So, Today I was inspired to cook, So i went to the Halal butcher got my meat and mince then went to the market and got my vegs and herbs.
I am cooking 2 Arabic dishes.
Potatoes casserole cooked with hot peppers, fresh peas, carrots, chopped red meat, herbs (of course) and onions all cooked in fresh tomato juice (or paste if don't have a mixer-fresh juice is more tastier tho) banged in the oven.
Mesaqaa -- sliced and salted aubergines, mince beef, garlic, sliced tomato, sliced green, peppers, chopped hot peppers and lots of cooking oil!!!!!
Fry everything then soak it in cooked tomato sauce (you fry the tomato paste with oil, garlic and herbs till its colour go really really dark and the oil float on the top. then that's it a nice Arabic aubergine salad.
Well, dont ask me what I am going to serve it with cause I simply cant cook Arabic rise. I may get bread but I am not convinced ...
Anyway I cant wait to finish work and go start my kitchen madness (does anyone fancy cleaning and washing up after???)
I will come back and tell you if it worked out (I printed the receipt from a book) if not then I am in the ER .