by Kikapu » Sat Jan 07, 2012 5:16 pm
If anything, if Eroglu/Turkey will insist on a no settlement based on EU principles and that BBF becomes a complete deadlock because of today's realities to the realities of the past when BBF was agreed on in the late 70's, just because for the fact that the RoC is a EU member today, the UN may declare the present BBF resolution null and void, just purely based on today's realities and issue another resolution on Cyprus settlement with the UNSC based on today's realities and for it to be based on a Unitary state. The fact that the UNSC has enough members on the RoC's side to push for a new resolution to be based on EU Principles in a Unitary state, the TCs will have to kiss goodbye any BBF and self controlled north state, just because they do not want to have a BBF today for it to be based on EU Principles. If there isn't enough support for the RoC to change the resolution, then the RoC will not be any worse off by keeping the present BBF agreements and keep on insisting on a settlement to be based on EU Principles. Sooner or later, the UN will get rid of the present outdated BBF resolutions and seek a new resolution that is based on today's realities. Eroglu/Turkey may delay as long as they want at the moment, but the end result may not be what they will like or want if the UNSC issues another resolution to include the EU Principles. The finding of Oil & Gas in Cyprus will play a big part in getting the UNSC to look for another resolution, and the fact that Turkey has created a lot of problems for herself with nations who were once friendly, passing a new resolution by the UNSC may not be so difficult after all.