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Eroglu Turkey To Walk Away From UN Talks

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Eroglu Turkey To Walk Away From UN Talks

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:51 pm

As all will know Turkey and the Puppet Eroglu have been running down the clock on the on-going talks with their maximalist demands that go far, far beyond the UN and High Level Agreement guidelines and look certain to unilaterally abandon the talks in January.

More at... ... s/20111208
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Re: Eroglu Turkey To Walk Away From UN Talks

Postby humanist » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:59 pm

It's gonna eat them alive knowing that Cyprus is in the EU and they are not.

Eroglu as a dumb c --t can't see that Cyprus has not given up its territory because it is in the EU we still want freedom for our Country. He is also dumb in that he can't see hie is leading his people into further Turkish domination, less living standards and no recognition.

Let them drop the talks. And when they do this Cyprus needs to close all crossings to the occupied area again. Until we see cooperation for the regime and the TC's
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Re: Eroglu Turkey To Walk Away From UN Talks

Postby kimon07 » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:04 pm

bill cobbett wrote:.... Turkey and the Puppet Eroglu .... look certain to unilaterally abandon the talks in January.

INSHALLAH!! as our cousins say. Lets pray to God they will, since we don't do it, although we should have done it many months ago, after the provocations of Erdogan, Gul, Bagis and Eroglu. May the God of Cyprus extend his hand once more over us like he did on December 12, 2002 (Copenhagen EU Summit, rejection of Annan Plan II by the three stooges :twisted: :lol: :mrgreen: ). I am telling you. The Turks will save us from the worst (Christophias :eyecrazy: ) once more.
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Re: Eroglu Turkey To Walk Away From UN Talks

Postby Hermes » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:10 am

bill cobbett wrote:As all will know Turkey and the Puppet Eroglu have been running down the clock on the on-going talks with their maximalist demands that go far, far beyond the UN and High Level Agreement guidelines and look certain to unilaterally abandon the talks in January.

So this must be the promised plan B. Sounds a lot like plan A. I wonder if they've got a plan C.
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Re: Eroglu Turkey To Walk Away From UN Talks

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:34 am

Hermes wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:As all will know Turkey and the Puppet Eroglu have been running down the clock on the on-going talks with their maximalist demands that go far, far beyond the UN and High Level Agreement guidelines and look certain to unilaterally abandon the talks in January.

So this must be the promised plan B. Sounds a lot like plan A. I wonder if they've got a plan C.

Have worked out some maths...

Plan A = Plan B = Plan C = 0
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Re: Eroglu Turkey To Walk Away From UN Talks

Postby Hermes » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:47 am

Apparently it was all a big misunderstanding! And Eroglu did not say what he was reported to say. We know different however...

Turkish Cypriot daily Kibris (09.12.11) reports that the illegal Turkish Cypriot news agency (TAK) has announced that due to a missing word in their news report regarding Eroglu's meeting with the Pafos Turkish Union, there has been an alteration of the meaning.

TAK published again the news report, which corrected the sentence: "I think that the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will see in January that there could be no solution on the island and will take the necessary steps" with the following: "I think that in January the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will see whether we are heading for a solution in the island and will take the necessary steps." ... .tcpr.html
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Re: Eroglu Turkey To Walk Away From UN Talks

Postby bill cobbett » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:10 am

Hermes wrote:Apparently it was all a big misunderstanding! And Eroglu did not say what he was reported to say. We know different however...

Turkish Cypriot daily Kibris (09.12.11) reports that the illegal Turkish Cypriot news agency (TAK) has announced that due to a missing word in their news report regarding Eroglu's meeting with the Pafos Turkish Union, there has been an alteration of the meaning.

TAK published again the news report, which corrected the sentence: "I think that the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will see in January that there could be no solution on the island and will take the necessary steps" with the following: "I think that in January the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will see whether we are heading for a solution in the island and will take the necessary steps." ... .tcpr.html

(Thanks H)

"Missing Word"! ... my back-side!

Here are the two sentences together...

