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Why did the TMT murder Turkish Cypriots?

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Re: Why did the TMT murder Turkish Cypriots?

Postby erolz66 » Tue Sep 01, 2015 1:03 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...i don't know why you give "Greeks" so much credit, like "Turks", they do not represent the general thinking, anymore (if they ever did).

Do you mean HERE in this forum, or are you talking about in Cyprus in general ?
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Re: Why did the TMT murder Turkish Cypriots?

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Sep 01, 2015 1:38 am

...i want to educate, and i want to communicate the observations i have made that are useful. I remember that the audience is the many who do not respond, but read. If there is any effect on the readership, i feel that they deserve the three sides to the story, we are not "Greeks" and "Turks", in this case, because the Cyprus Problem is framed wrongly. Cypriots lose, Cypriots are denied their voice. It is not possible to defend "one" side, against the other "side", Cypriots died as a result of this Ignorance, and it should be obvious to the "Greeks" and the "Turks" that despite their best efforts after all this time, Cypriots still exist.

For it to have "two sides", as in a reasoned debate, the "Greeks", the Turks", the "Maronites", the "Armenians", the "Latins", (and dare i say it, the "English") which have the same needs as Persons, and as a set, the Cypriot Constituencies, they would be equal to the Federal Government, 'bicommunally' speaking (, and by the intention of the Republic's Constitution). This is my opinion.

I believe in Cyprus, and i know that it is a wonderful opportunity for Cypriots to demonstrate the same kind of courage toward the betterment of all Mankind.
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Re: Why did the TMT murder Turkish Cypriots?

Postby erolz66 » Tue Sep 01, 2015 2:07 am

repulsewarrior wrote: we are not "Greeks" and "Turks", in this case, because the Cyprus Problem is framed wrongly. Cypriots lose, Cypriots are denied their voice. Cypriots died as a result of this Ignorance, and it should be obvious to the "Greeks" and the "Turks" that despite their best efforts after all this time, Cypriots still exist.

I believe in Cyprus, and i know that it is a wonderful opportunity for Cypriots to demonstrate the same kind of courage toward the betterment of all Mankind.

For me I am afraid I can only respond HERE to what I see HERE and I do not perceive that I am speaking here to a wider hidden audience but to those whose posts I do respond to.

I agree with what you are saying above (as I have edited it). What is more I believe it and feel it, not just with my rational mind but in my heart and my bones and emotionally as well. Yet when I am faced with a "Greek" telling me I am a "Turk" and not a 'real' Cypriot and that all the pain and suffering that those that live in Cyprus have suffered is down to my community BECAUSE we are 'Turkish' and all we know how to do is steal and oppress , what option do I have but to refute such things and see and treat such views as those of an enemy of not just my community but of Cyprus as well and respond accordingly ?

Having said all that I also have to say (and pending any further clarification from Sotos that might yet change things) I do feel like we (Sotos and I) have 'achieved' something in this other thread here cyprus43941-130.html, if only between our selves, that to me is a 'break through' the like of which I have not felt HERE on this forum in the 10 or 11 or 12 years I have been participating in it.
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Re: Why did the TMT murder Turkish Cypriots?

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Sep 01, 2015 2:28 am

...well said erolz, each of us suffer pain, and each of us have to appreciate that "this" must stop.

Indeed, we, as in Cypriots, are close to an end, what damage that has been done is done, the "Greeks" and their contemporaries the "Turks", do not have the last word. Cyprus exists.

...erolz, if you don't mind, allow me to say that i remember that the power of love is infinite, there is Grace in remembering that there is one God, my life has been enriched not by you, or by Sotos, but the dialog that the two of you have ventured to make, in Peace. That is a good thing that i thank-you for. Indeed a few years longer on the other place before HERE, you even longer, hard to get your hopes up but they are, cheers.
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