι μόνον διότι μέχρι τούδε εμπλόφαρε αλλά και διότι η εσωτερική κατάστασίς της είναι τοιαύτη ώστε είναι αμφίβολον εάν είναι εις θέσιν να κάμη επιστράτευσιν και να αντιμετωπίση πόλεμον και εις τα σύνορα της Ηπειρωτικής και νησιώτικης Ελλάδας». Γ. Γρίβας, Ιανουάριος 1973..

Short translation: Enosis is possible today, as long as we and the Greek government want it. Remove Makarios, grab power and make an official request at the UN for enosis. Nobody will disagree and certainly nobody will dare to intervene. Turkey won't because our demand for enosis is internationally recognised. Our people did not approve of the London - Zurich agreements. We will organise our defense and if Turkey decides to intervene militarily, even if Greece decides not to lend a helping hand, we can successfully repel the Turks on our own. I seriously doubt whether Turkey would dare to try to invade Cyprus because Turkey is known to bluff its way around as it did in the past and because the internal situation in Turkey is such that it cannot mobilise her forces for war across continental Greece and on the islands.

P.S. Tomorrow, thousands of GC will flock to Limassol to remember and honour Grivas.
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Re: The Bloody Truth about Cyprus

Postby Hermes » Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:46 pm

Bananiot wrote:Remove Makarios, grab power and make an official request at the UN for enosis.

A treacherous act against the elected government of the time. Is this something we don't know?
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