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To Jazz Lovers!

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Re: To Jazz Lovers!

Postby Elle » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:16 pm

To Schnauzer!
"Courtesy and good manners have much to do with the emotions. To make them ring true, one must feel them, not merely exhibit them". Sorry, not sure about the author, but I do agree !
Kind regards :)
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Re: To Jazz Lovers!

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:53 pm

Jazzy B in Limassol is probably the best bet: there are some excellent Jazz Musucians in Cyprus, George Koulas is in my view a world class Drummer, Irenaeos Koullouras on bass, excellent, George Krassides on sax: very lyrical. Thrown in Louis Nahas on guitar and I am in Jazz heaven.
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Re: To Jazz Lovers!

Postby Cap » Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:56 pm

Glad to hear it.
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Re: To Jazz Lovers!

Postby Schnauzer » Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:45 pm

Elle wrote:To Schnauzer!
"Courtesy and good manners have much to do with the emotions. To make them ring true, one must feel them, not merely exhibit them". Sorry, not sure about the author, but I do agree !
Kind regards :)

You raise a very interesting point "Elle", perhaps you have even exposed a general 'Flaw' in our own perceptions when we are engaged in conversation.

Politicians (in particular) are ever conscious of the fact that they should be 'Seen' to be courteous and polite at all times YET, their good manners is all too often exposed as 'Hypocrisy' and the general population is invariably fooled into believing that, because of the courtesy and good manners displayed, the orator must truly believe in his/her statements........There are countless examples (particularly recent) which certainly prove otherwise.

Similarly, in the 'Legal Professions' it is of paramount importance that the rules of 'Etiquette' which apply to THAT profession (and there are various standards) must be strictly adhered to, even though it is common knowledge that they too are often (if not ever) prone to mislead and misdirect in order to gain whatever ascendancy they seek to achieve.

Therefore, I submit that it is extremely difficult to attach 'Truthfulness' to 'Courtesy and Good Manners' (as a beholder) since the two examples above prove that in many areas, precisely the opposite is 'True'.

It would appear that the only occasions where one can rely upon the 'Emotions' in an exchange, is when one is verbally attacked by another who is strongly in disagreement, at such times, 'Good Manners etc' become of secondary importance and it is at THAT time that the recipient of the verbal attack is more able to display the advantages of being 'Polite', thus (in such circumstances) 'Emotions' are 'Felt' and 'Exhibited' rather more. (imho) :wink:
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Re: To Jazz Lovers!

Postby Elle » Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:42 am

To Schnauzer!

Well, what can I say…. In general I am agreed with your concept, especially at the point of politicians and lawyers’ behavior, despite of I am one of those “bloody legal professionals” ;) Although I must admit: I would rather prefer to be polite with my opponent than to be rude with them, even though they are rude…. And this is not because they are nice, or they confuse me…. no, it’s just because I am well breed. Courtesy is as much a mark of a well breed people as courage of gentlemen and good manners of ladies. Unfortunately the common language at nowadays is too brutal and has got assertion of threatening power at hand. Being kind is similar to being weak … Not to mention the younger generation which are mostly theatrical and use to be too much suppressive, unkind and skeptical…. Perhaps It’s because of our pity reality… Our "leaders" and “fathers of nations” use to express the military power and try to force the world to "dance" their own music… Being “brutal” (read rude) sounds cool and seems to be more powerful than being kind and polite… Most of these youngsters (not all of them thanks God) are not intelligent, even though they are well educated sometimes. I truly believe that to make someone believe in your good intentions, your kindness and your opinion, you must firstly believe in it yourself! I truly believe that good manners have much to do with the emotions and to make them sound true, you must feel them, not merely exhibit! You must be in peace with yourself and sincere with others. I adore one quote of Confucius: “When music and courtesy are better understood and appreciated, there will be no war”! So very true! The most popular music at nowadays is mostly aggressive and the most common language is a “fist” language… Therefore I am grateful to you for this conversation. It’s always nice to talk with someone who listen you. Thanks again and have a nice Wednesday! ;)
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Re: To Jazz Lovers!

Postby Elle » Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:45 am

To "supporttheunderdog"!

Many thanks for your kind reply and your concern!
Definitely I'll make it soon!

Kind regards:)
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