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Back to the "Last Chance" policy.

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Re: Back to the "Last Chance" policy.

Postby DooDaDoo » Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:20 pm

Look at "Alan" try to claim the moral high ground after he wrote that perhaps ethnic cleansing on a massive scale and illegal occupation is actually deserved.
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Re: Back to the "Last Chance" policy.

Postby Sotos » Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:30 pm

AlanwithoneL wrote:
Each and every post from you shows exactly how civilised you are. Keep up the good work Sotos, you are a great ambassador for your community.

Uncivilized shit like you do not deserve to be treated with civility. When you respect us and our rights on our island then you can expect respect from us. Until then you will get from us the treatment you deserve.
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Re: Back to the "Last Chance" policy.

Postby denizaksulu » Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:46 pm

Bunlar hep, 'ayni hamam, ayni tas'. All have degrees, first class in Scatology BSc. :D
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Re: Back to the "Last Chance" policy.

Postby Kikapu » Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:53 pm

AlanwithoneL wrote:
Are you aware that in any civilised country you'd be arrested for these racist remarks? Have you seen the news with the lady on the bus shouting racist remarks at foreigners? This morning every radio station was debating this incident in a civilised fashion, thank god I live in a civilised country. Sotos, you can keep the Cyprus that you and the likes of you have created. Its all yours young man. All I ask is that the settlers multiply ten fold and never ever leave the north again to add to your misery.

Piratis, good luck with your plans of recapturing the north. I estimate the shift in "balance of power" to change in a millennium or two so not long to go my dear Greek Friend.

By the sounds of it, you really don't care seeing the TCs being wiped out of Cyprus, as long as it is not done by the GCs, but it's OK if it's done by the Turks. Do you know how ridiculous, bitter and racist you sound, and from someone who claims to be TC. :roll:

Then again, you were not born in Cyprus, were you, just like VP, therefore, you two do not have connection to Cyprus in the same way as most TCs do, so it's no wonder you are both in same frame of mind, that what ever the Turks does to the TCs it's OK, but not anyone else. :evil:
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Re: Back to the "Last Chance" policy.

Postby AlanwithoneL » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:03 pm

Kikapu wrote:
AlanwithoneL wrote:
Are you aware that in any civilised country you'd be arrested for these racist remarks? Have you seen the news with the lady on the bus shouting racist remarks at foreigners? This morning every radio station was debating this incident in a civilised fashion, thank god I live in a civilised country. Sotos, you can keep the Cyprus that you and the likes of you have created. Its all yours young man. All I ask is that the settlers multiply ten fold and never ever leave the north again to add to your misery.

Piratis, good luck with your plans of recapturing the north. I estimate the shift in "balance of power" to change in a millennium or two so not long to go my dear Greek Friend.

By the sounds of it, you really don't care seeing the TCs being wiped out of Cyprus, as long as it is not done by the GCs, but it's OK if it's done by the Turks. Do you know how ridiculous, bitter and racist you sound, and from someone who claims to be TC. :roll:

Then again, you were not born in Cyprus, were you, just like VP, therefore, you two do not have connection to Cyprus in the same way as most TCs do, so it's no wonder you are both in same frame of mind, that what ever the Turks does to the TCs it's OK, but not anyone else. :evil:

Kimdir be bu salak? Turkmu? Rummu? karimi? Erkekmi? Her boka tezek her hiyara tuz oluyor.
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Re: Back to the "Last Chance" policy.

Postby Kikapu » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:06 pm

AlanwithoneL wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
AlanwithoneL wrote:
Are you aware that in any civilised country you'd be arrested for these racist remarks? Have you seen the news with the lady on the bus shouting racist remarks at foreigners? This morning every radio station was debating this incident in a civilised fashion, thank god I live in a civilised country. Sotos, you can keep the Cyprus that you and the likes of you have created. Its all yours young man. All I ask is that the settlers multiply ten fold and never ever leave the north again to add to your misery.

Piratis, good luck with your plans of recapturing the north. I estimate the shift in "balance of power" to change in a millennium or two so not long to go my dear Greek Friend.

By the sounds of it, you really don't care seeing the TCs being wiped out of Cyprus, as long as it is not done by the GCs, but it's OK if it's done by the Turks. Do you know how ridiculous, bitter and racist you sound, and from someone who claims to be TC. :roll:

Then again, you were not born in Cyprus, were you, just like VP, therefore, you two do not have connection to Cyprus in the same way as most TCs do, so it's no wonder you are both in same frame of mind, that what ever the Turks does to the TCs it's OK, but not anyone else. :evil:

Kimdir be bu salak? Turkmu? Rummu? karimi? Erkekmi? Her boka tezek her hiyara tuz oluyor.

