bill cobbett wrote:Hermes wrote:Interesting news. This is one more reason why Turkey cannot stay in Cyprus indefinitely. Not just the cost of maintaining an occupation army overseas and subsidising a broken economy but there are legal implications and financial penalties from depriving people of their land and properties.
Does this set a precedent for all refugees to make a claim against Turkey for damages? Anyone know?
Erm some quick guesses on that H... Firstly of course these are old pre-ipc cases. There are violations on two Articles of the ECHR. One is the outright property issue under Article 1 of Protocal 1 and we know the ECHR's view on that is go to the "ipc". The second one is an Article no. 8 violation, the respect for home and private life article, for which the "ipc" may not be the "effective local remedy" that the ECHR and others would have us believe. So it may be of value that this second violation (Articlebe separated from the "property" article and tested on its own.
Needs research.
Thanks for that, Bill. I expect we'll hear more about this issue...
The Republic of Cyprus (RoC) has asked the Council of Europe to freeze discussion on immoveable property and housing in relation to Cyprus and the ‘TRNC’ until the European Court of Human Rights ECHR clarifies a list of legal questions in relation Greek Cypriot property rights in the north.
The November 3 letter asked the ECHR to clarify that appeals to the IPC do not annihilate Turkey’s human rights obligations.
Marcoullis said they had a “very good case and documentation” on Turkey’s continual violation of the 2001 ECHR ruling. ... y/20111129