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2012 : Greek Revival dawns ...

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Re: 2012 : Greek Revival dawns ...

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:09 am

joe wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:Thanks for the poetry. That is hat I was talking about. The 'magnificent Byzntine Empire' no more than a ity state. No doubt wrecked / weakened by your fellow Christians. Schism did you no favours. :?

I know you were talking nonsense. :)

The Orthodox faith is the only pure faith. We cannot help those who split away. We can only be true to ourselves. Though weakened, by numbers, to our multitudinouus enemies; truth, justice and liberty will prevail. Patiently we wait ...

(You know, Deniz, the Orthodox followers need only make learning their goal.)

What a pleasure it was to read this thread. Thank you, GIG, for creating such a wonderful thread and I can only hope to read more of your contribution to this forum. So please keep up the good work. btw I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

Your kind words are humbly appreciated, Joe. Pleased to see so many sharing a love for this rich culture. :)

It's so easy to take for granted, being ingratiated with Orthodoxy from birth. Recently, I was introduced to the works of Timothy Ware who became Kallistos Ware, an English bishop within the Greek Orthodox church. He has written many books on the Orthodox ways. It's interesting to get the perspective from someone who came into this way of life by choice. I might post some stuff of his if I can pick something general - unless someone else can contribute anything.
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Re: 2012 : Greek Revival dawns ...

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:57 am

denizaksulu wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:Thanks for the poetry. That is hat I was talking about. The 'magnificent Byzntine Empire' no more than a ity state. No doubt wrecked / weakened by your fellow Christians. Schism did you no favours. :?

I know you were talking nonsense. :)

The Orthodox faith is the only pure faith. We cannot help those who split away. We can only be true to ourselves. Though weakened, by numbers, to our multitudinouus enemies; truth, justice and liberty will prevail. Patiently we wait ...

(You know, Deniz, the Orthodox followers need only make learning their goal.)

What a pity that 'brotherly love' is not a quality taught....Cyprus would be a different and better 8) place.

Is 'brotherly love' some separate, dogmatic entity? Or some inherent quality which is practiced on our journey? Certainly, Cyprus has seen invaders who are foreign to our Way of life and whose upbringing and inborn qualities might be less pure. Perhaps this was the introduction of 'original sin' to our Paradise ...
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Re: 2012 : Greek Revival dawns ...

Postby denizaksulu » Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:05 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:Thanks for the poetry. That is hat I was talking about. The 'magnificent Byzntine Empire' no more than a ity state. No doubt wrecked / weakened by your fellow Christians. Schism did you no favours. :?

I know you were talking nonsense. :)

The Orthodox faith is the only pure faith. We cannot help those who split away. We can only be true to ourselves. Though weakened, by numbers, to our multitudinouus enemies; truth, justice and liberty will prevail. Patiently we wait ...

(You know, Deniz, the Orthodox followers need only make learning their goal.)

What a pity that 'brotherly love' is not a quality taught....Cyprus would be a different and better 8) place.

Is 'brotherly love' some separate, dogmatic entity? Or some inherent quality which is practiced on our journey? Certainly, Cyprus has seen invaders who are foreign to our Way of life and whose upbringing and inborn qualities might be
less pure. Perhaps this was the introduction of 'original sin' to our Paradise ...

Perhaps you should have opened your arms willingly to these 'outsiders' and be less 'phobic' about different peoples.
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Re: 2012 : Greek Revival dawns ...

Postby denizaksulu » Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:08 pm

Xenophobia comes to mind! :D
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Re: 2012 : Greek Revival dawns ...

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:51 pm

We hardly boiled you in oil ...
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Re: 2012 : Greek Revival dawns ...

Postby denizaksulu » Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:15 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:We hardly boiled you in oil ...

Hard to believe. Last night I was reading Oracles libations from the 2006's........or was it Chimera/phoenix........a fate worse than death was envisioned. :D
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Re: 2012 : Greek Revival dawns ...

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Dec 29, 2011 5:47 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:I am not entirely sure why the city formerly known as Byzantium should be the spiritual centre of any faith group: I am aware of some suggestions St Andrew may have preached in the Area, but that does not make it mre or less holy: If anywhere if one subscribes to any form of Christianity the spritual home should be in what is known as the Holy Land.

Personally I have reservations about the whole concept of Apolistic succession, whether Petrine or Andreine, indeed the whole concept of a church hierarchy is probably about power and thought control.

