Get Real! wrote:kimon07 wrote:....ridiculing the Turks whenever they try to claim MY cultural heritage as their own is a grate pleasure.
I knew all along that you were attracted to the two-headed eagle although you dared not say anything about it in your initial post! You were of course hoping that others would retaliate but they know better than you do…
You see Kimon, you’re so predictable because you’re a uneducated little Greek gymnasium twerp, who was taught at the 2-cent school of mythology that the Byzantium empire was Greek and that’s why you were so shocked that Turks adopted it!
Isn't that right you incompetent little twerp? Now get this from those who didn’t go to a Greek gymnasium…
The Byzantium Empire was ROMAN period!
In future don’t start threads about things you don’t understand.
You mean YOU can't cope with, right?
Honestly, what are you drinking? Give it up man. For your own good.
I dared not say anything about the double headed eagle? Are you nuts? I would have used it as my avatar from the beginning, if I only knew how the f..k to do it. Can you help me here here? How can I upload my avatar?
Shocked that the Turks are adopting the double headed Eagle? On the Contrary. Proud that they prove their inferiority complex toward MY heritage by claiming it as their own. They do the same with all other monuments and symbols of Hellenism and Byzantium found or unearthed in Turkey. Gee, man, even their Flag (star and crescent) is MINE. (Follows proof later).
Shocked that the Slavs are claiming Alexander the Grate to be their own? On the contrary. Proud to see the history-poor and culture -poor nations trying to find refuge in MY History and Heritage.
YOU, however, should be sorry of yourself for depriving yourself from this rich heritage.
(Are you a Francolevantine GR? You do know what WE Greek Cypriots mean by that term, do you not?).
Suggestion 2.
GR is the international recognition symbol for Hellas. Are you sure you are not a "Crypto Greek")

If you are not, stop abusing and insulting it. Why not adopt
GL (Get Lost) for instance.