Hear, Hear to that hermes. Bravo re!
Don't listen to Banana's BS, he is just a turkish mouth peice looking to put us down at every opportunity.
bill cobbett wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:bill cobbett wrote:... but Bir, to agree with you on one thing, this vote isn't gonna get anywhere. it's a private member's bill and it'll get thrown out at some time in the next few months, but Turkey's response to this minor bit of criticism is very revealing...
This over-sensitivity to anything remotely anti-Turkish and there is something of value for a future re-unified CY in all this and that's to remind us all, that there's no place for this rubbish, nationalist Section 301 stuff in CY.
Absolutely right,Bill...Not only this silly 301 stuff should have no place in Cyprus in a future solution,it should have no place now even in Turkey...Mature people,living in mature democracies should not need the protection of fascist,outdated laws that limit freedom of speech etc...
Bir me dear, if we take Article 10 of the UDHR to define our rights to Free Expression... section 1 acknowledges the right to Free Speech and section 2 goes on to recognise that there are limits on it. Here it is in full...
Article 10 – Freedom of expression
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.
2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.
One of the many effects of these very limited limits is to stop nasty hate propaganda and trouble-making by such as neo-nazi Holocaust Deniers, fascist nationalists and fundamentalist religious groups. A reminder please that here in our major Cosmopolitan European cities we have very large communities of ethnic minorities that are the targets for these nasty groups, it is only right that they have protection from these attacks under the law.
Section 301 of course places limits on Free Speech and it does it for no good reason that most of us would recognise. It places very severe limits in order to promote or defend "turkishness" , and as a catch-all to defend the turkish state from criticism.
Now to move on a bit and to open another can of worms, there is another aspect of this French affair that moves us away from Free Speech. That is the issue of whether it is within the remit of states and governments to decide definitively on matters of history.
BirKibrisli wrote:Bill,like you cannot be "a little" pregnant,you cannot have "a little" freedom of speech...
You either have it or you don't...Depending on your intend this freedom has its consequences,and people can be prosecuted for exercising their right...If they have broken any laws which are deemed necessary for the protection of national security etc,they can be found guilty or innocent in a court of law...Prosecuting people for stating their beliefs regarding any particular event in history,which does not threaten national security or the other stated reasons,is neither sensible nor morally justified...It is plain censorship...This should have no place in a mature democracy like France...
If national parliaments,read politicians in power in any given country,are able to decide on matters of history,especially on subjects not related to their own country,you can imagine the chaos that would follow...How would you like the Turkish parliament to decide on the Greece/Macedonian isue for example??? Or the Russian parliament to decide issues relating to Chechenia,Or the Chinese Polit Bureau to decide on Tibet>>>You can see my point ,I hope...
BirKibrisli wrote:bill cobbett wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:bill cobbett wrote:... but Bir, to agree with you on one thing, this vote isn't gonna get anywhere. it's a private member's bill and it'll get thrown out at some time in the next few months, but Turkey's response to this minor bit of criticism is very revealing...
This over-sensitivity to anything remotely anti-Turkish and there is something of value for a future re-unified CY in all this and that's to remind us all, that there's no place for this rubbish, nationalist Section 301 stuff in CY.
Absolutely right,Bill...Not only this silly 301 stuff should have no place in Cyprus in a future solution,it should have no place now even in Turkey...Mature people,living in mature democracies should not need the protection of fascist,outdated laws that limit freedom of speech etc...
Bir me dear, if we take Article 10 of the UDHR to define our rights to Free Expression... section 1 acknowledges the right to Free Speech and section 2 goes on to recognise that there are limits on it. Here it is in full...
Article 10 – Freedom of expression
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.
2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.
One of the many effects of these very limited limits is to stop nasty hate propaganda and trouble-making by such as neo-nazi Holocaust Deniers, fascist nationalists and fundamentalist religious groups. A reminder please that here in our major Cosmopolitan European cities we have very large communities of ethnic minorities that are the targets for these nasty groups, it is only right that they have protection from these attacks under the law.
Section 301 of course places limits on Free Speech and it does it for no good reason that most of us would recognise. It places very severe limits in order to promote or defend "turkishness" , and as a catch-all to defend the turkish state from criticism.
Now to move on a bit and to open another can of worms, there is another aspect of this French affair that moves us away from Free Speech. That is the issue of whether it is within the remit of states and governments to decide definitively on matters of history.
Bill,like you cannot be "a little" pregnant,you cannot have "a little" freedom of speech...
You either have it or you don't...Depending on your intend this freedom has its consequences,and people can be prosecuted for exercising their right...If they have broken any laws which are deemed necessary for the protection of national security etc,they can be found guilty or innocent in a court of law...Prosecuting people for stating their beliefs regarding any particular event in history,which does not threaten national security or the other stated reasons,is neither sensible nor morally justified...It is plain censorship...This should have no place in a mature democracy like France...
If national parliaments,read politicians in power in any given country,are able to decide on matters of history,especially on subjects not related to their own country,you can imagine the chaos that would follow...How would you like the Turkish parliament to decide on the Greece/Macedonian isue for example??? Or the Russian parliament to decide issues relating to Chechenia,Or the Chinese Polit Bureau to decide on Tibet>>>You can see my point ,I hope...
Lordo wrote:Hrant Dink: Turkey and France can race to see who can jail me first
Above is a man who knows a thing or two about Genocides of all kind. Any ideas why he was not happy about this law?
France to Recognise Turkish Genocide of Armenians?
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