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he is english cypriot

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he is english cypriot

Postby littlemiss » Fri Sep 09, 2005 4:40 pm

Can any one help? by boyfriend is english cypriot and i am english. I have not been christened, does this mean if we were to marry i would have to have a greek wedding, if so what if I got christened would i still have to have one?
I have nothing against grrek weddings but its not the day i dreamed of since a little girl! Can any one help is there a way round this? could we do both? Nope dont want a registry office either. Fussy eh??
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Postby vickyc1973 » Fri Sep 09, 2005 5:40 pm

Hi Little miss,
Im no expert but when my sister married about 12 years ago in UK it was like this, She is like your partner english Cypriot and we are greek orthodox... the man she wanted to marry was english and had never been christened, but in her case she had to have a greek wedding.(Family said so hehe)
So my bother in law had to go and get christened greek, then they had to marry in a english reg office and then a few days later they were allowed to marry in a greek church.
But a friend of mine got married in the church of england only a year ago and her husband was catholic and she was never christened and they allowed it.So it all depends, you dont want to marry in a reg office, but if you want to marry in a church but not a greek one, then i dont think you will have to much of a problem as alot of C of E now allow things like this with no problems, you will still get the odd old fashioned one but dont let it put you off.
To be really honest i think you will have a bigger problem with his family than with finding a church that will marry you.
Good luck!!
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Postby GIz33k0 » Fri Sep 09, 2005 6:43 pm

usually this situation can be delt with getting married in reg office 1st and then having the normal greek wedding ..
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Postby Piratis » Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:06 pm

Civil wedding is the only official wedding. In Cyprus it is required, the religious one is optional.

I think since you are from different religions it would be better to settle just for the civil wedding. The same way you don't want to have an Orthodox wedding maybe he will not want to have a catholic one.
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Postby littlemiss » Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:25 pm

oh well doesnt look like i will ever get my dream wedding maybe we can convince his family to let us do a bit of a mixture! Its just I want to understand what the priest is saying to me, and i want it to mean something personal. I have been to greek weddings and it just seemed like none of the guest took any notice of what was said or done. maybe we will run off to gretna green! thanks for your help guys xxxx
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Postby Sotos » Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:50 pm

I have been to greek weddings and it just seemed like none of the guest took any notice of what was said or done.

This is because nobody can understand what is said by the priest :P :lol:
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Postby vickyc1973 » Fri Sep 09, 2005 9:10 pm

That is so true, even if your Cypriot you dont know what the priest is saying.hehe

Dont feel to bad about it littlemiss....there is ways, if you get married in uk in and C of E church then you will get away with it.
But at the end of the day it dont really matter greek english as long as your married at the end of it is all that counts.

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Postby garbitsch » Sat Sep 10, 2005 11:06 am

I bet what scares her is the type of wedding that the people had in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" film hehehe
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Postby GIz33k0 » Sat Sep 10, 2005 3:05 pm

lol i find that quite normal actually for a greek wedding... :lol:
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Postby littlemiss » Sat Sep 10, 2005 8:03 pm

Vicky you are right it shouldnt matter at all. I can help having that little side of me that says its our day, it should be what we want. I dont want a day I will look back on for the rest of my life and think i wish it was different. oh god im so selfish! Oh and yes my big fat greek wedding scared the pants off me ah!!!!!!!! big family and my poor mum and dad they will freak! ( or just get wrecked on shots of zivannia all night )!
Did they make that film to put everyone off marrying a greek?!!
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