Viewpoint wrote:repulsewarrior wrote:Viewpoint wrote:repulsewarrior wrote:vp, i think i am being perfectly clear. But, since you cannot understand my english (often) please describe the contradictions.
repulse you may have the best intentions in the world but if you do not make yourself clear no one will understand you nor will you get any proper answers. Will you please ask your questions clearly and precisely.
...would anyone of the writers on this topic care to answer the eight questions i've posed to vp?
I give up with you repulse, now do you understand why there will never be a solution?
Erm... VP... and hopefully with RW's leave ... it isn't RW's style to answer questions but rather to pose very poetic, imagery loaded questions and invite the reader to provide their own answers by searching within, in to the sub-conscious, deep below the old tribalisms, allegiances and religions and come up with similar pictures of the mind as answers . So there isn't a simple, single answer but rather a range of answers, each one very unique and very personal to each of us. So only you can answer the questions from your own heart as it were, but you'll only be able to do so if you free your mind of the old ways first.
Hope this helps.