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The speech that got President John F. Kennedy killed

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The speech that got President John F. Kennedy killed

Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:07 am

President John F. Kennedy, The Federal Reserve and Executive Order 11110

On June 4, 1963, a little known attempt was made to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest. On that day President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. Mr. Kennedy's order gave the Treasury the power "to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury." This meant that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury's vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation. In all, Kennedy brought nearly $4.3 billion in U.S. notes into circulation. The ramifications of this bill are enormous.

With the stroke of a pen, Mr. Kennedy was on his way to putting the Federal Reserve Bank of New York out of business. If enough of these silver certificates were to come into circulation they would have eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve notes. This is because the silver certificates are backed by silver and the Federal Reserve notes are not backed by anything. Executive Order 11110 could have prevented the national debt from reaching its current level, because it would have given the government the ability to repay its debt without going to the Federal Reserve and being charged interest in order to create the new money. Executive Order 11110 gave the U.S. the ability to create its own money backed by silver.

After Mr. Kennedy was assassinated just five months later, no more silver certificates were issued. The Final Call has learned that the Executive Order was never repealed by any U.S. President through an Executive Order and is still valid. Why then has no president utilized it? Virtually all of the nearly $6 trillion in debt has been created since 1963, and if a U.S. president had utilized Executive Order 11110 the debt would be nowhere near the current level. Perhaps the assassination of JFK was a warning to future presidents who would think to eliminate the U.S. debt by eliminating the Federal Reserve's control over the creation of money. Mr. Kennedy challenged the government of money by challenging the two most successful vehicles that have ever been used to drive up debt - war and the creation of money by a privately-owned central bank. His efforts to have all troops out of Vietnam by 1965 and Executive Order 11110 would have severely cut into the profits and control of the New York banking establishment. As America's debt reaches unbearable levels and one conflict after another emerges in Bosnia, then Afghanistan, Iraq and threatens in Iran, each of which has further increased America's debt, one is force to ask, which President will have the courage to consider utilizing Executive Order 11110 and, if so, is he willing to pay the ultimate price for doing so?


By virtue of the authority vested in me by section 301 of title 3 of the United States Code, it is ordered as follows:

Section 1. Executive Order No. 10289 of September 19, 1951, as amended, is hereby further amended-

By adding at the end of paragraph 1 thereof the following subparagraph (j):

(j) The authority vested in the President by paragraph (b) of section 43 of the Act of May 12,1933, as amended (31 U.S.C.821(b)), to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury not then held for redemption of any outstanding silver certificates, to prescribe the denomination of such silver certificates, and to coin standard silver dollars and subsidiary silver currency for their redemption

and --

By revoking subparagraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph 2 thereof.

Sec. 2. The amendments made by this Order shall not affect any act done, or any right accruing or accrued or any suit or proceeding had or commenced in any civil or criminal cause prior to the date of this Order but all such liabilities shall continue and may be enforced as if said amendments had not been made.

John F. Kennedy The White House, June 4, 1963.

Of course, the fact that both JFK and Lincoln met the the same end is not mere coincidence.

Another overlooked aspect of Kennedy's attempt to reform American society involves money. Kennedy apparently reasoned that by returning to the constitution, which states that only Congress shall coin and regulate money, the soaring national debt could be reduced by not paying interest to the bankers of the Federal Reserve System, who print paper money then loan it to the government at interest. He moved in this area on June 4, 1963, by signing Executive Order 11,110 which called for the issuance of $4,292,893,815 in United States Notes through the U.S. Treasury rather than the traditional Federal Reserve System. That same day, Kennedy signed a bill changing the backing of one and two dollar bills from silver to gold, adding strength to the weakened U.S. currency.

Kennedy's comptroller of the currency, James J. Saxon, had been at odds with the powerful Federal Reserve Board for some time, encouraging broader investment and lending powers for banks that were not part of the Federal Reserve system. Saxon also had decided that non-Reserve banks could underwrite state and local general obligation bonds, again weakening the dominant Federal Reserve banks.

A number of "Kennedy bills" were indeed issued - the author has a five dollar bill in his possession with the heading "United States Note" - but were quickly withdrawn after Kennedy's death. According to information from the Library of the Comptroller of the Currency, Executive Order 11,110 remains in effect today, although successive administrations beginning with that of President Lyndon Johnson apparently have simply ignored it and instead returned to the practice of paying interest on Federal Reserve notes. Today we continue to use Federal Reserve Notes, and the deficit is at an all-time high.