My own suspicion is that the preeminance of Constantinople as the center of Eastern Orthodoxy is more likely to be linked with the politics of the age, when Byzantium was the capital of the Eastern Empire: likewise Rome probably only became pre-eminant because in the early days of the Christian Church it was a major center of political power.

You sound impoverished of psyche. No noumenon. Greek Orthodoxy is more than the sum of parts. There are many holy sites for most Christians, Muslims, Hindus etc. But Constantinople/Byzantion represents more for us than our Christian heritage alone. It is the center which culminated in the continuation of the Greek Hellenistic lifeblood. Which is why the Ottomans invested so much in its capture (Crusaders before them). And why, spiritless colonialists, like yourself, strive to dissolve it of its importance to our identity.

I think you will find the renaissance had been under way in before the fall of Constantinople in 1453 - One historian dates the start of the renaissance as early as 1070 - one had the Scholastic movement and the Universities - in the 13th century Thomas Aquinas had been studying Platonic and Aristotalian philosphy -indeed through out the high middle ages through contacts with Byzantium and the Arabs Ancient Greek Scientific texts were being studied - throughout the late 14th century there was massive studying of ancient latin texts and eg Roman law in Italy and by 1401 the Italians were beging to look at other Greek texts, all opf whic predates the fall of Constantinople by many years.

So yes we have taken a lot from ideas the Greece developed but the idea that the renaissance was triggered by the fall of Constaninople is now superceded.
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Re: 2012 : Greek Revival dawns ...

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:22 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:I am not entirely sure why the city formerly known as Byzantium should be the spiritual centre of any faith group: I am aware of some suggestions St Andrew may have preached in the Area, but that does not make it mre or less holy: If anywhere if one subscribes to any form of Christianity the spritual home should be in what is known as the Holy Land.

Personally I have reservations about the whole concept of Apolistic succession, whether Petrine or Andreine, indeed the whole concept of a church hierarchy is probably about power and thought control.

My own suspicion is that the preeminance of Constantinople as the center of Eastern Orthodoxy is more likely to be linked with the politics of the age, when Byzantium was the capital of the Eastern Empire: likewise Rome probably only became pre-eminant because in the early days of the Christian Church it was a major center of political power.

You sound impoverished of psyche. No noumenon. Greek Orthodoxy is more than the sum of parts. There are many holy sites for most Christians, Muslims, Hindus etc. But Constantinople/Byzantion represents more for us than our Christian heritage alone. It is the center which culminated in the continuation of the Greek Hellenistic lifeblood. Which is why the Ottomans invested so much in its capture (Crusaders before them). And why, spiritless colonialists, like yourself, strive to dissolve it of its importance to our identity.

I think you will find the renaissance had been under way in before the fall of Constantinople in 1453 - One historian dates the start of the renaissance as early as 1070 - one had the Scholastic movement and the Universities - in the 13th century Thomas Aquinas had been studying Platonic and Aristotalian philosphy -indeed through out the high middle ages through contacts with Byzantium and the Arabs Ancient Greek Scientific texts were being studied - throughout the late 14th century there was massive studying of ancient latin texts and eg Roman law in Italy and by 1401 the Italians were beging to look at other Greek texts, all opf whic predates the fall of Constantinople by many years.

So yes we have taken a lot from ideas the Greece developed but the idea that the renaissance was triggered by the fall of Constaninople is now superceded.

Magnanimous of you to even mention the Greeks had anything whatsoever to do with the Renaissance. However, your grasp of historical events remains weak. Not wise to pick one 'historian' who supposedly, out on a limb, can pinpoint down to such accuracy (1070, you say) an event, or series of events, which most claim spanned a few centuries. My claim was one of manifestation of the Rennaisance by the increased flow of Greek scholars, after the fall of Constantinople, who spread the teaching of the Greek language more widely, so that Classical works could be read in the original Greek, rather than merely from translations.
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Re: 2012 : Greek Revival dawns ...

Postby Get Real! » Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:24 pm

Someone pass me a bucket... :?
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Re: 2012 : Greek Revival dawns ...

Postby Get Real! » Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:35 pm

Here we are on a CYPRIOT forum and someone sees fit to drivel on about the “greatness” of Greeks! :roll:

Hmm, maybe one of the Turkish members may want to start a similar thread about the greatness of Turkey!

Isn’t that what it’s all about for you Oracle… the boring tit-for-tat between the miserable black sheep of Europe?
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