Imperialist views? I think someone needs to take a real good look at themselves because unless I am mistaken they live in Britain (not that this is important in my view) but there is a very clear case of double standards.
So quick to slander the UK at every opportunity and yet you choose to live there. Well if Britain is almost as bad as Turkey, in your view, then in my book that would make you a traitor, but I draw the line at labelling anyone with such depravity, just because they disagree.
No, for me, Cyprus is the alpha and omega (sorry GR for borrowing your term, but it explains my feelings best), and I am VERY nationalistic about Cyprus and want to see it unified. I want to see ALL CYPRIOTS unified, and I will not play this Greek or Turkish tit for tat nonsense. Both are as bad as each other and the sooner this nonsense ends, the better chance Cyprus will have to rebuid itself.
I am big enough to forego this Hellenism nonsense for the greater good of MY island, and I will say it from a far and in Cyprus wehenever I please. Being Cypriot is the only thing that CAN unite Cyprus, and that is what I am, unlike you dear (whether born in Cyprus or not).