kimon07 wrote:kimon07 wrote:Get Real! wrote:And Greek was invented on Cyprus by Cypriots! ... 151297.php Next idiot please...
GR, I am grateful to you for your post. Fantastic. You simply verified what I was claiming all along. That Cyprus has been for centuries a cradle of Hellenism and that we, Cypriots, had no connection with that "pig nest" you keep bringing up (Choiro - koitia I mean).
Oh and one question. Are you plain stupid or Crypto-Hellen?Here is an extract from your link:
"A classics and linguistics scholar has found a bridge between the pre-alphabetic scripts of the ancient Greeks of Cyprus and the Greek alphabet -- and argues that the Mediterranean island is therefore most likely the place where the Greek alphabet was invented".
Thinking of it again I conclude you are a very proud Hellen after all.
There is no such thing as “Greeks of Cyprus” anymore than you can have “Turks of Spain”!
Once you move to a new country and start having children and grandchildren the new generations adopt the new country’s identity and culture, so the author is wrong in using such a description.
Btw Kimon… “Hellenism” is an invention of the early 1800s so it’s pretty stupid to try to apply it to people who existed one or two thousand years earlier.