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Apple's worth more than Greece!

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Re: Apple's worth more than Greece!

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:09 am

And one more thing. If the G20 has so much spare cash that bailing out creditors and Greece seems to be an option on their agenda, then why have they not spent all that money in Africa to provide sanitation, clean water, medicine, vaccinations, clothing, food and to build some schools? I bet all that money would go a long way in Africa.

I would prefer our taxes being spent in Africa instead of being used to bail out Banks and Greece, especially since Greece and its people have made their country unsustainable.
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Re: Apple's worth more than Greece!

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:16 am

Paphitis wrote:And one more thing. If the G20 has so much spare cash that bailing out creditors and Greece seems to be an option on their agenda, then why have they not spent all that money in Africa to provide sanitation, clean water, medicine, vaccinations, clothing, food and to build some schools? I bet all that money would go a long way in Africa.

I would prefer our taxes being spent in Africa instead of being used to bail out Banks and Greece, especially since Greece and its people have made their country unsustainable.

Perhaps first some of the African leaders should stop robbing their people blind mand put the Billions they are stealing into such projects.
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Re: Apple's worth more than Greece!

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:18 am

I for one have come to realize that Greeks are the sick people of Europe, and Australia.

They are cancerous leeches that should have their citizenship withdrawn and deported back to Ottomania where they belong. They clearly do not belong in Australia which has one of the strongest developed economies in the world and a atrong work ethic. They will only weaken our very nation.

They have a lot to answer for and there is no wonder everyone seems to make fun of these out of their depth and uncouth village delinquents.
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Re: Apple's worth more than Greece!

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:21 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:
Paphitis wrote:And one more thing. If the G20 has so much spare cash that bailing out creditors and Greece seems to be an option on their agenda, then why have they not spent all that money in Africa to provide sanitation, clean water, medicine, vaccinations, clothing, food and to build some schools? I bet all that money would go a long way in Africa.

I would prefer our taxes being spent in Africa instead of being used to bail out Banks and Greece, especially since Greece and its people have made their country unsustainable.

Perhaps first some of the African leaders should stop robbing their people blind mand put the Billions they are stealing into such projects.

I see what you are saying, but sending aid to Africa instead of the Banks or Greece may, we hope, feed and keep alive millions of starving African kids. Greeks on the other hand never learn from their mistakes and so bailing them out is just a waste of our taxes.
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Re: Apple's worth more than Greece!

Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:05 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Those people who have jumped on the slagging bandwagon and turned against Greece because they like to hang around with the 'popular kids', looking 'cool', taking cheap shots, only demonstrate their lack of individuality.

They are sickening.

They are Turks :!:
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Re: Apple's worth more than Greece!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:45 pm

yialousa1971 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Those people who have jumped on the slagging bandwagon and turned against Greece because they like to hang around with the 'popular kids', looking 'cool', taking cheap shots, only demonstrate their lack of individuality.

They are sickening.

They are Turks :!:

They are sycophants. Even more sickening is when they jump on another bandwagon and with total lack of sincerity assume a sudden interest in starving African children, for example. As though it makes them better people to authoritatively deny one group of people some fantasy 'money' which they can automatically, with grandiose virtual generosity, gift to another group. A group they have a choice to help earnestly, but would not normally. Bountiful ignorance feeds their ego.
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Re: Apple's worth more than Greece!

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 22, 2012 12:07 am

So why should any country, like Australia or the G20, "gift" any money to European Banks and not to poor African Nations?

Seriously, I saw a doco recently about the situation in Somalia and Ethiopia, and as a new parent I was literally heartbroken to see very young children, probably between the ages of 1 and 15, famished, and very sick. The look from their eyes tells a thousand words and this is the prime example of what is wrong with this world, not the bankrupt banks or Greece which has contributed to their demise resulting in a global recession resulting in even less aid being sent, aid which was already inadequate.

I am more sincere than you, and those images really did effect me. They effect more far more now that I am a new parent than ever before.

When I see these images, the eyes to the soul, I see my own son or daughter.
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Re: Apple's worth more than Greece!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Jan 22, 2012 12:21 am

Very noble and sincere. It touches your oikos. Mouth off.
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Re: Apple's worth more than Greece!

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 22, 2012 12:45 am

No it does not effect my oikos, I am just more sensitive about it these days maybe be wise I am getting older or definitely because I believe that no child should suffer like that.

The G20 and EU need to get their priorities right because every child that dies from such a situation should be viewed as blood on our hands and we can not be doing a Pontius by washing them.
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Re: Apple's worth more than Greece!

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 22, 2012 12:58 am

Who was it that liberated Europe? US from the west and Russia from the east!

Did they have to do it? Probably not!

In fact they might not have entered WW2. That is where the Japanese stuffed up when they bombed Pearl Harbour. The US was going to sit it out until their turf was attacked. That is where Greeks, in fact most of Europe would be drinking Snapps today. :lol:

And the Japanese were a most terrible foe. Their culture dictates no surrender and an honorable death by the sword for Japan and the Emperor. It was harder fighting them than the Germans and the US had to fight both.

So of course, the US is a key ally. They don't need to prove that to you, and capitalism is the last thing on their mind when it comes the lives of their diggers having to do it again, God forbid.
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