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Back to the "Last Chance" policy.

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Re: Back to the "Last Chance" policy.

Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:20 am

kimon07 wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:You wait till there are 2 million Turks breathing down your neck from the trnc....You will realise a thing or two then...
( :o )

My friend, The RoC should pay you to speak for it. In just one line you explained in a frightfully plain manner why Turkey should (and will) NEVER, never never become an EU member.
Thank you, thank you, and THANK YOU.

I have news for you, Kimon07...The EU game is over...The majority of the Turkish people and their "Warmly" Islamic government do not wish to be part of EU...They don't even need to use their Cyprus excuse to stay out of it...They are happy to remain The USA's deputy sheriff in the large pool that is the Eagean,Mediterranean and the Middle Eastern worlds...
You can go back to the drawing board...There is no escaping the Turkish yoke,not for the GCs and not for the TCs...As VP keeps telling you,the TCs have an advantage here...they speak Turkish and they are "warmly" Islamic...They'd always prefer to be physically and emotionally safe and sound under Turkey's protection to risking everything in unchartered and troubled EU seas...Time you woke up to this...
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Re: Back to the "Last Chance" policy.

Postby Hermes » Wed Nov 30, 2011 2:10 am

BirKibrisli wrote:There is no escaping the Turkish yoke,not for the GCs and not for the TCs.

True. Even though we don't live under direct military occupation we suffer the daily indignity of not being able to reclaim our homes and to travel freely on our island. There is also the painful knowledge of how our land is languishing under the Turkish jackboot. Its churches, culture and heritage decimated. The north is truly a forlorn place crying out for freedom.

But despite the Turkish hold on the north, we are free in the south, the RoC has joined the EU - a serious blow to Turkish interests. The RoC is also building an alliance with Israel - Turkey's once-closest ally in the region. The RoC has strong Russian and French support and is developing long-term alliances founded on its potential gas reserves. The free areas are still a very pleasant place to live, to do business, for tourists to visit. The Turkish presence is really felt most strongly in the occupied areas where the Turkish yoke is there for all to see.

There's really not much direct power Turkey can exert over the ROC as its recent attempts to prevent gas exploration in our EEZ should tell you. If anything, Turkey has less say over our affairs than it thought it did. Whereas we have our say over Turkey as well - let's call it the Cypriot yoke. Little Cyprus will be the energy hub in the Eastern Med. Not Turkey. And Cyprus will finally seal Turkey's EU fate - with all the economic and strategic implications that will follow (they are not as insignificant as you think). Cyprus still has potential to annoy Turkey. Don't get me wrong, the GCs are not content having a third of their island under occupation - but the RoC is not going to sit back and give Turkey an easy ride either. Don't forget it's Turkey that has taken us on. We didn't ask Turkey to come to our island. So we will defend our interests in any way we can.
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Re: Back to the "Last Chance" policy.

Postby Piratis » Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:35 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
Piratis wrote:What I support is: One united Cyprus where all Cypriots are equal citizens with a real democracy (one person one vote) without any racist discriminations, without segregation and without human rights violations.

What you support is: Legalizing the division of Cyprus and the ethnic cleansing, an undemocratic system that discriminates people based on their ethnicity and institutionalizing human rights violations with derogations from the EU acquis.

You have no respect to even our most basic human and democratic rights, let alone any empathy, compassion and understanding. You turned out to be as bad as people like AlanwithoneL, and that is the lowest of the low.

What you support is what Makarios,Grivas,Yorgadjis et al supported for all times...
Depriving the TCs of their hard won rights to live as equal citizens in their own country...
You do not,and never did,consider us,as legitimate Cypriots,people who for historical and geopolitical reasons have found themselves children of the island you consider to belong to Greece and the greek people...You have always tried (along with those I mentioned above) to assimilate,humiliate ,and degrade the TC community,and your struggle continues today,under the disguise of democracy and human rights arguments...You have proven yourself to be a Turkish Cypriot hater par exellance,a racist swine whose ultimate aim is to ethnically cleanse all TCs from Cyprus...That is the lowest of the low,my friend,and you know it...

