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Re: The Joys of the Ignore List

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:04 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Not that bad from Larnaca! Catch the Emirates flight to Dubai which is about 4 hours and then from Dubai catch the Emirates to Melbourne or Sydney which is about 12 hours. Have a few days in the UAE with the family as well. You will enjoy it.

I know the damn routes… and they all suck!

Better a pushtis than fly to Australia! :?

The Dubai route is good. The B777-200ER they use is very comfortable as well.

If you go to London you could catch the QANTAS A380 which is non stop and you can get economy plus. Even better.
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Re: The Joys of the Ignore List

Postby Get Real! » Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:07 pm

Paphitis... you’re NUTS! You’re gonna fly 4 hours north to go 20 hours south? :?
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Re: The Joys of the Ignore List

Postby boomerang » Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:09 pm

Get Real! wrote:
boomerang wrote:goodnight guys, you too little hermes... :lol:

Where are you going? It's only 6pm! :wink:

what 6PM...try 3AM.... :lol:

anyway i thought i give little hermes a break...he might stop crying... :lol:

he is reduced to the general section since the main section belonged to me tonight... :lol:

i will email you tomorrow with what I am will be impressed...i am sure...
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Re: The Joys of the Ignore List

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:10 pm

Get Real! wrote:Paphitis... you’re NUTS! You’re gonna fly 4 hours north to go 20 hours south? :?

Only because you said that you don't like long flights so I thought you could incorporate a trip to Australia via a London stopover just to get on the A380 which is practically a flying hotel. :lol:
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Re: The Joys of the Ignore List

Postby Hermes » Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:17 pm

Cap wrote:Can you read this Hermes? :D

No problem, mate. Not planning to add any more just yet. :D

Funnily enough, I've hardly even noticed the bloke before. He says nothing I've ever paid attention to in all these years then makes a crass personal comment out of fucking nowhere. You've got to draw the line somewhere. And sheer fucking idiocy is my line.
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Re: The Joys of the Ignore List

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:28 pm

I don't make personal comments if you are referring to me Hermes.

I don't character assassinate but I have been the target of such childish rubbish and whenever that happens I am entitled to defend myself. Nothing I say is personal, but step on my toes and I will step on yours but I am never the instigator because no matter what, I was bought up to respect other individuals, never betray my friends and to love my country so much so, I am willing to make sacrifices, otherwise there will be no country that is worthwhile for my kids or the next generation of Cypriot! Do you see how I and You have let them down badly? Do you see how you continue to let them down?
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Re: The Joys of the Ignore List

Postby Hermes » Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:30 pm

Paphitis wrote:I don't make personal comments if you are referring to me Hermes.

I don't character assassinate but I have been the target of such childish rubbish and whenever that happens I am entitled to defend myself. Nothing I say is personal, but step on my toes and I will step on yours but I am never the instigator because no matter what, I was bought up to respect other individuals, never betray my friends and to love my country so much so, I am willing to make sacrifices, otherwise there will be no country that is worthwhile for my kids or the next generation of Cypriot! Do you see how I and You have let them down badly? Do you see how you continue to let them down?

No, Paphitis. I'm not referring to you. I don't have a problem with you. What gave you that impression? I took offence at inappropriate remarks from another forumer about members of my family who are missing. I regard that as off-limits and totally out of order.
Last edited by Hermes on Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Joys of the Ignore List

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:53 pm

Hermes wrote:
Paphitis wrote:I don't make personal comments if you are referring to me Hermes.

I don't character assassinate but I have been the target of such childish rubbish and whenever that happens I am entitled to defend myself. Nothing I say is personal, but step on my toes and I will step on yours but I am never the instigator because no matter what, I was bought up to respect other individuals, never betray my friends and to love my country so much so, I am willing to make sacrifices, otherwise there will be no country that is worthwhile for my kids or the next generation of Cypriot! Do you see how I and You have let them down badly? Do you see how you continue to let them down?

No, Paphitis. I'm not referring to you. I don't have a problem with you. What gave you that impression?

Well ok then! I thought you may have been talking about me that is all.

Let me tell you something about boomers. He is one of the nicest guys you can meet and he will be the first to shout you a beer. His comments can never be personal. There is a lot of frustration when discussing Cypriot politics and I will tell you why. We are on a steady road to destruction and what I mean by this is that the way we are going, the Turks are not going to leave. The only hope is to establish contacts and relationships with the nice TCs that are out there.

There are many things the RoC could have done from 74 and onwards which could have solved the problem by now. For example Kibrilisi should be compulsory at our schools. Everything we do breaks down a small barrier. Today I felt good because I sensed that a small barrier crumbled between MR-from-NG and I. I made him feel good and gave him a sense of hope and he did the same for me. That is what we all need to strive for if we love Cyprus as Cypriots.

It is these little things that we don't do enough of. So as we continue down our path it is only natural for people to feel frustrated because there are things we can do but we don't, some preferring to just dig the boot in which does absolutely nothing but perpetuate ill feeling and mistrust which is the biggest problem.

Boomers is not how you describe him. Take it from me that he is a very proud Cypriot.

And if you go back and read those remarks you will see that he did not make any nasty remarks about any of the missing. He would never do such a thing. On the contrary, the point that was being made us that we do not care enough about the missing or their families.
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Re: The Joys of the Ignore List

Postby Hermes » Thu Jan 26, 2012 8:13 pm

Paphitis wrote: We are on a steady road to destruction and what I mean by this is that the way we are going, the Turks are not going to leave. The only hope is to establish contacts and relationships with the nice TCs that are out there.

Look, Paphitis. The personal relations between the two communities are not an insurmountable problem. Most sensible TCs would like to see the back of the Turkish army as well. The fact remains that the Turkish army is the problem and they are stationed here to serve Turkey's supposed geo-strategic interests. Our goal is not simply to nail the lie that the army is here because the two communities can't live together. It's also to make Turkey understand that it is in Turkey's interests to withdraw from Cyprus. That is where the pressure point is.

Turkey is just as keen to weaken and destroy the TCs as any rabid GC nationalist of the past. It's in their interests in fact. Turkey wants a docile population in the north and that is what they are striving for. Turkey is the enemy of both TCs and GCs. That is what needs to be understood. This obsession with the actions of the fascist Greek Colonels in the 1960s, which some on here have, misses the point by a long way. And is nothing but a distraction. It won't get Turkey out of Cyprus. Because there are no fascist Colonels in Greece anymore. But there are still fascist Turkish troops in Cyprus.
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Re: The Joys of the Ignore List

Postby joe » Fri Jan 27, 2012 12:40 am

Hermes wrote:After several years on this forum, I decided I wanted to ignore the posts of another forum member whose moronic stupidity really offended me. Nothing to do with politics. Just incredible stupidity and crassness. So I went to my control panel and found the "friends and foes" feature and added this individual to my ignore list.

Now whenever this idiot makes a post I don't have to read it! It's bloody brilliant. So far they are the only person on my list. But it's a great feature. I recommend it to all forum members.

So don't put up with idiots. Just add them to your ignore list... :D

I know exactly who you are talking about! :lol:
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