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happy hanuka??

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Re: happy hanuka??

Postby Get Real! » Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:31 pm

Hermes wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I read Mein Kampf a long time ago Hermes but I only found the first 3 chapters interesting. In the rest, Adolf doesn’t know what he’s talking about!

As for the possibility of an ulterior motive, that's for them to explain why they need street signs to catch 1 in 20,000 motorists driving by...

Well no-one can say you didn't try to read Adolf's magnum opus. It never appealed to me personally. As for Jewish street signs I'd try to concentrate on my driving if I were you. Chabad centres are community and educational centres for Jews. They don't do conversion. So my guess is you're pretty safe. :D

Only a Jew would dismiss a valid argument... :lol:
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Re: happy hanuka??

Postby Hermes » Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:20 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Hermes wrote:Well no-one can say you didn't try to read Adolf's magnum opus. It never appealed to me personally. As for Jewish street signs I'd try to concentrate on my driving if I were you. Chabad centres are community and educational centres for Jews. They don't do conversion. So my guess is you're pretty safe. :D

Only a Jew would dismiss a valid argument... :lol:

Shalom to you, GR. :wink:
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Re: happy hanuka??

Postby cyprusright » Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:36 pm

All these jokes about anti-semitism and Mein Kampf are great, but jokes aside.

This is our country and our Island. Turkey has been where Israel sends their tanks and other military gear for repair. They have had a long running partnership involving an exchange of "services". Most notably, Israel has been using it's weight to lobby for turkish causes worldwide - including, but not limited to:

  • Cypriot reunification
  • Oil pipeline issues - routes going through the Caucasus
  • Armenian genocide recognition worldwide
  • Blocking EU and UN resolutions against turkey in relation to their treatment of Kurds (by proxy of the US)
This is just in the past 2 years that I have seen on the news. Breaking ties with turkey puts israel alone in the hostile Middle East where most of their neighbors don't believe they belong.

The REAL questions on this turk-jew fallout are:
  • How long can they survive alone in that region? Turkey is militarily the strongest M.E. country
  • How does this fallout affect US-turk relations?
  • How do US-israel relations affect the ongoing military partnership allowing US bases on turkish soil?
  • Will turkey breaking ties with israel create a more unified M.E.?
  • How long before military repairs pile up? Who will do the grunt work of cheaply maintaining Israeli equipment?
  • How long before the aforementioned questions become a big enough issue for jews and turks to put their differences aside?
  • What does it mean for OUR country when they start spooning each other again?

Turkey is a large country. The Occupied North is cheaper for tourists so the handful of jews no longer spending money there won't make much of a difference, especially when there are still Cypriot residents willing to cross the border for better deals. That being said... everyone knows jews love their money, so will encouragement from our new "ally" have much of an effect on where their tourists go when it's so much cheaper in the north?

What does it mean for OUR country when they finally start spooning eachother again?

That is the key question. Israel doing a 180 would leave Cyprus hanging in a bad way. We have already seen what the EU is willing to do to us on the occupation issue - f**k all. They have tried rushing us to deal with the issue, trying to make us give up our rights - even though turkey is TECHNICALLY invading EU soil. Greece is in a bigger mess with their dumbass approach to their finances.

In this relationship, the ONLY "friend" we will have is israel. This country is inconsequential on the International scale, so our neighbors who hate us for this deal won't be too quick to take us back. We may be burning bridges that would take a long time to repair - if that's even possible.

But hey.... i'm not trying to force anyone to adopt my opinions. I've just seen what getting in bed with jews has done to other countries - from "reading some newspapers" as Hermes so nicely suggested. For starters... they got the US to spends trillions and risk their safety and stability in this ongoing "war on terror" which wouldn't even exist if they hadn't marginalized Arabs on their own soil and armed Israel to commit genocide in Palestine & Lebanon.
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Re: happy hanuka??