"I think that the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will see in January that there could be no solution on the island and will take the necessary steps"
"I think that in January the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will see whether we are heading for a solution in the island and will take the necessary steps."

It's been put across as a re-write of substance, of meaning, but put either of these two sentences into the context of months and months of unhelpful and provocative statements by Eroglu/Turkey; Eroglu's "NoTerritorial Adjustment", Erdogan's "No Return of Varosia" and the Oil Gas Provocations and the Threat of War, and there can be no doubt whatsoever, none in the slightest, that Turkey/Eroglu have been wasting time, winding down the clock on the talks for months and months.

This past year has been full of these unhelpful and intransigent statements, all working towards their long-planned end-game of abandoning the talks table in January and no amount of re-writing press releases will change the generally held perceptions that Eroglu/Turkey have been working towards this stalemate for ages.
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Re: Eroglu Turkey To Walk Away From UN Talks

Postby humanist » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:55 am

bill .... what the Turks don't realise is that the world can see their provocations and injustice. Hence no other country but pakistan has ever moved to change the status quo at least in favour of the Turks of Cyprus. They are very mindful to do so because they fear of setting a precedent where any minority group can seek support from a military superpower and hence gain occupation of land. Can happen here with the Greeks for example if all greek in Australia concentared in one place they and their offsprings would exceed a population of a million, more than what Cyprus has. And yes it is an over exageration but a posasible scenario none the less.

I also think that the Turks (and in this I refer to the TC's also una fatsa una ratsa). underestimate the power of this gas in Cyprus and that 2013 is not far away. This could effectively shut them out of participating in the global international community and at their own creation because they are unwilling to negotiate on a equal treatment and respect of equal rights and really that is all there is to it. I feel more confident now than ever that the EU is not going to risk Turkish threats of any kind towards one of its soon to be the richest State in the Union.

With her veto Cyorus essentially is holding Turkey outside the EU and this has serious implications for Turkey. As stated in an article I posted earlier this week ther is a mention that Turkey not allowing Cypriot flagged ships to port is costing the EU money. Well the EU is gonna try and save money and if that means changing where their ships go so that they can created a stronger market they may just as well do this. As we have seen investment by Europe has reduced over the past 18 motnhs and continues to reduce. Is it perhaps that the EU has gotten the shits from Erdogan and and are naturally and justifibly withdrawing ties. But again the issue for me comes back to the TC's how they thru their inability to see theselves ars wealthy Europeans they rather stay where they have been for 35 years. And sure VP will stand here and say he don't want to be European and equal to a GC but I think the reality a lot of younsgters will soon start thinking moving south claiming generational property in the free area and leaving the North to settlers. Which of course means unemployment and poverty.
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Re: Eroglu Turkey To Walk Away From UN Talks

Postby bill cobbett » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:24 am

Yes A, the biggest game changer is the oil/gas and not just in terms of the vast amounts of money it'll generate but obviously cos Europe sees a very reliable source of traditional energy for years to come and the oil/gas affair has exposed Turkey as a reactionary war-mongerer with all the statements that have come out of Turkey/Eroglu in recent weeks on the subject. The EU can see the huge benefits of CY aligning with Israel and Greece in defending and exploiting these resources in the Eastern Med. and it is also something that has promoted the CyProb in the world's perceptions, not to front page news, perhaps to page 2.

As you say the Plan B is a no brainer cos of fears it will set a precedent in so many other places.

Yes, foreign investment in Turkey (and much of it is from German firms) can leave just as easily as it got there.

The young? Yes, they are the hope aren't they?

We may, by the way, get an indication next week of which way the UN will swing in all this cos they'll be a statement that is being ironed out by the Sec Council.
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Re: Eroglu Turkey To Walk Away From UN Talks

Postby humanist » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:32 am

I believe the UN will say once last time for Turkey to leave Cyprus, the problem with that is that the TC population will not agree to it and therefore difficult to implement a plan. If Eroglu though really and trully represent the TC population and invites the UN and EU to facilitate a TA withdrawl the it would be possible for the UN to implement a staged and timely off the soil of the sovereingty.
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