The majority of TCs have never accepted to be equal citizens. They instead collaborated with Turkey and Britain in order to regain Ottoman style privileges, where the Cypriot population would be divided into GCs and TCs, with your community having gains on the expense of the vast majority of the population. You are the ones who started several wars and conflicts, backed by Turkey, in order to violate our human rights and enforce something which is racist and undemocratic so that you and Turkey can benefit on our loss.

Are you and the other racist criminals like yourself hated because of this? Of course you are, and rightly so. I do not hate all TCs or Turks. I do not hate Kikapu, and I didn't hate you when you supported democracy and human rights. Once you turned into a racist criminal, who supports ethnic cleansing and the indiscriminate violation of the human and democratic rights of every single Greek Cypriot just because of their ethnicity, then and only then you joined the group of those whom I despise.

So again:

What I support is: One united Cyprus where all Cypriots are equal citizens with a real democracy (one person one vote) without any racist discriminations, without segregation and without human rights violations.

What you support is: Legalizing the division of Cyprus and the ethnic cleansing, an undemocratic system that discriminates people based on their ethnicity and institutionalizing human rights violations with derogations from the EU acquis.
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Re: Back to the "Last Chance" policy.

Postby Kikapu » Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:26 am

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
AlanwithoneL wrote:
Are you aware that in any civilised country you'd be arrested for these racist remarks? Have you seen the news with the lady on the bus shouting racist remarks at foreigners? This morning every radio station was debating this incident in a civilised fashion, thank god I live in a civilised country. Sotos, you can keep the Cyprus that you and the likes of you have created. Its all yours young man. All I ask is that the settlers multiply ten fold and never ever leave the north again to add to your misery.

Piratis, good luck with your plans of recapturing the north. I estimate the shift in "balance of power" to change in a millennium or two so not long to go my dear Greek Friend.

By the sounds of it, you really don't care seeing the TCs being wiped out of Cyprus, as long as it is not done by the GCs, but it's OK if it's done by the Turks. Do you know how ridiculous, bitter and racist you sound, and from someone who claims to be TC. :roll:

Then again, you were not born in Cyprus, were you, just like VP, therefore, you two do not have connection to Cyprus in the same way as most TCs do, so it's no wonder you are both in same frame of mind, that what ever the Turks does to the TCs it's OK, but not anyone else. :evil:

At last now he gets it. Off course we prefer the Turks to the GCs as we are Turkish in origin.

Most Americans are European origins, so does that mean then, that the Americans would prefer to be wiped out by the Europeans than the Chinese? :roll:

Some twisted logic you have!

While the GCs are not wiping out the TCs, the Turks are, which you don't seem to mind at all, in which case, if and when the time comes that the GC will take control over the whole island and the remaining TCs will be just a another minority or even kicked off the island for good, then that would be fine by you too, RIGHT! :roll:

After all, you do accept the TCs being wiped out. It's just a question of by whom.

No real TC will accept this, except foreign born so called TCs like you and Alan.

Viewpoint wrote:Gcs were not given the chance to wipe out the TCs as we all know 1974 happened, the bully got bullied so dont even go there.

Everyone knows that 1974 was not about wiping the TCs off the island, but to bring Turkey into Cyprus to wipe out the GCs from the north, so get your facts straight.

Viewpoint wrote:You appear to have no problem with the GCs taking over the whole island in order to kick the TCs out, no in fact you encourage and support it. Ask any TCs you wish living in the TRNC whether they would rather be taken over by the Turks or the GCs i can guarantee 8 out of 10 would choose the Turks.

I have every problem any Cypriot getting kicked off the island. But we are talking about the TCs getting wiped out by Turkey as the case is right now and not just the TCs having the choice who would take them over. Therefore, the statement stands, that you don't mind the TCs being wiped out, as long as it is done by the Turks. Since you like to mix the settlers in the north as "TC's", then your 8 out of 10 figures are correct, 8 being the settlers. The remaining real TCs would like to live as citizens of the RoC with their rights as EU citizens.

