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do i have the right to have the item replaced? after 10 days

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Re: do i have the right to have the item replaced? after 10

Postby Get Real! » Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:18 pm

mouserider wrote:i dont have to)
Omg guys , i m asking about it , cose i dont know regarding pc components, but in Cyprus, i was changing glasses,clothes, watches e.t.c
just because i want to change it,

You’re such a spoilt little shit I wanna thump you so bad! :evil:
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Re: do i have the right to have the item replaced? after 10

Postby Maximus » Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:45 pm

European distance selling directive.

"Consumer's right to cancel the contract within a minimum of 7 working days without giving any reason and without penalty, except the cost of returning the goods (right of withdrawal)" ... dex_en.htm

what is the shops return policy?
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Re: do i have the right to have the item replaced? after 10

Postby Mikiko » Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:30 pm

With technology goods like pc , software , accessories companies do not accept returns . This is the same everywhere in Europe . If for example you try to change a software after you have opened the package no one will accept it in Europe or anywhere else Its not the same as any other good like clothes or watch.
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Re: do i have the right to have the item replaced? after 10

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:34 pm

Maximus wrote:European distance selling directive.

"Consumer's right to cancel the contract within a minimum of 7 working days without giving any reason and without penalty, except the cost of returning the goods (right of withdrawal)" ... dex_en.htm

what is the shops return policy?

That's for online or catalogue shopping not high street shops.
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Re: do i have the right to have the item replaced? after 10

Postby FragnaticDeath » Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:52 pm

Get Real! wrote:
mouserider wrote:im actually dont know regarding Cyprus law, but in europe i can change the item, if im not satisfactory for me it says
"If the item you bought does not look or function as it was advertised, or if it is not satisfactory, you have the right to have the item replaced or to get your money back if the replacement was not completed in a reasonable time at no extra cost"

just want to check if it works in Cyprus

So tell us why its' not satisfactory...

And btw, did you upgrade its BIOS?

You should!

Get Real I don't know what your deal is into computer hardware but why on earth would he upgrade the BIOS. YOU SHOULD NEVER MESS AROUND WITH A BIOS of hardware unless the actual product has compatibility problems. SINCE it does not there is no need to.

In England if you are not satisfied with certain components you can return it to the company no problem, but in less than 4 days I think not sure... Don't know whats the deal in Cyprus though!
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Re: do i have the right to have the item replaced? after 10

Postby Maximus » Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:55 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Maximus wrote:European distance selling directive.

"Consumer's right to cancel the contract within a minimum of 7 working days without giving any reason and without penalty, except the cost of returning the goods (right of withdrawal)" ... dex_en.htm

what is the shops return policy?

That's for online or catalogue shopping not high street shops.

I know.
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Re: do i have the right to have the item replaced? after 10

Postby Get Real! » Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:15 pm

FragnaticDeath wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
mouserider wrote:im actually dont know regarding Cyprus law, but in europe i can change the item, if im not satisfactory for me it says
"If the item you bought does not look or function as it was advertised, or if it is not satisfactory, you have the right to have the item replaced or to get your money back if the replacement was not completed in a reasonable time at no extra cost"

just want to check if it works in Cyprus

So tell us why its' not satisfactory...

And btw, did you upgrade its BIOS?

You should!

Get Real I don't know what your deal is into computer hardware but why on earth would he upgrade the BIOS. YOU SHOULD NEVER MESS AROUND WITH A BIOS of hardware unless the actual product has compatibility problems. SINCE it does not there is no need to.

Did he not say he’s not satisfied with it? Well it can’t be anything to do with the way the card looks but the way the card performs and given that many graphic cards may be on the shelf for 1-2 years before they get sold then a BIOS upgrade is a must for bug fixes and improved performance in conjunction with the latest driver directly from the manufacturer.

BIOS upgrades to motherboards, graphics cards, and DVD drives are pretty common these days at the user level and mostly done from Windows in a very user friendly procedure.
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Re: do i have the right to have the item replaced? after 10

Postby fig head » Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:15 pm

Well, when you are not satisfied with an item you bought after (4-7 days depend of the country and policy) you cant take it back to where you bought it from but you can send it back to the manufacturers of the item and get refunded in one case (when on the item it says so) lol

wtf i bought a bag of salt and vinegar crisps , opened it then decided i don't like the flavour so I took it back to the kiosk i bought it from and asked them if I can replace it with bacon crisps ... If you were the kiosk owner-work there or what ever, what would your reaction be like??

same thing really wt the question in this topic.....

the kiosk owner-worker would think you e either taking the mick or u winding him up and he will probably give u a kick in the bottom or box in the face....... :o :x :x
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Re: do i have the right to have the item replaced? after 10

Postby mouserider » Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:52 am

Thanks to everyone
as i thought, for hardware different return policy.

You’re such a spoilt little shit I wanna thump you so bad!

go ahead, on the forum all are "chuck norris"
say to me this in the face

you want, haha, that all you can do, you can just write in the forum, that you wanna.

Yeah dude you are really cool, i afraid of you so much, all girls on forum now want to have babies from you, how cool you are.
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Re: do i have the right to have the item replaced? after 10

Postby Get Real! » Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:36 am

mouserider wrote:
You’re such a spoilt little shit I wanna thump you so bad!

go ahead, on the forum all are "chuck norris"
say to me this in the face

you want, haha, that all you can do, you can just write in the forum, that you wanna.

Yeah dude you are really cool, i afraid of you so much, all girls on forum now want to have babies from you, how cool you are.

Only women buy so much shit and keep taking it back you little faggot!

Like I said… you’re definitely thumping material but you needn’t worry because you can always take back your redefined face and get a replacement at a plastic surgeon… maybe a Gaga look alike or some other poof!
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