the question is not only when but if the balance of power favors you.
For me it is a matter of when, not if. Nobody can keep the power forever. The hard part is for us to make this happen earlier (say in 10-20 years) and not in 200 years. For this we have to work in the correct way and have a bit of luck.
and for the balance of power to favor you, that means
you get stronger which is in our case impossible
the one who has the power has more interests to support us than turkey.
I don't know why you believe that Cyprus/Greece it is impossible to get stronger. Turkey can get weaker also. And of course the foreigners that will have the most power in 10-20 years might favor us more than the Turks.
You can not predict the future based on the facts that you have today.
The Ottoman empire ruled Greece (among other areas) for 400 years. At some point the balance of power favored an independent Greece. Such thing would be considered impossible just decades earlier.
How about the fall of USSR? Could we image an independent Ukraine, Latvia etc in the 70s and early 80s? One decade was enough to change everything.
Turkey is a torn nation. Very unstable. It does not belong to the east it does not belong to the west. It has the Kurds, it can have potential problems with the Islamists etc. Personally I am optimistic that the balance of power can change to our favor in the not very distant future.
Here I should repeat that
if they offer us something acceptable today, we should take it now. However when what they offer is unacceptable then waiting is our
only option.