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Who rejected the Annan Plan?

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Who rejected the Annan Plan?

Postby kimon07 » Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:17 pm

Turkish Cypriots voted NO to the Annan Plan.

According to one of the fundamental lies of the Turkish propaganda is that the TCs voted in favor of the Annan Plan while the GCs rejected it.
The truth is that the TCs also rejected it by a majority of approx. 64,6%.
However, our leadership being such w…rs could not and did not even try to contradict the Turkish propaganda on this issue and to promote the truth internationally.

Of course, if the GR and GC leaders were not such w..…rs, they would had insisted that the voting in the occupied areas should take place under the close supervision and control of EU and UN authorities, to make sure that no Anatolian settlers would participate and that the TCs would vote freely, in which case I am sure the NOs of the TCs would be even more than 64.6%).
But even without that having been done, the result was again a big NO between the TCs but also in respect to ALL the voters put together (as would be the case if a democratic referendum had taken place).

But let us see the actual results of the two referendums:
Choice Greek Cypriots Turkish Cypriots
Votes % Votes %
For 99,976 24.17 77,646 64.91
Against 313,704 75.38 41,973 35.09
Invalid/blank votes 14,915 3.48 5,344 4.28
Total 428,587 100 124,963 100
Registered voters/turnout 480,564 89.18 143,636 87 ... 04#Results


Counting the valid votes, the total NOs from both referendums added together, reached 66,70% as follows:

Total Valid Votes 533.291 [Gr428.587+Tr124.963 – invalid (14.915+5.344)]

NO 355.677 66.70%

Yes 177.622 33,30%

Truth 2.

How many were the votes of the Anatolians, and those of the real TCs out of the 119.619 valid votes of the Turkish Cypriot referendum? Surely, the actual Turkish Cypriot valid votes could not be more than, let us say max. 65.000, given a population of about 80.000? Right?
I bet that the 41.973 who voted NO in the TC areas were all Tr. Cypriots. While all the Yeses came from the Anatolians and some TC Taksim supporters who were following the orders of Turkey or TCs who were simply afraid to vote against.

Therefore, if we take the valid votes of just the TCs we have 41.973 NOs out of 65.000 valid TC votes i.e., 64,57% rejection by the TCs. Correct?


Truth 3.

If we calculate the NOs of all real Cypriots (GCs and TCs), we have the following:

(a) Total GC valid votes: 413.672
(b) Total TC valid votes: 65.000
TOTAL Cypriot valid votes: 478.672
Total NOs 355.677 (74,00%).

Conclusion 1: About 74% of ALL REAL Cypriots voted against the Annan Plan 5.
Conclusion 2: About 64,6% of TCs voted against the Annan Plan 5.
Conclusion 3: The TCs rejected the Annan Plan twice (2002 Plan II and 2004 Plan 5), while the GCs rejected it once (Plan 5 in 2004).

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