Do you surf the web from work? I mean for reasons not related to your work. If yes, how many hours are you pointlessly surfing the web instead of working hard? Do you use programs like ICQ and MSN messenger at work?
I surf the web for hours each day - but sort of being the Boss helps - the site are mainly related to Cyprus, which directly or indirectly help me with my services here.
Maybe 10% is spent looking at fun things: basically window shopping - I have just ordered a gold plated mobile from the UK - bling bling!
The only reason I come to work is to surf the net!
I mean, sure I could stay at home and not work, but bugger paying for the net!!
We have a guy at work and he always stays until late. The reason is that at his home he doens't have adsl. I surf the web at work too ... when my boss is not around