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Where do we go after January 2012?

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Re: Where do we go after January 2012?

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:28 pm

humanist wrote:now now island girl. ottoman remnants have a place in Cypriot society, they just have to like all other immigrant communities in other parts of the world support and be proud of their new homeland. They just don't have the right to gift their new Country to turkey based on the fact they speak the same language.

In my opinion we should buy Castelorizo from the greeks and offer it to the TC's who want to be closer to their mummy.

It was ok when you wanted to give Cyprus to Greece.....I think that makes you a hypocrite.
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Re: Where do we go after January 2012?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:50 pm

humanist wrote:In my opinion we should buy Castelorizo from the greeks and offer it to the TC's who want to be closer to their mummy.

Why not China?
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Re: Where do we go after January 2012?

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:41 am

...why not China?

why not Brazil...
...(Iran)and Pakistan?

these are the good neighbours Turkey has; middle countries... let's get the popcorn before we turn to glass, is it war we want?

without a definition for Bicommunal and Bizonal that can be demonstrated in Cyprus, the beligerants will continue to define their States as Nations toward keeping their advantage as Imperialists. for our subjugation to end, (and for our neighbours to have a solution they can emulate), we cannot remain attached to our Nationalist sentiments above the need for Cypriots to create a State where within there exists representation for its Citizens as Persons as well.

...otherwise WW III, loser winner, who knows, but more death and mayhem where we are a prize to be plundered.
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Re: Where do we go after January 2012?

Postby Nikitas » Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:37 pm

"It was ok when you wanted to give Cyprus to Greece"

People fought and died resisting precisly that. You are consciously ingoring what was happening between July 15 and July 20 1974. You are playing stupid and it does not suit you.

Now, 36 years later the RoC is a fully an independent nation, with policies which openly conflict with those of Greece both within and outside the EU. The latest Cypriot announcements on energy policy being the most recent example of the conflict.

Can you point to one instance of disagreement between the TC leadership and Turkey?
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Re: Where do we go after January 2012?

Postby Kikapu » Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:14 pm

Well, this should answer this threads heading.

UNSG: No deadline for Cyprus talks at Greentree but progress necessary ... 076-69.htm
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Re: Where do we go after January 2012?

Postby Viewpoint » Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:24 pm

Kikapu wrote:Well, this should answer this threads heading.

UNSG: No deadline for Cyprus talks at Greentree but progress necessary ... 076-69.htm

Progress being the operative word here, if theres no real progress then both sides will realign for July 2012.
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Re: Where do we go after January 2012?

Postby Kikapu » Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:34 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Well, this should answer this threads heading.

UNSG: No deadline for Cyprus talks at Greentree but progress necessary ... 076-69.htm

Progress being the operative word here, if theres no real progress then both sides will realign for July 2012.

So you think by Eroglu not willing to accept EU Principles for a settlement, somehow that will give him the green light from the UN to do what he wants with the north by declaring "no progress".

I don't think so!
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Re: Where do we go after January 2012?

Postby bill cobbett » Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:51 pm


Dementia is the only the way to describe it....

Eroglu/Turkey knocking on the front-door of the EU on July 1st to make the usual rubbish partitionist demands.

Guess who will be answering the Union's door?...

Knock! Knock!

"Bios eeneh?"


"Jeh ti thelete ye mou?"

"We want to speak to the term President about Recognition of our "tnrc", flights etc"

"Panayia mou!!!....Ebalanen o cosmos!! Dora jenna phonaxo doos sheeloos!! Asihktir Eroglu/Turkey!"

Demented and half-baked.
Last edited by bill cobbett on Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Where do we go after January 2012?

Postby Viewpoint » Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:53 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Well, this should answer this threads heading.

UNSG: No deadline for Cyprus talks at Greentree but progress necessary ... 076-69.htm

Progress being the operative word here, if theres no real progress then both sides will realign for July 2012.

So you think by Eroglu not willing to accept EU Principles for a settlement, somehow that will give him the green light from the UN to do what he wants with the north by declaring "no progress".

I don't think so!

What the reason will be for no progress cannot be predetermined by you or anyone else until the talks stall and no progress is declared placing the blame on one or both sides, only then will sides realign themselves as the GC EU presidency looms over the horizon, Turkey has already declared where she stands therefore no progress will be made over the last 6 months of this year looks like yet another year of status quo.
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Re: Where do we go after January 2012?

Postby Viewpoint » Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:55 pm

bill cobbett wrote::lol:

Dementia is the only the way to describe it....

Eroglu/Turkey knocking on the front-door of the EU on July 1st to make the usual rubbish partitionist demands.

Guess who will be answering the Union's door?...

Knock! Knock!

"Bios eeneh?"


"Jeh ti thelete ye mou?"

"We want to speak to the term President about Recognition of our "tnrc", flights etc"

"Panayia mou!!!....Ebalanen o cosmos!! Dora jenna phonaxo doos sheeloos!! Asihktir Eroglu/Turkey!"

Demented and half-baked.

No one will be knocking the GC door Turkey has made this very clear.
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