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France to Recognise Turkish Genocide of Armenians?

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Re: France to Recognise Turkish Genocide of Armenians?

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:32 am

This Recognition of the Armenian Genocide has also been brought up in the GB House of Commons through a number of what are called Early Day Motions tabled privately by back-benchers.

This is the wording of one of them back in 2006, which attracted the signatures of 60 MPs...

(The bits have put in bold do appeal as very good reason for putting these atrocious acts on record.)

That this House is appalled by the genocide committed against the Assyrians in 1915 in their ancestral homeland by the then ruling government of the Turkish Ottoman Empire, the Committee for Union and Progress, a genocide which led to the mass exodus of the Assyrians from their millennia-old native soil and resulted in the deaths of approximately two-thirds of the Assyrian population and one and a half million Armenians and the destruction of many Assyrian and Armenian villages and national and religious institutions; recognises the suffering of the Assyrian and Armenian people during the genocide of 1915, and accepts that the suffering of victims of genocide is augmented and perpetuated by indifference and denial, and that genocide prevention can only by achieved by learning from history and recognising and condemning previous acts of genocide; calls upon the UK and Turkish governments publicly and officially to recognise the Assyrian and Armenian genocide of 1915, and encourage other members of the international community to take similar steps, thereby fulfilling the obligation of international co-operation enshrined in the preamble to the 1948 Genocide Convention; and urges the UK Government to call on the European Union to make official Turkish recognition of the 1915 Assyrian and Armenian genocide one of the pre-conditions for Turkey's membership of the EU.
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Re: France to Recognise Turkish Genocide of Armenians?

Postby Kikapu » Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:28 pm

Get Real! wrote:
France to Recognise Turkish Genocide of Armenians?

Israel is also warming up to the idea. It doesn't look like a pleasant year for Turkey this 2012...

No doubt the USA will follow suit, running up to the elections next year. :wink:
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Re: France to Recognise Turkish Genocide of Armenians?

Postby Get Real! » Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:33 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
France to Recognise Turkish Genocide of Armenians?

Israel is also warming up to the idea. It doesn't look like a pleasant year for Turkey this 2012...

No doubt the USA will follow suit, running up to the elections next year. :wink:

With half the US senators convinced of Jewish ancestry by AIPAC, I wouldn’t be surprised…
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Re: France to Recognise Turkish Genocide of Armenians?

Postby CBBB » Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:56 pm

Not that these resolutions make any difference on the ground, but it really does piss the Turks off!
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Re: France to Recognise Turkish Genocide of Armenians?

Postby Kikapu » Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:59 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
France to Recognise Turkish Genocide of Armenians?

Israel is also warming up to the idea. It doesn't look like a pleasant year for Turkey this 2012...

No doubt the USA will follow suit, running up to the elections next year. :wink:

With half the US senators convinced of Jewish ancestry by AIPAC, I wouldn’t be surprised…

The resolution has already passed by the committee this year, so it is ONLY a matter of introducing the bill to congress to vote.

March 04, 2010
Armenian Genocide Resolution Passes US Congress Committee ... 73862.html
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Re: France to Recognise Turkish Genocide of Armenians?

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Dec 27, 2011 11:43 pm

Armenia has thanked France for the vote in the lower house earlier in the week to criminalise the denial of the Armenian Genocide by Turkey's previous regime...

The Armenian Foreign Minister said... "I would like to once again express my gratitude to France's top leadership, to the National Assembly, and to the French people," Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian told AFP, adding that France had "once again proved its commitment to universal human values".

"By adopting this law, (France) has yet again confirmed that a crime against humanity has no statute of limitation and that its denial must be unambiguously condemned," Nalbandian said. ... sCatID=355
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Re: France to Recognise Turkish Genocide of Armenians?

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Dec 27, 2011 11:52 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
France to Recognise Turkish Genocide of Armenians?

Israel is also warming up to the idea. It doesn't look like a pleasant year for Turkey this 2012...

No doubt the USA will follow suit, running up to the elections next year. :wink:

Kikapu a question please ... now you mention the USA... has this massive over-reaction we've seen in the last few days from Turkey got something to do with sending a message to the USA?????
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Re: France to Recognise Turkish Genocide of Armenians?

Postby bill cobbett » Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:09 am

Latest to add some very dodgy support to the Turkish Attempts to Re-Write History by condemning the French Parliament's vote earlier in the week is the Unofficial Muhktar of Occupied Nicosia. Well should be no surprise given that Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide often go hand in hand. In the last few words of the following statement, this chap does come across as threatening France with some kind of joint physical violence as well as promising a trade embargo against goods from France.

This is from a site whose name won't dirty CF with...

...The latest reaction to the passing of an Armenian genocide bill by the French parliament has come from the Illegal Lefkoşa Turkish municipality. In a statement yesterday, the Would-Be Mayor of Lefkoşa Cemal Bulutoğluları condemned the passing of the bill which criminalizes any public denial of the so-called Armenian genocide, stating that bill should not be approved by the French senate.
He said that bill, which he described as an insult to the Turkish nation, distorted the historical realities.
The Wet Dreaming Lefkoşa Mayor also pointed out that the French President, who had pushed for the adoption of bill in an effort to win over votes from the Armenian community in France for the upcoming Presidential elections, was playing a dangerous game.
Explaining that a series of protest actions, including a boycott of French goods will take place should the French senate ratify the bill, Bulutoğluları said that the Turkish nation will unite as one fist against the great injustice committed against it...
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Re: France to Recognise Turkish Genocide of Armenians?

Postby kimon07 » Wed Dec 28, 2011 9:08 am

[email protected]
Are the French enemies of Islam?

Borrowing the phrase from a wire service, “Turkey told France to block the genocide bill, or else.” France has chosen “else.” And hell broke loose – ironically, in Turkey, not in France.

“And how many countries officially and/or publicly condemned and retaliated against the French Parliament’s decision to make genocide denial a crime? None, other than Turkey. Will Muslim Syria, Mr. Erdoğan’s ex-love affair, for example, impose sanctions on France because of that bill? Will Egypt, Mr. Erdoğan’s new love affair, do so? Pakistan? Libya? Iraq? Saudi Arabia? Tunisia? The Arab League? Indonesia?

“Or why did the president of the mullah regime in Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, pay a heartfelt state visit to Yerevan on the same day when the French Parliament passed the bill that criminalizes the denial of a Muslim (and caliphate, too!) genocide against Christians?....”

Mr. Erdoğan can always find those answers in another Muslim vs. Christian dispute in which Turkey remains the solitary Muslim player: Cyprus. Why would, Mr. Erdoğan should think, not a single Muslim country, other than Turkey, recognize the Turkish Cypriot statelet? Where is the Muslim solidarity?
Too many questions... But they ought to be asked. And there are even more – coming Friday.

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Re: France to Recognise Turkish Genocide of Armenians?

Postby joe » Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:43 am

Erdogan has spoken on this matter and has said that no genocide has occurred and this is all a plot to stain Turkish honor and rewrite the peaceful proud history that was the Ottoman Empire. Ban and Bir agree so why not just close this thread and move on to more pressing issues like discussing the dissolvement of republic of Cyprus as it was formed by massacring the peaceful Turks of Cyprus.

Revisionist history you say? So how do you negotiate with such people? The answer is you can not and this is why such French laws that are being discussed in this thread were created in the first place.
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