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The Trials of 'Isaac Koch'

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Re: The Trials of 'Isaac Koch'

Postby kurupetos » Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:40 pm

CBBB wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
CBBB wrote:As I said yesterday, it must be the heat!

It is not hot in Lerwick! :wink:


It's a place in the UK. :wink:
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Re: The Trials of 'Isaac Koch'

Postby Schnauzer » Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:53 am

"Welcome to the Fold"

Subsequent to receiving the favourable comment of 'Amos' when he indicated that 'The Nine Commandments' made 'Perfect Sense' and the apparent concurrence of his acceptance of the value of them, 'Patrick' felt that he could now safely advance the principles of 'The Honour Code' which attended such acceptance.

'Amos' was quite obviously an 'Honourable Man', he could hardly be otherwise since his position as 'An Officer and a Gentleman' (and the vocation to his new career) would demand that he should be nothing less, therefore, 'Patrick' felt quite comfortable when he introduced 'Amos' to the basics of 'The Code' and the importance of strict adhesion to such principles.

In common with ALL 'Society's', certain 'Symbols', 'Expressions' or 'Actions' are necessary for identification among members of 'The Brotherhood', the 'Rules of Acceptance' are probably the strictest of ANY other 'Fraternity' in existence and the 'Goals' more worthwhile, every 'Brother' IS a 'Brother' in the TRUE sense of the word (unlike other 'Fraternities' which only pay 'Lip Service' to the expression) and 'Once In Never Out' is THE most important 'Criterion' of membership.

Nothing 'Amos' was learning of 'The Brotherhood' was 'Adverse' to his own opinions, not such a 'Mystery' actually since the very 'Foundation' of ALL the information he was receiving was that which one would expect from a 'Perfect Society', the entire objective of 'The Brotherhood' being the creation of a 'Microcosm' of such a 'Society' and 'By Example', expanding the principles of it to the wider world, not as a 'New Religion', rather as a declaration that 'Mankind' should be 'Free' of the 'Negativity' that controls their lives.

One would have thought that the 'Time' that 'Mankind' has spent on the 'Earth', would have produced a better standard of existence than is currently apparent, there are many 'Cultures' and Religions' upon it, NONE of them have proven to be beneficial to ALL and are therefore 'Flawed', the 'Strict Observance' of 'The Nine Commandments' can only produce an ultimately 'Flawless Society' since there are NO excuses for not observing the 'Tenets' of them.

Just a quick comparison here, 'VERY FEW' (in today's Society) strictly adheres to the 'Dictates' of 'The TEN Commandments' and it may well be that it is BECAUSE they are 'Dictates' rather than 'Requests', that such is the case.

The 'Symbolism' and 'Ceremony' which attends many 'Religions', is primarily designed to instill 'FEAR' into those who become followers and the 'Hierarchy' surround themselves with such trappings of importance (coupled with 'Secrecy') the 'Follower' is made to feel 'Inferior' and, being 'Overwhelmed' by the 'Pomp and Circumstance' of 'Ceremonies' etc, becomes sure of the fact that they ARE 'Inferior' and thus are in 'Religious Captivity'.

Do you need a little 'Proof' ?,....... Go to 'St Peter's Basilica in Rome' and stand inside at the centre and look up to the underside of 'The Dome', 'AWESOME', there MUST be a 'GOD', then go up and stand in the 'Cupola' which surmounts the 'Dome' and look down upon the 'Masses' that gather in adoration at the spectacle of the 'Statues' that adorn the 'Facade' overlooking the 'Square' BUT, before you leave, be sure to engage in a small conversation with the 'Beggars' that congregate (much to the dismay of the 'Tour Guides and 'Officials') in the portals and nearby, you have just 'Touched' the 'Hem of the Skirt of Hypocrisy' and probably will not even be aware of it.

And so it is in MANY other parts of the world, 'Great Buildings' pronouncing the 'Glory of God' (or some such invisible 'Deity') whilst 'Poverty and Despair' clamours in the shadow of them.