Image ... _11110.htm

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Re: The speech that got President John F. Kennedy killed

Postby Linichka » Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:13 pm

Just simmering in your hebephobia lately, aren't you?
Yes, yialoser, you are a loser.
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Re: The speech that got President John F. Kennedy killed

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:24 pm

interesting, Ron Paul suggest the elimination of the fed as well... me a reason to consider his platform more seriously.

...and on a further note, Eisenhower (forgive the spelling if i got it wrong), in his farewell address warned the new President that his greatest threat, the greatest threat facing the USA, was the Military-Industrial complex.i
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Re: The speech that got President John F. Kennedy killed

Postby Schnauzer » Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:09 pm

Linichka wrote:Just simmering in your hebephobia lately, aren't you?
Yes, yialoser, you are a loser.

One is obliged to wonder 'WHY' you choose to offer insult in this fashion to the member, merely because he has highlighted an article which SHOULD be of great interest to every one of us.

Cannot quite understand 'WHY' you should assume that he may be simmering in 'Hebephobia' (some prefer 'Ephebiphobia') which is descriptive of one who has a fear of 'Youth' (or some such).

Perhaps it is YOU that are prone to the effects of 'Gnosiophobia' or 'Epistemophobia', which is the fear of 'Knowledge' and might be an indication that you actually 'Fear' the fact that the contents of JFK's speech may be a source of enlightenment to other members, (or Alethephobia) the fear of 'Truth'.

Unfortunately, that which one reads under the supplied 'Video', does not quite justify the heading "JFK Bolshevism, Zionism and Jewish Secret Society" since there are no comments to support it.

However, if one 'Clicks' the heading, the same 'Video' will appear BUT, there are many comments which attend it (specifically condemning the subversive and other actions of the 'Zionists') and I suspect that THIS is the reason for your need to either expose YOUR 'Phobias' or (more sinisterly) to impose them on other members. :wink:

As an afterthought, does not JFK's speech (and his untimely end) expose the usual 'Modus Operandi' of the 'Zionists' :?:
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Re: The speech that got President John F. Kennedy killed

Postby Linichka » Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:14 pm

JFK had plenty of enemies who had nothing to do with Zionists and Zionism.
And the poster whom you defend has a long history of posting rants against Jews, backed up with links from dubious sources. He's clearly scared to death of Jews.
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Re: The speech that got President John F. Kennedy killed

Postby Schnauzer » Tue Jan 03, 2012 1:20 am

Linichka wrote:No.
JFK had plenty of enemies who had nothing to do with Zionists and Zionism.
And the poster whom you defend has a long history of posting rants against Jews, backed up with links from dubious sources. He's clearly scared to death of Jews.

Well spoken Linichka, your defence of the Jews and all that may attend them are a credit to your tenacity and I am sure it is well noted by all members.

It would appear that ANY reference to 'Israel', Zionism, Judaism or indeed anything which may shed a dark light on the behaviour (whether legal or otherwise) of the Jews, is bound to be met with the most vigorous protests in defence of them and ANY 'Critic' is immediately assumed to be 'Anti Semitic'.

It would seem that almost traditionally, the 'Jewish' (not so much the Israeli) psyche, is to exhibit a certain 'Stoicism' which in fact is false representation (imho), since they are certainly THE most vociferous complainants of how they are (and have been) treated, on the face of the earth YET, they are notably able to inflict suffering on others unconscionably.

As to yourself, I believe you should be commended for your loyalty to the Jewish cause, be it ever so base, you seem to have mastered the ability to defend the indefensible, such a pity that the world at large is not blind, you may even get away with it.

Finally, perhaps 'Judeophobia' might have been a more apt description of Yialousa's inner feelings, if so, he is in league with many millions of like mind.

As to myself, I wish you a happy and prosperous 'New Year'. :wink:
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Re: The speech that got President John F. Kennedy killed

Postby Linichka » Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:57 am

Schnauzer, I deliberately used the hobbled together term "hebephobe" to describe yialoser as, despite my viewpoints, I too am tired of the knee-jerk response, "Anti-Semite!" to every single critical remark about Jews, justified or otherwise. It grates, and is as often inaccurate as accurate.

I wish you as well a happy and prosperous 2012.
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Re: The speech that got President John F. Kennedy killed

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:31 pm

...from another thread: the Jews killed Chtrist.

...but the Jews did not kill Christ, the "Jews" killed Christ; big difference between persons who use an identity for their selfish gain, and a general population.

you don't have to be "Jewish", to be Jewish...
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Re: The speech that got President John F. Kennedy killed

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:35 pm

...furthermore, judging the message by judging the messenger is just as wrong.
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Re: The speech that got President John F. Kennedy killed

Postby Schnauzer » Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:47 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:you don't have to be "Jewish", to be Jewish.

"But it helps". :lol: :wink:
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