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The obituary of Denktas

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Re: The obituary of Denktas

Postby Hermes » Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:25 pm

Kikapu wrote:I make the argument, that Denktash's supposed rejection of the AP was nothing but a con game, by making the GCs believe, that if Denktash was against the AP, then it must be bad for the TCs/Turkey and good for the GCs. Well, 24% of the GCs did in fact fall for the con. It was one more dreamed up underhanded attempt by Turkey to convince the GCs to vote YES on the AP, along with the supposedly EU giving promises of direct trade with the north and even recognition should the GCs said OXI. Every angle was tried by Turkey for the GCs to vote YES on the AP in order for the Cypriots to lose the island to Turkey and to prevent ALL the problems Turkey is now facing regarding her membership with the EU, RoC being part of the EU territory, Oil & Gas, support the RoC is now getting from major actors, the RoC solidifying it's sovereignty and so on. After the AP failed, which I'm certain Denktash was upset with the results, what else could he say other than what our friend keeps repeating the same slogan what Denktash may have said, which was "Thank God the GCs said OXI". He could hardly say, "Shit, The GCs called my bluff and didn't fall for the con". Really? Is this what our good friend Bananiot was waiting for Denktash to say. Surely not!

That's a good hypothesis, kikapu. Sort of like a good cop/bad cop scenario with Denktash in the role of bad cop. The fact remains that on its own merits the Annan Plan was seriously flawed and unjust. I'm a little surprised Bananiot is prepared to peddle the argument that Denktash disapproved of the Annan Plan therefore we should have supported it. After all, that's a negative strategy he always accuses "patriots" of taking.
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Re: The obituary of Denktas

Postby Kikapu » Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:45 pm

Hermes wrote:
Kikapu wrote:I make the argument, that Denktash's supposed rejection of the AP was nothing but a con game, by making the GCs believe, that if Denktash was against the AP, then it must be bad for the TCs/Turkey and good for the GCs. Well, 24% of the GCs did in fact fall for the con. It was one more dreamed up underhanded attempt by Turkey to convince the GCs to vote YES on the AP, along with the supposedly EU giving promises of direct trade with the north and even recognition should the GCs said OXI. Every angle was tried by Turkey for the GCs to vote YES on the AP in order for the Cypriots to lose the island to Turkey and to prevent ALL the problems Turkey is now facing regarding her membership with the EU, RoC being part of the EU territory, Oil & Gas, support the RoC is now getting from major actors, the RoC solidifying it's sovereignty and so on. After the AP failed, which I'm certain Denktash was upset with the results, what else could he say other than what our friend keeps repeating the same slogan what Denktash may have said, which was "Thank God the GCs said OXI". He could hardly say, "Shit, The GCs called my bluff and didn't fall for the con". Really? Is this what our good friend Bananiot was waiting for Denktash to say. Surely not!

That's a good hypothesis, kikapu. Sort of like a good cop/bad cop scenario with Denktash in the role of bad cop. The fact remains that on its own merits the Annan Plan was seriously flawed and unjust. I'm a little surprised Bananiot is prepared to peddle the argument that Denktash disapproved of the Annan Plan therefore we should have supported it. After all, that's a negative strategy he always accuses "patriots" of taking.

Sometimes I believe Bananiot takes views and what was said by others at face value, which is an indication of someone who is very trusting, even if it's against Turkey who is occupying part of his country. As much as I find that his "trusting" is very admirable in the perfect world, it is not so in the real world where political shenanigans are the order of the day, specially in trusting a superior military power which occupies part of your country through ethnic cleansing of almost half his fellow citizens from their homes and land, to still trust in them to do the right thing. I on the other hand do not take views and what was said by others on face value, and neither am I that trusting of others to do the right thing, specially once all the facts on AP was revealed after 2004, which was far worse than the 1959 Zurich agreements, hence the reasons why I question everything, specially when something doesn't make sense, and if it doesn't make sense, often it is not true!
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Re: The obituary of Denktas

Postby Get Real! » Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:56 pm

I cannot understand why there’s so much fascination with the AP by some…even more so by its critics!

Some people wrote pages and pages why it’s so terrible!

Is it some kind of masochistic thing? :?
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Re: The obituary of Denktas

Postby Kikapu » Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:00 pm

Get Real! wrote:I cannot understand why there’s so much fascination with the AP by some…even more so by its critics!

Some people wrote pages and pages why it’s so terrible!

Is it some kind of masochistic thing? :?

I plead guilty, your honour! :lol:
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Re: The obituary of Denktas

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:25 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Hermes wrote:
Bananiot wrote:
I would also add that he got on very well with Papadopoulos too. Their agenda only differed in the small print.

Come off it, Bananiot. It does you no credit to peddle these sort of arguments. Papadopoulos opposed the Annan Plan for vastly different reasons to those of Denktash. Denktash wanted nothing less than full independence for the pirate state. He was too belligerent and hate-filled to realise the Annan Plan would've given Turkey more or less what it wanted just short of a separate state.

Just because Denktash opposed the Annan Plan it didn't make it a just deal for Cyprus. That's an absurd and illogical argument. Any solution needs to be judged on its own merits and by common consent the Annan Plan was a disgraceful attempt to legalise the Turkish occupation and make Cyprus little more than a Turkish protectorate.