So too does the same 'Trick' work in 'Government Buildings', 'Palaces' and 'Courts of Justice', easily confirmed with a cursory glance at 'The 'Houses of Parliament', (in the UK) and other notable structures the world over, ALL designed to make the 'Ordinary Folk' feel 'Inferior'.

Not so with 'The Brotherhood', 'The NINE Commandments' are 'Sacrosanct' and if EVER they are broken by ANY 'Brother', severe penalties are 'Mandatory' and there are NO excuses, there can NEVER be a situation where a 'Brother' may be in default yet 'Regain' or 'Maintain' his position as a 'Brother', 'Expulsion' at the least and 'Death' at the most (although very 'Minor' offences incur stiff financial penalties, the 'Offender' may have unwittingly acted unwisely and erred in some small way, no real harm intended or done).

All of these matters (and more) were discussed and again 'Amos' found himself 'In Tandem' with them, he was particularly impressed to learn that, despite the allusions to 'religious Beliefs' and 'Cultural Matters', no restrictions were imposed upon ANY 'Brother' to deny his faith, actually, since the basic 'Tenets' of such 'Beliefs ' are invariably based on similar principles to the 'Code', accommodating them does not present many difficulties, 'Racism' obviously cannot exist and the ONLY factor which (at times) might cause a little concern for those that DID hold on to their 'Religious' and 'Cultural' differences, was the notion that 'The Oath of The Brotherhood' MUST take precedence to any other 'Vow', again not such a great problem since the 'Oath' is based on pure 'TRUTH' and is therefore perfectly compatible with all others (if adhered to correctly).

When 'Amos' questioned 'Patrick' on the matter of the 'DEATH Penalty', he was told that, although it existed for extreme violations, it had NEVER, to his knowledge been implemented, quite true since neither 'Patrick' nor any other member outside of 'The Elders' would know of the awful fate of 'Isaac Koch' (Known only as 'Emmanuel Snitzmandorf' to 'Patrick at that time) and even though 'Isaac Koch' WAS a 'Brother', he was not known to 'Patrick' as one, since their paths had never crossed.

'Patrick' had certainly managed to impress 'Amos' and felt that he could introduce him to 'The Elder' of the area in which he resided, his initial step would be to again contact 'Pug Mahone' who would in turn set up the introduction, 'Patrick' informed 'Amos' that he would be proposing him on account of his 'Resourcefulness', 'Honesty', 'Respectability' and general 'Moral Compass', coupled with a degree of 'Fortitude' in the face of 'Adversity', he stood up and was about to shake hands with his new (hopefully soon to be 'Brother') when he suddenly slapped the palm of his 'Left Hand' with the back of his 'Right' and immediately sat down again with a broad 'Grin' on his face.

"By Jayzus !" said 'Patrick', "And who else did we recently discover, that exhibited ALL the qualities I have just attributed to you when we met him under unfortunate circumstances ?".

With hardly a moment's pause, 'Amos' replied, " Why, 'Andy' the 'Old Soldier' of course, he MUST possess such qualities, how else could he have 'Kept his Nose Clean' whilst a 'Fugitive' for so many years ?, even the reason for his recent arrest when he chastised a 'Lout' for his unruly behaviour is a clear indication of his worth".

"Absolutely !" rejoined 'Patrick, "I will have to make contact with him also, I think it might be a grand idea if we three meet here next week, 'The Fox Andy Crow' 'eh?" and the two of them lolled back in their comfortable chairs and laughed as they contemplated the prospect of 'Andy' being welcomed into yet another 'Fold'. :wink:

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Re: The Trials of 'Isaac Koch'

Postby Schnauzer » Thu Oct 04, 2012 11:24 am

"It's a Small World"

'Chief Inspector Patrick Muldoon' made his contact with 'Pug Mahone' (the Go Between), who immediately set up the meeting between 'Patrick' (the Proposer) 'Amos' (the Proposed) and 'Jimmy Light' (The Elder), the meeting took place in an apartment in 'Sloane Square' which was generally occupied by a close associate of 'Jimmy Light' and it was there that 'Amos De Crow' presented his credentials.

