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Why did the TMT murder Turkish Cypriots?

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Re: Why did the TMT murder Turkish Cypriots?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:11 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:What evidence do you have for such a wildcard accusation of this journalist?

[VP, your kowtowing to Turkey, making it mainstream to murder journalists with flimsy excuses, is miserable!]

Ask Denktas senior he has a whole file on him.

Fallen with the first named victim, huh!

VP, you challenged with:

Which TCs are we talking about lets take each case individually.

... now you seem completely unable to follow it up! Your backup Denktash, is not here to supply you with any support. So, how about admitting that between an endless stream of false flag operations and indiscriminate killings of GCs, the TMT also murdered Turkish Cypriots?. And I say - yours is not to reason WHY - yours is to tow the Turkish line. Which you do very well, VP!

He was a traitor, next?

Not so fast. This journalist was a 'traitor' to whom? A traitor to Cyprus or a traitor to Turkey?
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Re: Why did the TMT murder Turkish Cypriots?

Postby Hermes » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:27 pm

humanist wrote:Boyz and girls we cannot change what happened 40 years ago. But we can change the future of Cyprus

With all respect, humanist, this is about exposing the partitionist TC mentality of today. You only have to look at Viewpoint's bizarre posts to realise that he's stuck in the TMT mindset of the 1960s. It is this paranoid mentality that is behind the racism and enforced self-segregation of the TCs. Both then and now. They try and present themselves as victims when they were in reality murdering their own people in pursuit of a policy that was wholly in the service of Ankara. This policy was not against "enosis". It was against the independence of the island and the peaceful co-existence of its people. This is still their agenda today and they use the same lies and tactics as they did in the 1960s.
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Re: Why did the TMT murder Turkish Cypriots?

Postby B25 » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:39 pm

Case Closed.

Bravo re Hermes for exposing this piece of crap for what she really is.
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Re: Why did the TMT murder Turkish Cypriots?

Postby Bananiot » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:40 pm

I firstly need to say that I did not read the whole thread. Secondly, I have seen a number of historical errors. For example, Ahmed Sadi was not quite killed by TMT but he was seriously injured. I had the pleasure of meeting him in London and boast of being a close friend of this great man. He was such a gentle and polite person. He was an AKEL member (and PEO trade unionist) till the day he died.

These people who were targeted by TMT were very unfortunate. AKEL betrayed them by supporting vociferously enosis (forget about Kimon's rambling, he is too biased to be able to see things rationally) and TMT put them at its sight. They got caught in the middle of a storm, so to speak. They tried hard to make AKEL see the light (that supporting enosis only turned the TCs to the embrace of TMT) but to no avail. As a result, many of them were murdered by TMT and all TC workers left PEO, leading to the segregation of workers, thus fueling the nationalists who wanted the two communities to move apart. TMT and the "Organisation" of Yiorgadjis, resorted to the same tactics, always trying to incite bicommunal hatred, one to eliminate objections to enosis and the other to partition Cyprus (ya taksim ya olum) praying on the fears of ordinary people who saw enosis (justified to some degree) as the first step to their social exclusion or even expulsion from Cyprus (voluntary or involuntary, it made no difference). The nationalists of both sides used the same tactics. TMT bombed a mosque and blamed the GCs and the "Organisation" blew up the statue of Markos Drakos, blaming the TCs. These and many similar stories are abundant, but nobody learns about them. Someone with a clear head and with the truth only in mind, should write the true history of Cyprus. This might be a most patriotic act, during these difficult times we go through.
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Re: Why did the TMT murder Turkish Cypriots?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:46 pm

A timely post by Bananiot to assist the exposed Turkish Nationalist.

- The question now should be "Why didn't the TMT murder ALL the Turkish Cypriots?"
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Re: Why did the TMT murder Turkish Cypriots?

Postby B25 » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:46 pm

Well there you go, a job for you. Lets hear an UNBIASED account of what happened. But I guess that would be too difficult for you, given the hatred you have of your fellow GCs.

Whats eating Bananiot? What is it that drives you to shit on us every step of the way. Something happen to you in the past maybe, that turned you from you GC brothers. I wonder.
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Re: Why did the TMT murder Turkish Cypriots?

Postby Viewpoint » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:53 pm

Hermes wrote:
humanist wrote:Boyz and girls we cannot change what happened 40 years ago. But we can change the future of Cyprus

With all respect, humanist, this is about exposing the partitionist TC mentality of today. You only have to look at Viewpoint's bizarre posts to realise that he's stuck in the TMT mindset of the 1960s. It is this paranoid mentality that is behind the racism and enforced self-segregation of the TCs. Both then and now. They try and present themselves as victims when they were in reality murdering their own people in pursuit of a policy that was wholly in the service of Ankara. This policy was not against "enosis". It was against the independence of the island and the peaceful co-existence of its people. This is still their agenda today and they use the same lies and tactics as they did in the 1960s.

hermes i have never argues otherwise after the AP i became a partionist, i have always stated this as i truly believe we will never unite the chasm is to wide and engrained the fact that GCs like yourself refuse to accept blame that without enosis taksim would never have come about....your ultimate goal was never and independent Cyprus with co existence but enosis, so this lie is just so ridiculous and makes you look like a real fool but it appears you have no problem with that.
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Re: Why did the TMT murder Turkish Cypriots?