Viewpoint wrote:You are right on one matter if that happened and we were reduced too minority status in a GC state with no guarantees i would sell up and move to Turkey or the UK.

The TCs are a numerical minority, but it does not mean they have any less rights than the numerical majority. If they were to claim minority rights, they would in fact have more rights than the majority, only without violating others Democratic and Human Rights. To you, unless the numerical minority TCs do violate the numerical majority's Democratic and Human Rights, you would move to Turkey or the UK. Why? Do you think you can move to Turkey or the UK and be allowed to violate the Turks and the British Democratic and Human Rights just to accommodate your Fascistic ideology. I don't think so.
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Re: Back to the "Last Chance" policy.

Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:11 pm

Hermes wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:There is no escaping the Turkish yoke,not for the GCs and not for the TCs.

True. Even though we don't live under direct military occupation we suffer the daily indignity of not being able to reclaim our homes and to travel freely on our island. There is also the painful knowledge of how our land is languishing under the Turkish jackboot. Its churches, culture and heritage decimated. The north is truly a forlorn place crying out for freedom.

But despite the Turkish hold on the north, we are free in the south, the RoC has joined the EU - a serious blow to Turkish interests. The RoC is also building an alliance with Israel - Turkey's once-closest ally in the region. The RoC has strong Russian and French support and is developing long-term alliances founded on its potential gas reserves. The free areas are still a very pleasant place to live, to do business, for tourists to visit. The Turkish presence is really felt most strongly in the occupied areas where the Turkish yoke is there for all to see.

There's really not much direct power Turkey can exert over the ROC as its recent attempts to prevent gas exploration in our EEZ should tell you. If anything, Turkey has less say over our affairs than it thought it did. Whereas we have our say over Turkey as well - let's call it the Cypriot yoke. Little Cyprus will be the energy hub in the Eastern Med. Not Turkey. And Cyprus will finally seal Turkey's EU fate - with all the economic and strategic implications that will follow (they are not as insignificant as you think). Cyprus still has potential to annoy Turkey. Don't get me wrong, the GCs are not content having a third of their island under occupation - but the RoC is not going to sit back and give Turkey an easy ride either. Don't forget it's Turkey that has taken us on. We didn't ask Turkey to come to our island. So we will defend our interests in any way we can.

In your little dream world things are black and white.Turks are evil,Greeks are good,and TCs do not exist and never did...GCs are the masters of Cyprus,and its only a matter of time before the whole world appreciates this irrefutable facts and comes to your rescue...Right??? Turkey woke up on a sunny July morning in 1974 and decided to invade their little neighbour just for the fun of it....Right????Greece and the GCs did nothing to bring this about...Yep,got you...And now all you have to do is sit back and wait and everything will be rosy again in Aphrodite's land...Keep repeating that you didnt ask Turkey to come to your island...And it is only a matter of time before your island is liberated....And lie back watch the procession of the flying pigs...
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Re: Back to the "Last Chance" policy.

Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:24 pm

Piratis wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Piratis wrote:What I support is: One united Cyprus where all Cypriots are equal citizens with a real democracy (one person one vote) without any racist discriminations, without segregation and without human rights violations.

What you support is: Legalizing the division of Cyprus and the ethnic cleansing, an undemocratic system that discriminates people based on their ethnicity and institutionalizing human rights violations with derogations from the EU acquis.

You have no respect to even our most basic human and democratic rights, let alone any empathy, compassion and understanding. You turned out to be as bad as people like AlanwithoneL, and that is the lowest of the low.

What you support is what Makarios,Grivas,Yorgadjis et al supported for all times...
Depriving the TCs of their hard won rights to live as equal citizens in their own country...
You do not,and never did,consider us,as legitimate Cypriots,people who for historical and geopolitical reasons have found themselves children of the island you consider to belong to Greece and the greek people...You have always tried (along with those I mentioned above) to assimilate,humiliate ,and degrade the TC community,and your struggle continues today,under the disguise of democracy and human rights arguments...You have proven yourself to be a Turkish Cypriot hater par exellance,a racist swine whose ultimate aim is to ethnically cleanse all TCs from Cyprus...That is the lowest of the low,my friend,and you know it...

