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Your Average Turk's thoughts

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Your Average Turk's thoughts

Postby B25 » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:04 pm

Here, my fellow GCs is what awaits us, if we were ever to unify with the Turks. A comment, that could easily come from VP, (and probably did), for your consumption:

Tarkan , 12 December 2011 , 10:58
Immediately that Cyprus is mentioned in this paper, the usual suspects spew their verbal faeces as can be seen. I hope we will never reach a reunification agreement with the Greeks. I would sacrifice anything in order not to have a reconciliation with Greeks again. The thought of having Greeks living near me, to hear their music, to see their faces, to hear them talking, to see their Hellas flags and smell them cooking their pigs is utterly abhorrent and absolute anathema to me. Greeks can continue to suck the lifeblood of the EU, we Turks don't need it. Greeks can continue to shamelessly taunt us with the EU issue, while cheating, robbing and dragging that organisation into the abyss. Long Live Erdogan, may Ecevit have eternal peace. If any "Turk" wants the company of Greeks, then move to the south and shut the door on your way out! Ne Mutlu Turkum Diyene! ... sight.html

And god forbid, this prick getting into power:

Another optimistic view is that if Nicos Anastasiades wins the presidential elections in February 2013, no one should be surprised when he agrees on a settlement with Eroğlu on the following terms: A loose federation, with Turkey as guarantor for the North, Greece for the South, and the EU for the whole of Cyprus. It looks like hopes for a solution on the island are postponed until at least February 2013.

Is this just journalist talk, or do CF members beleive that is this a likely scenario???
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Re: Your Average Turk's thoughts

Postby Mikiko » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:19 pm

I look to that site and to be accurate on your conclusion you must also disclose the other comment made by probably a so called Greekcypriot stating that the island is a Greek island.
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Re: Your Average Turk's thoughts

Postby kimon07 » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:40 pm

Personally I never had any doubt of the true feelings (and the deep inferiority complex towards us) of most Turks of Turkey, but I do not know to which extend such feelings are shared by the majority of the TCs as well.
I agree with him that our cultures are not compatible. Therefore, I support the BzBc solution.
Concerning, now, Anastassiades and our other politicians, I do not think they will dare! GCs now know very well what was behind and between the lines of the Annan Plan and so do TCs who, in their majority, voted against it as well as I analyse under another thread. Therefore, I do not believe that GCs will allow any politician to conclude a similar deal with the Turks. Accepting Turkey as a guarantor, for instance, would be like legalising all it's crimes and making CY a hostage for ever (and the north a Turkish province). Even real TCs would not like that very much.
No, I do not think any of these will happen. On the contrary, I expect that the panic into which Turkey is driven (especially due to the developments in the energy issues and the new alliances developing in the East Med.) will lead her to spasmodic moves which will prove catastrophic for her and very positive for the CY issue. On the other hand, I want to believe that the TCs will not be prepared to submit for much longer to the isolation, the tyranny and the deprivation to which Turkey is keeping them for decades.
Things will not come easy. There will be more pain and suffering, I think, but the end will be happy. I am optimistic.
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Re: Your Average Turk's thoughts

Postby kimon07 » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:00 pm

Mikiko wrote:I look to that site and to be accurate on your conclusion you must also disclose the other comment made by probably a so called Greekcypriot stating that the island is a Greek island.

Regarding the majority of the population (82%) it can certainly be called that. But if he means that it belongs to Greece or will belong to it, the answer is NO!.
Now, you was referring to a simple and unknown forum participant. However, on the other hand, as I am sure you know, the enslaved north part of Cyprus, is OFICIALLY called and internationally advertised by Turkey and the TC administration as the "TURKISH Republic of North Cyprus" NOT the "Turkish CYPRIOT Republic" etc. :wink:
So, I think this gives you a clear indication of who thinks what about things.

PS. Greek Cypriots are not "so called". We ARE Greek Cypriots both by name and by descent and most of us are proud of our GREEK heritage and culture, the same way you are about yours.
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Re: Your Average Turk's thoughts

Postby Get Real! » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:30 pm

B25 wrote:I hope we will never reach a reunification agreement with the Greeks. I would sacrifice anything in order not to have a reconciliation with Greeks again. The thought of having Greeks living near me, to hear their music, to see their faces, to hear them talking, to see their Hellas flags and smell them cooking their pigs is utterly abhorrent and absolute anathema to me.

I agree with this guy!

I would never want to be anywhere near Greeks or Turks for that matter... you both disgust me!
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Re: Your Average Turk's thoughts

Postby B25 » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:39 pm

Get Real! wrote:
B25 wrote:I hope we will never reach a reunification agreement with the Greeks. I would sacrifice anything in order not to have a reconciliation with Greeks again. The thought of having Greeks living near me, to hear their music, to see their faces, to hear them talking, to see their Hellas flags and smell them cooking their pigs is utterly abhorrent and absolute anathema to me.

I agree with this guy!

I would never want to be anywhere near Greeks or Turks for that matter... you both disgust me!

Ella re, GR, stamata tes pelares sou. He said 'greeks' meaning GCs. Now if you can't see that, then, well.... there's no hope.

You need to concentrate your efforts on the Turkish side, it'll be more worthwhile.

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Re: Your Average Turk's thoughts

Postby Get Real! » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:45 pm

Have faith in unkie B25… I’m trying to save your kids and grandkids while you betray them!
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Re: Your Average Turk's thoughts

Postby kurupetos » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:21 pm

Get Real! wrote:Have faith in unkie B25… I’m trying to save your kids and grandkids while you betray them!

Are you the CY Messiah? :shock:
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Re: Your Average Turk's thoughts

Postby humanist » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:39 pm

unfortunately there are TC's who think like this. I have to say less and less GC's voice their racism towards TC/s any more. I believe the fact that there has been a steady stream of British come into Cyprus, Romanian and Sri lankan nationals they have adapted a life in a multi cultural community. Still a long way to goin its development and European integration but slowly changing.

I would love to see Unification under a democratic system where all citizens are equal.
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Re: Your Average Turk's thoughts

Postby Hermes » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:05 pm

Another optimistic view is that if Nicos Anastasiades wins the presidential elections in February 2013, no one should be surprised when he agrees on a settlement with Eroğlu on the following terms: A loose federation, with Turkey as guarantor for the North, Greece for the South, and the EU for the whole of Cyprus. It looks like hopes for a solution on the island are postponed until at least February 2013.

Where did this come from? The Turks are now hoping for Anastasiades to agree to divide Cyprus into a Turkish and Greek protectorate in 2013! Good luck with that one!
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