Postby humanist » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:56 pm

Hermes, I can also see a community of individuals who are stuch in the 60's and are also disadvantaged because of their racism towards the majority of population. At the end of the day in my view the TC's are racist uneducated individuals who cannot see the benefits of PEACE in their Country. But the gas extraction is only two years away and they will be begging. I hope that the President of the Republic ensures that only those Cypriots living in the Free areas of Cyprus benefit from the wealth.
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Re: Why did the TMT murder Turkish Cypriots?

Postby Hermes » Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:20 am

Viewpoint wrote:hermes i have never argues otherwise after the AP i became a partionist, i have always stated this as i truly believe we will never unite the chasm is to wide and engrained the fact that GCs like yourself refuse to accept blame that without enosis taksim would never have come about....your ultimate goal was never and independent Cyprus with co existence but enosis, so this lie is just so ridiculous and makes you look like a real fool but it appears you have no problem with that.

You are obsessed by "enosis". More than any current GC is. Why is this? Because you try and use it to justify the current situation. And yet as I have tried to show you it is not a question of which came first: taksim or enosis. Because that is the TC logic of blaming the GCs for their current predicament. There is another way of viewing TCs predicament and that is that TCs must take responsibility for their current situation.

The innocent TCs who died between 1958-1964 at the hands of the TMT terrorists died because they had another vision for Cyprus: they wanted to live in an independent Cyprus in peaceful co-existence with GCs, but were murdered for holding these beliefs. They were not murdered for wanting enosis. They rejected the TMT's policies of enforced self-segregation and were killed for it. If they were "traitors" who did they betray? It wasn't the TCs. It wasn't Cyprus.

Enosis was merely the bogey man the Turks used to scare the TCs into submission and to make segregation easier in order to justify their real aim of partition. Enosis was the bogey man who would help Turkey reach partition. It was a ghost conjured up by the TMT and Turkey to use at the right moment against a scared and cowed population. Just as it was in 1974 when Turkey invaded the island on the pretext to "save" the TCs from the old bogeyman of enosis which no GC was seriously advocating except for the loony thugs of eoka B.
Last edited by Hermes on Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why did the TMT murder Turkish Cypriots?

Postby Viewpoint » Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:05 am

You are obsessed by "enosis". More than any current GC is. Why is this? Mainly because you use it to justify the current situation.

If stating facts to justify the current situation is being obsessed then you are right.

And yet as I have tried to show you it is not a question of which came first: taksim or enosis. Because that is the TC logic of blaming the GCs for your current predicament.

Exactly why you cannot separate them because without enosis we would never have pursued taksim , of course you dismiss this because it does not suit your own agenda as you want to take the blame away from the enosis and place it squarely on taksim.

There is another way of viewing TCs predicament, however, and that is that TCs must take responsibility for their current situation. The innocent TCs who died between 1958-1964 at the hands of the TMT terrorists died because they had another vision for Cyprus: they wanted to live in an independent Cyprus in peaceful co-existence with GCs, but were murdered for holding these beliefs. They were not murdered for wanting enosis. They rejected the TMT's policies of enforced self-segregation. If they were "traitors" who did they betray? It wasn't Cyprus.

And what were the GCs doing while the innocent TCs were fighting for an independent Cyprus in peaceful co-existence with GCs? and what were the 99% Gcs that voted for enosis come what may doing?

Enosis was merely the bogey man the Turks used to scare the TCs into submission and to make segregation easier in order to justify their real aim of partition. Enosis was the bogey man who would help Turkey reach partition. It was a ghost conjured up by the TMT and Turkey to use at the right moment against a scared and cowed population. Just as it was in 1974 when Turkey invaded the island on the pretext to "save" the TCs from the old bogeyman of enosis which no GC was seriously advocating except for the loony thugs of eoka B.

The bogey man never existed so are you now saying that enosis never existed? please stop insulting our intelligence this has to be your stupidest claim to date, anyone can see right through your lies.

There is no current GC majority or desire for "enosis" as you seem to claim. There hasn't been for 40-50 years. You must know this. You cannot be that stupid. So why are you bringing up a ghost from the past to scare yourself with? Isn't it about time you grew up and stopped believing in ghosts?

You are the one being stupid by stating the above, you pushed and broke the vase by claiming enosis but now you say you no longer push vases of the shelf not allowing for the fact that the vase is broken to pieces. We just took a few pieces and amde them our own and now you claim that the push was in the past and that we should be the ones to grow up. You grow up and accept blame for your actions.
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