Postby Hermes » Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:49 pm

cyprusright wrote:But hey.... i'm not trying to force anyone to adopt my opinions. I've just seen what getting in bed with jews has done to other countries - from "reading some newspapers" as Hermes so nicely suggested. For starters... they got the US to spends trillions and risk their safety and stability in this ongoing "war on terror" which wouldn't even exist if they hadn't marginalized Arabs on their own soil and armed Israel to commit genocide in Palestine, Lebanon.

You worry too much. Cyprus is not reliant on Israel for its security. Israel and Cyprus have long-term strategic interests in energy resources. This is of mutual benefit: economically and strategically. Cyprus is also a member of the EU which happens to need gas. Russia also has interests in Cyprus. Israel also needs Cyprus right now for its own reasons. Relax, dude. It's how international politics works sometimes. Get used to it.
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Re: happy hanuka??

Postby cyprusright » Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:30 pm

I know how international politics works dude... The smallest and most inconsequential countries get used as fodder for bigger issues. The EU could have moved stronger against Turkey on the Cyprus situation, they didn't. I'm not talking about security necessarily. I'm talking economically and the overall Cyprus question..

How many EU countries are happy that Cyprus unilaterally moved to partner with ISRAEL to obtain gas that the EU considers to be on its soil? As for Russia, their interests so far have involved using outside capital to establish business that offshore CY resources. Also Russia and the US are at odds with each other over oil pipeline control. Do you want Cyprus to be the next oil battleground like Azerbeijan or Georgia? As a country, It's easy to feel important when you are being used as a puppet for larger international issues. Doesn't change the fact that we have no REAL power in this situation. We are still puppets. Countries have been invaded and/or subjugated over oil.
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Re: happy hanuka??

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:37 pm

I agree with Hermes. We have only made business deals with Israel concerning our common EEZ from the need to extract Gas for the EU. The RoC has not set aside principles on human rights etc.

Turkey is probably trying to muddy this into a defence alliance but from what I've seen in the news, this only relates to protecting the petroleum reserves.

Our only alliance is within the EU and fellow sister members. But we should use the petroleum issue to gain leverage in the EU to remove Turkey. I pray our elected representatives are doing their job ...
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Re: happy hanuka??

Postby Hermes » Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:52 pm

cyprusright wrote:How many EU countries are happy that Cyprus unilaterally moved to partner with ISRAEL to obtain gas that the EU considers to be on its soil? As for Russia, their interests so far have involved using outside capital to establish business that offshore CY resources. Also Russia and the US are at odds with each other over oil pipeline control. Do you want Cyprus to be the next oil battleground like Azerbeijan or Georgia? As a country, It's easy to feel important when you are being used as a puppet for larger international issues. Doesn't change the fact that we have no REAL power in this situation. We are still puppets. Countries have been invaded and/or subjugated over oil.

Man, you're really hung up about this. Cyprus has legally established its EEZ and signed legal agreements with companies to explore those resources. It will soon sign agreements with other companies to explore other fields. It will no doubt set up a national energy company so that it benefits from its resources. Cyprus has the potential to fulfill its own energy needs for decades to come and export the rest to Europe while attracting major foreign investment.

Now chill out and stop worrying. With energy resources comes great potential. It's up to us that we use that potential wisely. You'd have to be a seriously half-glass empty sort of person to fail to understand that Cyprus's destiny just took a major turn for the better.
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Re: happy hanuka??

Postby cyprusright » Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:26 pm

I'm bookmarking this topic with a notification in Google calendar - we can revisit this topic in a year to see where this issue goes.

How much confidence do you have that the current government will play its cards right?
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Re: happy hanuka??

Postby cyprusright » Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:39 pm

BTW. I have no problem with oil. I'm a big fan of gas guzzling cars, so that's not the issue here. I just hope our country (and sometimes incompetent government) has the brains and balls to set terms that benefit us - instead of screw us over. These deals are signed for many years ahead. we can get stuck in an unsavory situation pretty quickly.
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Re: happy hanuka??

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:46 pm

You're right to be nervous, cyprusright. This is our big chance to prove what we are made of. At best, we can mobilise support to remove the Turks. At worse, we can be taken for a ride and stripped of all our assets.
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