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Iran threatens to bomb Turkey

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Re: Iran threatens to bomb Turkey

Postby Get Real! » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:48 pm

Bananiot wrote:Go to sleep GR!

:shock: What have I said.... it's not even 12 yet! :?
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Re: Iran threatens to bomb Turkey

Postby Schnauzer » Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:13 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:We don't care about Iran. Here our problem is with Turkey.
There have been no comments because simply we don't care for the well being either of the two countries.
I think the initiator of the topic did it to show how false the "zero problems with neigbhours" self advertising campaign of Turkey, is.

"Pyrpollizer" it may well be that you are correct in your assessment of the 'Initiator's' motives in raising this topic, it may also be that the expected responses were that we should 'Gloat' over the prospect of seeing Turkey bombed and there are many who would welcome such a prospect.

Perhaps Turkey COULD do with a good bombing, who knows?.

There are wider issues in this report (imho) and it is THOSE issues which I believe deserve considerably more discussion than they have received thus far.

Iran is now under scrutiny by the SAME powers that scrutinised Iraq, prior to the 'Unlawful Attack' upon that nation which resulted in the mass slaughter and displacement of countless innocent civilians, the 'Excuse' for the action being that Iraq was in possession of 'WMD' (a sickening reference to weaponry, bandied about by those who were 'Baying for Blood' which has since been proven to be 'A Pack of Lies'), of course, since the exposure of the 'Lies', even more have been invented in order to justify the unlawfulness.........Iraq is in shambles.......... unless you believe even more 'Lies'.

The SAME nations which (in concert) engineered the havoc which resulted (and is STILL resulting) from their combined 'Efforts of Mass Destruction' (EMD),
are now hell bent on intimidating Iran and are using precisely the SAME 'Tactics' under a different guise.

The SAME nations, are responsible for the destruction of Cyprus (Proven Fact) YET, how strange that the mere mention of Turkey's vulnerability to a bombing seems to encourage alliances to further mischief in the Middle Eastern Regions, have we not suffered and seen enough ?.

In Tehran today, the 'British Embassy' IS under attack, The 'Flags' of Israel, US and UK are ablaze, I wonder what the message is ?. :wink:
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