After some 'In-Depth' questioning and instruction, 'Amos' received the sanction of 'Jimmy' that he should be made 'Privy' to the 'Inner Secrets' of 'Recognition' and thus was 'Initiated subsequent to his taking the 'Oath of Allegiance' and pledging that such 'Oath' precedes all others.

'Recognition' of one 'Brother' (whether by or to) another is as simple as it is effective, it is mostly achieved 'Verbally' (although there are other methods) BUT, NOTHING is ever in 'Writing' nor do displays of 'Ridiculous Antics' such as are practised by other 'Fraternities' form any part of procedure, a few 'Well Rehearsed' words of exchange and one or two 'Secret signs and Symbols', are all that is necessary and obviously THEY must remain in the domain of 'The Brotherhood'.

'Jimmy Light' was at first a little 'Over Cautious' when he was made aware of the fact that 'Patrick' was a 'Senior Police Officer' BUT, his 'Caution' was quickly dispersed when he received the assurance of 'Pug Mahone' that 'Patrick' was an old and trusted 'Brother', 'Jimmy' wondered why the identity of 'Patrick' was not protected by a 'Nom de Plume' in common with EVERY 'Brother' (other than himself) and accepted that such would not be possible due to 'Patrick's' position in the 'Police Force', however, since 'Pug' had known 'Patrick' as 'Ernie O'Hara' for so many years past, it was decided that 'Exceptions' should be made in both the cases of 'Patrick AND 'Amos' since they would prove to be (hopefully), very 'Valuable Assets' in certain areas where the 'General Public' could not gain access to information.

With 'Amos De Crow' in the position that HE was in on the 'Inside' (as it were), he would be able to 'Pinpoint' any acts of 'Misfeasance' within 'Government Departments', furthermore, since such 'Acts' invariably resulted in the 'Syphoning of the Public Purse', the 'Monies' realised could certainly be regarded as 'Stolen Goods' and, since the 'Code of the Brotherhood' embraces the policy that there is 'No Crime' in relieving a 'Thief' of his 'Ill Gotten Gains', the 'Coffers' of 'The Brotherhood' could very well be soon bulging quite substantially and legitimately in accordance with such 'Code'.

When one considers the number of times the terms 'Wastage' 'Misuse' 'Misappropriation' and many other like descriptions covering the 'Disappearance' of monies intended for 'Foreign Aid' or other seemingly 'Noble' purposes, one can imagine just how great an 'Asset' it could be to 'The Brotherhood' that such an 'Insider' as 'Amos De Crow' might well be able to 'Channel' the obvious 'Thefts' toward the more deserving resources of 'The Brotherhood', who would and DO use their finances for 'Genuine' purposes.

'Jimmy' had instantly recognised 'Amos' when they first shook hands, he sensed that 'Amos' did not recognise HIM and was greatly relieved, however, his initial thoughts were that the appearance of a 'Police Officer' and the 'Victim' of an assault which he had witnessed, might in some way pose a threat to his safety, after all, he was still somewhat apprehensive about his position and it DID seem strangely 'Coincidental' that the 'Black Geezer' (as 'Jimmy' had referred to him up to that point) should now be seeking enrolment to 'The Brotherhood', strange indeed but not impossible, perhaps even a 'Blessing' since 'Jimmy' had always regarded himself as one 'Blessed' by 'Providence' and, since no mention was made of anything outside of the business in hand, 'Jimmy' kept his own counsel on the matter, he MIGHT discuss the situation 'Sine Die' (at some other time) and he laughed inwardly at the thought that he should think of such a 'Legal Term', one which had been used in a 'Court of Law' when he was released from custody after an affray with a 'Security Guard' at 'Tesco's' when, as 'Founder Member' of the 'S.C.R.O.T.U.M.S. movement (Senior Citizens Revolt Over The Unfair Monetary System), he rushed to the assistance of a 'Pensioner' who was being 'Apprehended' for stealing a packet of 'Digestive Biscuits', but THAT is another story.