I make the argument, that Denktash's supposed rejection of the AP was nothing but a con game, by making the GCs believe, that if Denktash was against the AP, then it must be bad for the TCs/Turkey and good for the GCs. Well, 24% of the GCs did in fact fall for the con. It was one more dreamed up underhanded attempt by Turkey to convince the GCs to vote YES on the AP, along with the supposedly EU giving promises of direct trade with the north and even recognition should the GCs said OXI. Every angle was tried by Turkey for the GCs to vote YES on the AP in order for the Cypriots to lose the island to Turkey and to prevent ALL the problems Turkey is now facing regarding her membership with the EU, RoC being part of the EU territory, Oil & Gas, support the RoC is now getting from major actors, the RoC solidifying it's sovereignty and so on. After the AP failed, which I'm certain Denktash was upset with the results, what else could he say other than what our friend keeps repeating the same slogan what Denktash may have said, which was "Thank God the GCs said OXI". He could hardly say, "Shit, The GCs called my bluff and didn't fall for the con". Really? Is this what our good friend Bananiot was waiting for Denktash to say. Surely not!

Your hypothesis sounds highly probable in view of the fact that the man was a sworn aficionado of false flag games.
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Re: The obituary of Denktas

Postby Bananiot » Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:32 pm

Are you replying to my post or to Sener's post?
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Re: The obituary of Denktas

Postby humanist » Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:36 pm

The AP was a bad plan based on ethnic and racial discrimination against the majority of the population.
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Re: The obituary of Denktas

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:06 pm

Get Real! wrote:
As a rule of thumb if an article is sweet music to your ears chances are it’s bogus.

Raise your standards people… ... icle01.htm

Reh GR... can you add these to the archive please, as part of the Legacy of the late Rough...

They are both the original UN Sec General Reports from which believe the Republic derived this famous paragraph, the Self-Segregation Claim ...

"The Turkish Cypriot leaders have adhered to a rigid stand against any measures which might involve having members of the two communities live and work together, or which might place "Turkish Cypriots" in situations where they would have to acknowledge the authority of Government agents. Indeed, since the Turkish Cypriot leadership is committed to physical and geographical separation of the communities as a political goal, it is not likely to encourage activities by Turkish Cypriots which may be interpreted as demonstrating the merits of an alternative policy. The result has been a seemingly deliberate policy of self-segregation by the "Turkish Cypriots"

S/6426 and S/6228 ... penElement ... penElement
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Re: The obituary of Denktas

Postby Bananiot » Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:08 pm

Kikapu, I will not reciprocate. I could take your lead and weave so many interesting theories that could make Agatha Kristie blush. Instead I will dwell on the true facts. Papadopoulos sent a letter to Annan in December 2003, literally begging him to convene talks, in order to solve the Cyprus issue before May the 1st 2004, when Cyprus would become a full member of EU, because if the Cyprus issue was not solved (his exact wording) by then, we would face europartition of the island.

Of course he did not mean it, we all knew how he felt about BBF, but he thought he could play a game, just like many other GC leaders tried to do in the past (more notably Makarios). He probably fooled the "black" man and G. Verheugen himself, along with the rest of the leadership of the EU.

However, the most important player, Turkey, knew exactly where Papadopoulos was heading and went along with him. Denktash and his son knew long before the rest of the world that Papdopoulos was going to vote down any attempt to solve the Cyprus issue on the basis of BBF. He revealed himself during a secret meeting they had in Papadopoulos's home.

Papadopoulos needed, however, to secure a plan that was as bad for the GC as possible. In this way the criticism against him from the international community would be milder and not so damaging. He refused to ask for Karpasia when the peninsula was there to be claimed and went missing during a critical time of the discussions. Turkey and Denktash helped him to realise his "noble" aims, of saving Cyprus from solution. Why in heaven would Erdogan thwart the GC's from voting yes by claiming publicly that the plan was great for Turkey's interests? If Turkey felt that the plan was so good for it, then Erdogan and indeed anyone in his place, would claim that the plan was bad for Turkey, appealing to the ignorance of the locals who formulate policies and make decisions according to the signals sent by the others than as a result of scientific analysis.

Almost 8 years after, not a single Turkish soldier has left. Not a single GC refugee has returned. Not an inch of ground has been returned to the RoC. The number of settlers has grown enormously. The north is now totally turkified. The european solution Papadopoulos promised instead of BBF has not materialised. Papadopoulos legacy lives on and the majority of GC's are now ardent supporters of Denktash's line. Those on one side and us on the other side!

Of course, Piratis and the rest of his creed can fool themselves that this would be a temporary measure. Until the balance changes to our favour and the timid Cyps would become fearful warriors that will scare the "Mongols" back to where they came from.
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Re: The obituary of Denktas

Postby Get Real! » Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:24 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Reh GR... can you add these to the archive please, as part of the Legacy of the late Rough...

They are both the original UN Sec General Reports from which believe the Republic derived this famous paragraph, the Self-Segregation Claim ...

"The Turkish Cypriot leaders have adhered to a rigid stand against any measures which might involve having members of the two communities live and work together, or which might place "Turkish Cypriots" in situations where they would have to acknowledge the authority of Government agents. Indeed, since the Turkish Cypriot leadership is committed to physical and geographical separation of the communities as a political goal, it is not likely to encourage activities by Turkish Cypriots which may be interpreted as demonstrating the merits of an alternative policy. The result has been a seemingly deliberate policy of self-segregation by the "Turkish Cypriots"

S/6426 and S/6228 ... penElement ... penElement

I'm getting a...
"There is an end-user problem. If you have reached this site from a web link"

...right now when I click these links but I'll check them later. Back in 2008/9 when I did this site I couldn't find S/6426 on the net but Erol was kind enough to give it to me so if they've got it online now that's great.
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