Kikapu wrote:Pyro,
Even though it was an American Government website, the information came from the "trnc", and we all know what that means. Garbage in, Garbage out when it comes to information.
Anyway for the year 2009 I tend to believe the average income for the real Kibrislis was about 13,000. That's in line with some of my friends salaries that I know. Mind you before the opening of the gates it was half !!The crisis came here by the end of 2009 I beleive today both the Kypreoi and the Kibrislis incomes are much less.
Still however the figures for the occupied seem very bogus. For example most of the settlers, and the seasonal labour force from Turkey get much much less... How did the come up with that 13,000 average only God knows...
Anyway my point was that the Kibrislis actually lose money because of the existing situation and that's obvious if you compare the incomes of the two sides. Despite the fact that the occupied was 70% of Cyprus' economic resource before 1974!