The majority of TCs have never accepted to be equal citizens. They instead collaborated with Turkey and Britain in order to regain Ottoman style privileges, where the Cypriot population would be divided into GCs and TCs, with your community having gains on the expense of the vast majority of the population. You are the ones who started several wars and conflicts, backed by Turkey, in order to violate our human rights and enforce something which is racist and undemocratic so that you and Turkey can benefit on our loss.

Are you and the other racist criminals like yourself hated because of this? Of course you are, and rightly so. I do not hate all TCs or Turks. I do not hate Kikapu, and I didn't hate you when you supported democracy and human rights. Once you turned into a racist criminal, who supports ethnic cleansing and the indiscriminate violation of the human and democratic rights of every single Greek Cypriot just because of their ethnicity, then and only then you joined the group of those whom I despise.

So again:

What I support is: One united Cyprus where all Cypriots are equal citizens with a real democracy (one person one vote) without any racist discriminations, without segregation and without human rights violations.

What you support is: Legalizing the division of Cyprus and the ethnic cleansing, an undemocratic system that discriminates people based on their ethnicity and institutionalizing human rights violations with derogations from the EU acquis.

It must be great to believe in fairy tales,Piratis...Your side is 100% right,everyone else 100% wrong...while I understand that this belief might sooth your troubled mind it does not make it right...What you support is One united Cyprus where the supremacy of the GCs is not questioned,and nothing will slow the inevitable march towards making our country a Greek island...Everything else you talk about is just a smokescreen to camouflage your centuries old Enosis dream....It is time you woke up...Things will never be 100 % as you want them...If you want a solution you will need to accept the political,social,and cultural equality of the TCs,and acknowledge their right to live in peace and security in their own country...
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Re: Back to the "Last Chance" policy.

Postby Hermes » Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:32 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Hermes wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:There is no escaping the Turkish yoke,not for the GCs and not for the TCs.

True. Even though we don't live under direct military occupation we suffer the daily indignity of not being able to reclaim our homes and to travel freely on our island. There is also the painful knowledge of how our land is languishing under the Turkish jackboot. Its churches, culture and heritage decimated. The north is truly a forlorn place crying out for freedom.

But despite the Turkish hold on the north, we are free in the south, the RoC has joined the EU - a serious blow to Turkish interests. The RoC is also building an alliance with Israel - Turkey's once-closest ally in the region. The RoC has strong Russian and French support and is developing long-term alliances founded on its potential gas reserves. The free areas are still a very pleasant place to live, to do business, for tourists to visit. The Turkish presence is really felt most strongly in the occupied areas where the Turkish yoke is there for all to see.

There's really not much direct power Turkey can exert over the ROC as its recent attempts to prevent gas exploration in our EEZ should tell you. If anything, Turkey has less say over our affairs than it thought it did. Whereas we have our say over Turkey as well - let's call it the Cypriot yoke. Little Cyprus will be the energy hub in the Eastern Med. Not Turkey. And Cyprus will finally seal Turkey's EU fate - with all the economic and strategic implications that will follow (they are not as insignificant as you think). Cyprus still has potential to annoy Turkey. Don't get me wrong, the GCs are not content having a third of their island under occupation - but the RoC is not going to sit back and give Turkey an easy ride either. Don't forget it's Turkey that has taken us on. We didn't ask Turkey to come to our island. So we will defend our interests in any way we can.

In your little dream world things are black and white.Turks are evil,Greeks are good,and TCs do not exist and never did...GCs are the masters of Cyprus,and its only a matter of time before the whole world appreciates this irrefutable facts and comes to your rescue...Right??? Turkey woke up on a sunny July morning in 1974 and decided to invade their little neighbour just for the fun of it....Right????Greece and the GCs did nothing to bring this about...Yep,got you...And now all you have to do is sit back and wait and everything will be rosy again in Aphrodite's land...Keep repeating that you didnt ask Turkey to come to your island...And it is only a matter of time before your island is liberated....And lie back watch the procession of the flying pigs...

