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Apple's worth more than Greece!

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Apple's worth more than Greece!

Postby johbee » Fri Jan 20, 2012 1:39 pm


Hell I'm probably worth more than Greece! ... -20210170/
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Re: Apple's worth more than Greece!

Postby Paphitis » Fri Jan 20, 2012 1:42 pm

Maybe the Greeks are going to ask Apple to bail them out! :lol:

News flash! Apple announce new austerity tax on IPhone and IPad products, and a VAT on all ITunes purchases! :lol:
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Re: Apple's worth more than Greece!

Postby Get Real! » Fri Jan 20, 2012 1:44 pm

I’ll bet Bill Gates regrets repeatedly propping up Apple in the 80s and 90s so as to overcome monopoly issues!

The truth is Apple should’ve been dead & buried ages ago and if it weren’t for corrupt US judges (some of which allegedly had an interest in Apple) Steve Jobs would’ve died jobless and penniless and Gates owned Greece and Turkey!
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Re: Apple's worth more than Greece!

Postby Hermes » Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:00 pm

Pathetic. Same report says that Apple is worth more than a lot of countries including Argentina, Austria and South Africa. Why pick on Greece in the headline? Why not 'Apple is bigger than Austria'? Or is it to have a cheap laugh at Greece?
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Re: Apple's worth more than Greece!

Postby Paphitis » Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:04 pm

There is plenty to pick on I'm afraid! 8)

Now, even the entire G20 is being asked to bail Greece out. In Australia, there is a debate about how much money Australia will contribute to Greece's bail out!

I will be so pissed off if my tax dollars are squandered on Greece! I pay nearly 45% of my income in tax. One of the highest tax rates in the world, which is why I am contemplating Hong Kong at 15% flat.

We can do with some tax cuts in this country! :evil:
Last edited by Paphitis on Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Apple's worth more than Greece!

Postby johbee » Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:07 pm

Get Real! wrote:I’ll bet Bill Gates regrets repeatedly propping up Apple in the 80s and 90s so as to overcome monopoly issues!

The truth is Apple should've been dead & buried ages ago and if it weren't for corrupt US judges (some of which allegedly had an interest in Apple) Steve Jobs would've died jobless and penniless and Gates owned Greece and Turkey!

It was the Ipod, Iphone, and IPad that saved Apple. The Mac's are still lagging behind in popularity and microshit still dominates the business world. I can send ten emails on my IPad before I even get my notebook with it's antiquated Windows OS booted. And if I'm lucky it won't be completing it's ridiculous updates and take another ten minutes to get going. In fact I believe it was Bill Gates who at one time worked for apple and stole the old Mac ideas (3&1/2 floppies, the mouse, and the "windows look" ) and took them to microsoft. Back then microsoft only had DOS which they bought from another developer.
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Re: Apple's worth more than Greece!

Postby Paphitis » Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:21 pm

You got to admit, Apple do have really good products.

Anything and everything is at your fingertips. No longer have to carry heavy manuals for starters. You can legally use an IPAD for all your needs as long as there is a back up (a second IPAD or manuals).
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Re: Apple's worth more than Greece!

Postby Hermes » Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:43 pm

Paphitis wrote:There is plenty to pick on I'm afraid! 8)

Now, even the entire G20 is being asked to bail Greece out. In Australia, there is a debate about how much money Australia will contribute to Greece's bail out!

I will be so pissed off if my tax dollars are squandered on Greece! I pay nearly 45% of my income in tax. One of the highest tax rates in the world, which is why I am contemplating Hong Kong at 15% flat.

We can do with some tax cuts in this country! :evil:

Paphitis. The bail out funds are not for Greece. They are for the insolvent European banks. Greece won't get a penny. The money goes straight to its creditors who were stupid enough to lend the money in the first place.

And the G20 are being asked not to save Greece but themselves! Italy is now in the crazy situation of being asked to contribute to the IMF bail-out fund so that the IMF can lend the money straight back to Italy!

The EU leaders are trying to save their own skins. Greece is just the scapegoat. In reality the EU and IMF are clueless and have made the situation worse by refusing to face up to the fact that the French and German banks are bankrupt and they are making us taxpayers fork out to keep them from going under...
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Re: Apple's worth more than Greece!

Postby Hermes » Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:46 pm

Paphitis wrote:You got to admit, Apple do have really good products.

Anything and everything is at your fingertips. No longer have to carry heavy manuals for starters. You can legally use an IPAD for all your needs as long as there is a back up (a second IPAD or manuals).

I'm waiting for the next one to come out - the ipad 3? Had a play with current one recently and was very impressed! Not sure about storage though. 16-64gb doesn't seem like much these days. Also not sure about how I'd get on typing long documents. I think you can get an external keyboard though. Not sure I'd give up my desktop for one but as a secondary casual machine I'm sold....
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Re: Apple's worth more than Greece!

Postby Paphitis » Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:55 pm

Hermes wrote:
Paphitis wrote:There is plenty to pick on I'm afraid! 8)

Now, even the entire G20 is being asked to bail Greece out. In Australia, there is a debate about how much money Australia will contribute to Greece's bail out!

I will be so pissed off if my tax dollars are squandered on Greece! I pay nearly 45% of my income in tax. One of the highest tax rates in the world, which is why I am contemplating Hong Kong at 15% flat.

We can do with some tax cuts in this country! :evil:

Paphitis. The bail out funds are not for Greece. They are for the insolvent European banks. Greece won't get a penny. The money goes straight to its creditors who were stupid enough to lend the money in the first place.

And the G20 are being asked not to save Greece but themselves! Italy is now in the crazy situation of being asked to contribute to the IMF bail-out fund so that the IMF can lend the money straight back to Italy!

The EU leaders are trying to save their own skins. Greece is just the scapegoat. In reality the EU and IMF are clueless and have made the situation worse by refusing to face up to the fact that the French and German banks are bankrupt and they are making us taxpayers fork out to keep them from going under...

The banks were not stupid when they were lending money to Greece and everything was hunky dory when Greece was on the take and whilst the banks make 17% only because the Greek Government ran the economy into the ground. That is Greece's fault and the majority of creditors bought bonds when things were still good, the riskier lenders knowing the risks but liking the high returns.

Sorry Hermes, but Greece only has itself to blame. The richer nations of the EU and the G20 don't like it when they have to pay for this fallout, and I could swear that a bailout was mentioned for Greece even by the Aussie Government in order to keep the contagion from spreading to Italy and the banking sector. In fact it was mentioned at the last G20 meeting.

I don't see why we should pay, when we are so overtaxed already. Let Greece default. And let the banks fail.

Good night!
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