B25 wrote:halil wrote: and comprising two politically equal communities .....
Yeah, right, thats what started the problem in the first place. Another GC wanker wanting to make money on a book, hade assirktir malaka.
Oh, and you have no F chance.
...if I understand, within this context, the meaning of two (or many) politically equal communities, each will have as a form, self-representation for its electorates, as Persons. looking closely at the resolution, it is clear, as Cypriots, as Individuals, they will demonstrate their support for Universal Principals united within a Federal Government, Sovereign, as this island's dwellers,free from subjugation; for their betterment, and as Stewards of the island.
I look forward to free movement and association, i look forward to Turkish communities in the south, and Greek communities in the north (see my manifesto, i.e.enclaves). I look forward to living (residing) in territortial jurisdictions where I have an equal vote, whether i am to its National Assembly part of its Majority, or a Minority, because (in this situation a Person) as a Cypriot, lives Free, there is a State, and a Federal Government, where our Individual Rights are defended, and we stand united to better them.
...assirktir malaka, i would have liked it if VP spoke for himself, you... put the words in his mouth, does he remember Isaac?what gives you this right, it is not because you are bitter and actng like a hooligan, that your "Greekness" (or whatever) is well represented. frankly, the young people who stand together at the OBZ are to be praised, they know who the "enemy" is. regretfully the youth at this sporting event have had to suffer from the Intolerance of a few, all the more reason for us to stand united against this Ignorance, and its fear.
...B25, do you think the "Greeks" who were murderers of Greeks are any different to their contemporary's, the "Turks" within the TMT?
...can you live in a Cyprus where its Federal Government applies no distinction amongst its Citizens, they are all equal, and they all vote exactly the same way.
...can you live in a neighbourhood which is Turkish, Maronite, Armenian, or Greek, as a Minority or Majority, if within a National Assembly, your vote is the same as anyone else's?
...i hope so, because i would like to see if vp will agree with you.
Bicommunal means two identities, not "Greek/Turk", but Person and Individual; therefore, it (the representation of Cypriots) cannot have just two Governing bodies, it is three, as the resolution is written (or more).