GreenPeace wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:GreenPeace wrote:Hi! I'm new here on this forum and I like asking questions. So, here you go the first one:
Here in where I live till soon there're many stray cats because people dump rubbish casually and many times with a lot of leftover food. Those cats look dirty skinny and ugly, really.
I notice while visitng Cyprus there're also many cats which I haven't seen in many other Europeans cities. Can someone explain how so and why there's no entity/organization taking care of the look of the city in this regard?
Thanks for any comments.
Please respect our cat culture

They are skinny because the climate is warmer than other European countries. If they look particularly unwell, then it would be nice if you gave them a little something to eat - but they are NOT meant to be fat like pampered moggies.
Cats have been a part of Cyprus' landscape for thousands of years: ... etcat.htmlThey are looked over by their very own saint - Saint Nicholas ... ... nastery-stMiaow ... purr .... purr

Hello GIG - thanks for your explanation.
I didn't mean any disrepect of CY culture. But is it considered part of your culture if something, in this case, the cats, make the city look dirty? IMHO, a more constructive thought would be to find a solution to these over-populated cats, thus helping to make the city look cleaner and nicer. This would also attract more tourists, miaow?
Btw, I'm very impressed by the message in your signature lines. How is this possibly real in 2011? ...Ok, I'll go slow with my questions.
Hello again GreenPeace
Pleased to see you share something with our feline friends - curiosity
Firstly, the cats
do keep the cities/towns clean even if they don't look as well groomed themselves. They keep vermin at bay; rats, mice, snakes etc. If they kept a few tourists away, well, that wouldn't be a bad thing either

If you value the ethics of your namesake, then air-miles are a no-no.
Secondly, re. my signature. Since this is not the CyProb section, I'll keep it general - although B25 has explained it aptly. Both Turkey and UK are knocking on the EU's door for benefits, whilst contributing very little/nothing back. "Coincidentally" they both keep thousands of troops in Cyprus with the aim of keeping a foot for leverage in the EU (and further) via occupation of one of the most geopolitically significant outposts for thousands of miles. The RoC is blackmailed by these military powers into suspending its authority over its own territories. So I second you when you ask, "How is this possibly real in 2011?"
The EU needs to remove both these obstacles to peace, and prosperity and liberate the
whole of Cyprus.