CBBB wrote:Paphitis wrote:They even tell us natives that they came to our island and bought us civilization when the fact of the matter is, we had our own script when they were stil swinging from tree to tree!

Aborigines can write?
Actually, you would be surprised. Their are something like 100 different native languages from as many tribes. But they did not have a text as far as we know. And their artwork dates back some 40,000 years.
Also, the boomerang should be viewed as an amazing hunting implement/instrument. It is a precision instrument that functions by the laws of Physics, namely aerodynamics. It is basically a flying wing.
So if the aborigines were Hellenic, they would claim to have invented the first flying wing 40,000 years ago thus laying the foundation of modern day aviation. But the aborigines are humble creatures unlike the Greek Ottomans that frequent this forum.