This is a really nonsensical post. I really expect better from you. It's so stupid and unworthy I don't know why you would post it. I thought you were more intelligent than to actually believe the Turkish army invaded and occupied northern Cyprus in order to "liberate" the TCs. And that GCs are involved in anything other than a legitimate struggle to free the island from the stain of the occupation.

If TCs still believe this kind of nonsense then no wonder they are lost and bemused in a world that condemns them to the status of outcasts and which will end in their demise on the island. And who will mourn them? Really? Do you think anyone gives a damn if you don't even care yourselves?

Your only hope, Bir, is that TCs are more enlightened than you are and that your prejudices and gullibility are not shared by those who still reside in the north. That they show some semblance of courage to fight for their survival in an alliance with the GCs who, in one of life's great ironies, now represent their only chance for survival on the island.
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Re: Back to the "Last Chance" policy.

Postby boulio » Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:25 pm ... tionId=102

you see Bir TURKEY Is not that important after all
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Re: Back to the "Last Chance" policy.

Postby Piratis » Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:53 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Piratis wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Piratis wrote:What I support is: One united Cyprus where all Cypriots are equal citizens with a real democracy (one person one vote) without any racist discriminations, without segregation and without human rights violations.

What you support is: Legalizing the division of Cyprus and the ethnic cleansing, an undemocratic system that discriminates people based on their ethnicity and institutionalizing human rights violations with derogations from the EU acquis.

You have no respect to even our most basic human and democratic rights, let alone any empathy, compassion and understanding. You turned out to be as bad as people like AlanwithoneL, and that is the lowest of the low.

What you support is what Makarios,Grivas,Yorgadjis et al supported for all times...
Depriving the TCs of their hard won rights to live as equal citizens in their own country...
You do not,and never did,consider us,as legitimate Cypriots,people who for historical and geopolitical reasons have found themselves children of the island you consider to belong to Greece and the greek people...You have always tried (along with those I mentioned above) to assimilate,humiliate ,and degrade the TC community,and your struggle continues today,under the disguise of democracy and human rights arguments...You have proven yourself to be a Turkish Cypriot hater par exellance,a racist swine whose ultimate aim is to ethnically cleanse all TCs from Cyprus...That is the lowest of the low,my friend,and you know it...

The majority of TCs have never accepted to be equal citizens. They instead collaborated with Turkey and Britain in order to regain Ottoman style privileges, where the Cypriot population would be divided into GCs and TCs, with your community having gains on the expense of the vast majority of the population. You are the ones who started several wars and conflicts, backed by Turkey, in order to violate our human rights and enforce something which is racist and undemocratic so that you and Turkey can benefit on our loss.

Are you and the other racist criminals like yourself hated because of this? Of course you are, and rightly so. I do not hate all TCs or Turks. I do not hate Kikapu, and I didn't hate you when you supported democracy and human rights. Once you turned into a racist criminal, who supports ethnic cleansing and the indiscriminate violation of the human and democratic rights of every single Greek Cypriot just because of their ethnicity, then and only then you joined the group of those whom I despise.

So again:

What I support is: One united Cyprus where all Cypriots are equal citizens with a real democracy (one person one vote) without any racist discriminations, without segregation and without human rights violations.

What you support is: Legalizing the division of Cyprus and the ethnic cleansing, an undemocratic system that discriminates people based on their ethnicity and institutionalizing human rights violations with derogations from the EU acquis.

It must be great to believe in fairy tales,Piratis...Your side is 100% right,everyone else 100% wrong...while I understand that this belief might sooth your troubled mind it does not make it right...What you support is One united Cyprus where the supremacy of the GCs is not questioned,and nothing will slow the inevitable march towards making our country a Greek island...Everything else you talk about is just a smokescreen to camouflage your centuries old Enosis dream....It is time you woke up...Things will never be 100 % as you want them...If you want a solution you will need to accept the political,social,and cultural equality of the TCs,and acknowledge their right to live in peace and security in their own country...

