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Message to men who beat up their women.

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Message to men who beat up their women.

Postby fig head » Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:30 pm

You are not men you are and not a shamed of the words I am using now cunts , you probably have a little willy and this is why you are insecure.

Last night I witnessed my friend getting boxed in the face because she went out !!! in-front of our friends , we had to separate that wanker of her before he kills her and I was shocked I couldn't think of a proper reaction other than feeling bad for her and thinking what the fuck does a pretty girl like her do with that monkey face .

Today I put it on me to fight for weak women, get the fuck out of your relationship, it is not worth it , done it once will always do it..

Disgusting and disgrace on our species , women are strong and I do know how it feels when you feel helpless or unable to survive on your own but think about it, before you get on with this sad excuse for a man you were alive and happy and what happen is men like that brain wash their women to make them feel like they are the only one who cares about them and no one else would be with them and all them things that makes a woman give up and believe the bullshit coming from their dirty mouths only to be afraid of getting out of this unhealthy relationship.

It is the psychology of insecurity .. when men are afraid of loneliness or afraid of getting their ugly asses dumped this is what they do, they mind trick women, but also have to blame any girl who get beat up by a guy and find excuses for them..

Do something ! be brave and say to hell with that I am not getting beated up again by one of them less than men. I demand respect .. do demand respect .. do demand of better lives and healthier relationships, do not be afraid and do not think twice... a word of wisdom run , run ,,, run....
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Message to momen who emotionally beat up their men.

Postby Maximus » Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:36 pm

A Message to momen who emotionally beat up their men.

You are not women and I am not ashamed of these words I am using now; ba$t@rd$. you probably have a loose tw@t because of your border line personality disorder.

Last night I got a call from my friend as he had yet again received more emotional abuse from her, this time only because he went out! I had to give him a little talk before that b!tch poisons his mind and manipulates him some more, then manages to turn him into half the man he was before. I would usually feel bad for him, but then it got me thinking, what the f&ck are you doing with this selfish, value taking wench?

Today I have taken it upon myself to fight for pu$$y whipped men, get the fuck out of this negative relationship or start being a man. It is not worth it, she has tested and found no resistance, she got away with it once, she will keep pushing the boundaries again and again.

You are a man, you are supposed to be the dominant one who will lead. I have been there, like many men before but before you got with this sad excuse for a female, you had a positive vibe with a great outlook on life. What happened here is that she has lost much respect for you and now she is treating you like sh*t. You thought she was an angel, that she could do no wrong and you fell hard for her, excusing the possibility that there could be someone else. 8ull$h!t, how can you fully believe the words of someone who primarily makes decisions based upon their emotions? Its not logical at all, she will say whatever feels right. Loyalty, honor and word is bond are traits amongst men.

It is the psychology of insecurity, when women are afraid of losing your purpose, or afraid you will upgrade for a younger and more attractive specimen, on the side or otherwise, this is what they do. They do not feel remorse.

You can do something, be strong and confident and say, to hell with her, I am not going to take the emotional abuse any longer. I demand respect, demand your respect, you deserve a better life with positive relationships. Think about what is best for you and if you have to, walk away, do it, it is her loss.
Last edited by Maximus on Fri Nov 25, 2011 8:18 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Message to men who beat up their women.

Postby Get Real! » Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:51 pm

Some people need to realize that a relationship between two people with or without the Church’s blessing, is NOT a contract of ownership… in other words nobody owns the other party!
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Re: Message to men who beat up their women.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Nov 25, 2011 10:35 pm

They both need help.
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Re: Message to momen who emotionally beat up their men.

Postby fig head » Fri Nov 25, 2011 10:59 pm

Maximus wrote:A Message to momen who emotionally beat up their men.

You are not women and I am not ashamed of these words I am using now; ba$t@rd$. you probably have a loose tw@t because of your border line personality disorder.

Last night I got a call from my friend as he had yet again received more emotional abuse from her, this time only because he went out! I had to give him a little talk before that b!tch poisons his mind and manipulates him some more, then manages to turn him into half the man he was before. I would usually feel bad for him, but then it got me thinking, what the f&ck are you doing with this selfish, value taking wench?