And your point is what exactly, that you don't like honesty in response to your ridiculous statement?
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Re: Back to the "Last Chance" policy.

Postby Viewpoint » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:23 pm

Kikapu wrote:
AlanwithoneL wrote:
Are you aware that in any civilised country you'd be arrested for these racist remarks? Have you seen the news with the lady on the bus shouting racist remarks at foreigners? This morning every radio station was debating this incident in a civilised fashion, thank god I live in a civilised country. Sotos, you can keep the Cyprus that you and the likes of you have created. Its all yours young man. All I ask is that the settlers multiply ten fold and never ever leave the north again to add to your misery.

Piratis, good luck with your plans of recapturing the north. I estimate the shift in "balance of power" to change in a millennium or two so not long to go my dear Greek Friend.

By the sounds of it, you really don't care seeing the TCs being wiped out of Cyprus, as long as it is not done by the GCs, but it's OK if it's done by the Turks. Do you know how ridiculous, bitter and racist you sound, and from someone who claims to be TC. :roll:

Then again, you were not born in Cyprus, were you, just like VP, therefore, you two do not have connection to Cyprus in the same way as most TCs do, so it's no wonder you are both in same frame of mind, that what ever the Turks does to the TCs it's OK, but not anyone else. :evil:

At last now he gets it. Off course we prefer the Turks to the GCs as we are Turkish in origin.
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Re: Back to the "Last Chance" policy.

Postby Piratis » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:46 pm

Viewpoint wrote:At last now he gets it. Off course we prefer the Turks to the GCs as we are Turkish in origin.

OK Viewpoint, lets examine some facts:

1) You are a Turk, not unlike all other Turks
2) The Turks have no problem to move from the lands they were born and raised to a different country.
3) You support ethnic cleansing as a way to solve the Cyprus Problem
4) You don't want to live among the native Cypriot population but you prefer being a minority among Turks
5) You want the protection of the Turkish Army

Based on the facts above it seems that the best solution to the Cyprus problem would be to move all* TCs to Turkey, along with the Settlers. Of course you will not accept such thing, but if one day we have the power to force this solution, it will really not be that big of a deal for you but a solution which will be based on your own principles and which will essentially give to you almost everything that you want. Is that right?

* Those TCs who don't want to be a minority among Turks, do not support ethnic cleansing, and they instead want to be equal Cypriot citizens will of course stay.
Last edited by Piratis on Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Back to the "Last Chance" policy.

Postby Kikapu » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:47 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
AlanwithoneL wrote:
Are you aware that in any civilised country you'd be arrested for these racist remarks? Have you seen the news with the lady on the bus shouting racist remarks at foreigners? This morning every radio station was debating this incident in a civilised fashion, thank god I live in a civilised country. Sotos, you can keep the Cyprus that you and the likes of you have created. Its all yours young man. All I ask is that the settlers multiply ten fold and never ever leave the north again to add to your misery.

Piratis, good luck with your plans of recapturing the north. I estimate the shift in "balance of power" to change in a millennium or two so not long to go my dear Greek Friend.

By the sounds of it, you really don't care seeing the TCs being wiped out of Cyprus, as long as it is not done by the GCs, but it's OK if it's done by the Turks. Do you know how ridiculous, bitter and racist you sound, and from someone who claims to be TC. :roll:

Then again, you were not born in Cyprus, were you, just like VP, therefore, you two do not have connection to Cyprus in the same way as most TCs do, so it's no wonder you are both in same frame of mind, that what ever the Turks does to the TCs it's OK, but not anyone else. :evil:

At last now he gets it. Off course we prefer the Turks to the GCs as we are Turkish in origin.

Most Americans are European origins, so does that mean then, that the Americans would prefer to be wiped out by the Europeans than the Chinese? :roll:

Some twisted logic you have!

While the GCs are not wiping out the TCs, the Turks are, which you don't seem to mind at all, in which case, if and when the time comes that the GC will take control over the whole island and the remaining TCs will be just a another minority or even kicked off the island for good, then that would be fine by you too, RIGHT! :roll:

After all, you do accept the TCs being wiped out. It's just a question of by whom.

No real TC will accept this, except foreign born so called TCs like you and Alan.
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Re: Back to the "Last Chance" policy.

Postby kimon07 » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:51 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:You wait till there are 2 million Turks breathing down your neck from the trnc....You will realise a thing or two then...
( :o )

My friend, The RoC should pay you to speak for it. In just one line you explained in a frightfully plain manner why Turkey should (and will) NEVER, never never become an EU member.
Thank you, thank you, and THANK YOU.
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