There are many other ethnic minorities that live in Cyprus in peace and security and they are equal Cypriot citizens. The TC minority could also be the same, but you choose conflict instead, aiming to regain Ottoman style privileges on the expense of every other Cypriot.

Where Cyprus should belong or should not belong is something that should be decided democratically by the Cypriot people, not by you or any foreign Imperialist with which you collaborate. As an individual your say should be as much as mine: one vote. Nothing more.

A solution can only be one that brings to Cyprus freedom, democracy and human rights. Nothing short of this very basic principles can be called a solution.
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Re: Back to the "Last Chance" policy.

Postby BirKibrisli » Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:55 am

Hermes wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Hermes wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:There is no escaping the Turkish yoke,not for the GCs and not for the TCs.

True. Even though we don't live under direct military occupation we suffer the daily indignity of not being able to reclaim our homes and to travel freely on our island. There is also the painful knowledge of how our land is languishing under the Turkish jackboot. Its churches, culture and heritage decimated. The north is truly a forlorn place crying out for freedom.

But despite the Turkish hold on the north, we are free in the south, the RoC has joined the EU - a serious blow to Turkish interests. The RoC is also building an alliance with Israel - Turkey's once-closest ally in the region. The RoC has strong Russian and French support and is developing long-term alliances founded on its potential gas reserves. The free areas are still a very pleasant place to live, to do business, for tourists to visit. The Turkish presence is really felt most strongly in the occupied areas where the Turkish yoke is there for all to see.

There's really not much direct power Turkey can exert over the ROC as its recent attempts to prevent gas exploration in our EEZ should tell you. If anything, Turkey has less say over our affairs than it thought it did. Whereas we have our say over Turkey as well - let's call it the Cypriot yoke. Little Cyprus will be the energy hub in the Eastern Med. Not Turkey. And Cyprus will finally seal Turkey's EU fate - with all the economic and strategic implications that will follow (they are not as insignificant as you think). Cyprus still has potential to annoy Turkey. Don't get me wrong, the GCs are not content having a third of their island under occupation - but the RoC is not going to sit back and give Turkey an easy ride either. Don't forget it's Turkey that has taken us on. We didn't ask Turkey to come to our island. So we will defend our interests in any way we can.

In your little dream world things are black and white.Turks are evil,Greeks are good,and TCs do not exist and never did...GCs are the masters of Cyprus,and its only a matter of time before the whole world appreciates this irrefutable facts and comes to your rescue...Right??? Turkey woke up on a sunny July morning in 1974 and decided to invade their little neighbour just for the fun of it....Right????Greece and the GCs did nothing to bring this about...Yep,got you...And now all you have to do is sit back and wait and everything will be rosy again in Aphrodite's land...Keep repeating that you didnt ask Turkey to come to your island...And it is only a matter of time before your island is liberated....And lie back watch the procession of the flying pigs...

This is a really nonsensical post. I really expect better from you. It's so stupid and unworthy I don't know why you would post it. I thought you were more intelligent than to actually believe the Turkish army invaded and occupied northern Cyprus in order to "liberate" the TCs. And that GCs are involved in anything other than a legitimate struggle to free the island from the stain of the occupation.

If TCs still believe this kind of nonsense then no wonder they are lost and bemused in a world that condemns them to the status of outcasts and which will end in their demise on the island. And who will mourn them? Really? Do you think anyone gives a damn if you don't even care yourselves?

Your only hope, Bir, is that TCs are more enlightened than you are and that your prejudices and gullibility are not shared by those who still reside in the north. That they show some semblance of courage to fight for their survival in an alliance with the GCs who, in one of life's great ironies, now represent their only chance for survival on the island.

The trouble is,Hermes,I am sick and tired of the whole discussion...I've been around much longer than you and we have talked everything to death with no tangible results...
forgive me for being flippant every now and then...There is no hope,mate...we have no choice...It might not seem fair to you,but that is how it is...You agree to a solution that will satisfy Turkey or you wait till Turkey is pleased to satisfy you,sometime in the next 50 years....Don't bother replying,this is another flippant and nonsensical post...I am full of them these days... :wink:
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