Today I have taken it upon myself to fight for pu$$y whipped men, get the fuck out of this negative relationship or start being a man. It is not worth it, she has tested and found no resistance, she got away with it once, she will keep pushing the boundaries again and again.

You are a man, you are supposed to be the dominant one who will lead. I have been there, like many men before but before you got with this sad excuse for a female, you had a positive vibe with a great outlook on life. What happened here is that she has lost much respect for you and now she is treating you like sh*t. You thought she was an angel, that she could do no wrong and you fell hard for her, excusing the possibility that there could be someone else. 8ull$h!t, how can you fully believe the words of someone who primarily makes decisions based upon their emotions? Its not logical at all, she will say whatever feels right. Loyalty, honor and word is bond are traits amongst men.

It is the psychology of insecurity, when women are afraid of losing your purpose, or afraid you will upgrade for a younger and more attractive specimen, on the side or otherwise, this is what they do. They do not feel remorse.

You can do something, be strong and confident and say, to hell with her, I am not going to take the emotional abuse any longer. I demand respect, demand your respect, you deserve a better life with positive relationships. Think about what is best for you and if you have to, walk away, do it, it is her loss.

Is that what you believe ? haha it is like 2011 best joke ! don't you know the (men) species say and may be go far and believe that out of fear? yes, the time of the man is the master had long gone when women stopped fearing men , we are competitors and r.i.p man world.

And you think beating up women is equal to be in an unhappy relationship ?

Women and men can go through emotional abuse it is not just women who do the abuse part !
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Re: Message to men who beat up their women.

Postby puffik » Sat Nov 26, 2011 12:16 am

Figgy wrote:Last night I witnessed my friend getting boxed in the face because she went out !!! in-front of our friends

A guy I used to work with was beaten up by his wife in front of his friends: she hit o the head with a frying pan.

Not sure if it was for going out,or for coming back completely sh*t faced.
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Re: Message to men who beat up their women.

Postby Get Real! » Sat Nov 26, 2011 12:23 am

puffik wrote:
Figgy wrote:Last night I witnessed my friend getting boxed in the face because she went out !!! in-front of our friends

A guy I used to work with was beaten up by his wife in front of his friends: she hit o the head with a frying pan.

Not sure if it was for going out,or for coming back completely sh*t faced.

I study criminology as a hobby and the frying pan is the weapon of choice for females! :lol:

I know of at least one case in the US where a woman murdered her parents but accused an ex convict of the crime who was allegedly making threatening phone calls to her parents, but the investigators didn’t buy that story because they couldn’t believe that a hardened male criminal would ever use a frying pan to commit the murders!
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Re: Message to men who beat up their women.

Postby Maximus » Sat Nov 26, 2011 12:25 am

fig head wrote:
Is that what you believe ? haha it is like 2011 best joke ! don't you know the (men) species say and may be go far and believe that out of fear? yes, the time of the man is the master had long gone when women stopped fearing men , we are competitors and r.i.p man world.

It does not sound like women are competitors, you are making them sound like predators.

fig head wrote:And you think beating up women is equal to be in an unhappy relationship ?

Women and men can go through emotional abuse it is not just women who do the abuse part !

You can always walk away.
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Re: Message to men who beat up their women.

Postby Hermes » Sat Nov 26, 2011 3:15 am

fig head wrote:
Today I put it on me to fight for weak women...

Fig head, looks like you picked the right day to start your fight:

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

In 1999, the UN General Assembly designated 25 November as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Violence against women and girls is a problem of pandemic proportions. At least one out of every three women around the world has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime - with the abuser usually someone known to her.

Women's activists have marked 25 November as a day against violence since 1981. The date commemorates the brutal assassination of the three Mirabal sisters, political activists in the Dominican Republic, in 1960 on orders of Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo (1930-1961).

Governments, international organizations and NGOs are invited to organize activities on the day to raise public awareness of the problem. The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women also launches the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence, which runs through 10 December, Human Rights Day. ... index.html
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Re: Message to men who beat up their women.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:59 am

[quote="Get Real!"I study criminology as a hobby.. :lol: [quote]

Does that make a change from criminologists studying you??
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