Taking their leave of 'Jimmy Light', 'Patrick' and 'Amos' made their way to a coffee shop and considered their next move which was to make contact with 'Andy', it was agreed that they should invite him for lunch at 'Finchley Golf Club' and emphasize that the 'Reason' for such an 'Invitation' was that 'Amos' had been so impressed by 'Andy's' candour, he felt that they should meet again in order to 'Regale' each other with their tales of 'Derring-Do'.

'Patrick' quite easily obtained the details of 'Andy' and within the hour 'Amos' was speaking to him on the telephone, his 'Invitation' was readily accepted and 'Lunch' was arranged for the following day which presented no problems for any of the three of them, 'Amos' DID inform 'Andy' that he had obtained his telephone number from 'Chief Inspector Patrick Muldoon' but did not inform him that 'The Inspector' would be joining them, both 'Patrick' and he had decided that 'Andy' might be less eager to accept the 'Invitation' if a 'Police Officer' was also an invited guest, after all, it was a 'Police Officer' that had arrested him for the 'Boot in the Backside' of the 'Lout' and it may have discouraged him.

Thus, the next day, 'Amos' met 'Andy' in the 'Car Park' of the 'Finchley Golf Club' where they were joined by 'Patrick', 'Andy' was somewhat surprised to learn of THIS arrangement but was soon reassured that the 'Lunch' was to be a purely 'Social Event' and the three of them took their places in the 'Member's Lounge'.

It was 'Amos' that opened the conversation regarding the difficulties 'Andy' must have surmounted during his period of 'Self Imposed Exile', he wondered how 'Andy' was able to survive the rigours of such an existence and complimented him on the fact that, as HE had indicated, he had managed to 'Keep his Nose Clean' throughout such a period.

'Andy' shifted uneasily in his chair when 'Amos' posed such a question, his eyes darted from one of his companions to the other and he half raised himself from his seat as if intent upon a swift departure, it was obvious that he was not quite as comfortable as he would like to be and, but for the interjection of 'Patrick' when 'Amos' tried to repair the damage, perhaps 'Andy' would have departed.

'Patrick' held up his hand and spoke directly to 'Andy', "One moment !" he said "We both can understand your surprise at being brought here and finding yourself in circumstances that you did not expect BUT, there is a very sound reason for the arrangement and I apologise for our clumsiness, please 'Andy', allow us the time to explain that reason to you".

'Andy' slowly sat down again, he leaned back in his chair and prepared himself for whatever explanation he was about to receive, 'Patrick' opened up a new conversation, he firstly made it known that his name was 'Patrick' and that his position as a 'Police Officer' was of no consequence in the matters about which they would now discuss, he pointed to 'Amos' and applied the same 'Boundaries' to HIS position, furthermore, ANY discussion that took place would be utterly confidential and he gave his solemn promise that both he and 'Amos' would respect such a promise.

Whether by 'Accident', 'Foreknowledge' or even 'Fate', THOSE words were the 'Clincher' as far as 'Andy' was concerned for HE, above ALL else, was a 'Man of Honour' in the truest sense and we shall soon learn the validity of such a description, he offered his hand to both of his companions and readily consented to the request made of him.

'Patrick' began to speak to 'Andy' in precisely the same fashion as he had spoken to 'Amos' when he initially broached the subject of the 'Basic Principles' of the 'Honour Code', he gently probed the responses of 'Andy' and was finding it so much easier to explain than he had done with 'Amos', he was watching the expressions which seemed to dance across the face of 'Andy' as he responded to questions, questions about 'Respect', 'Society', Human Interactions, and 'Racism' to name but a few, 'Patrick' was quite pleased by the responses he received but he was totally unprepared for the next comment 'Andy' made which was in no way connected to his answer to the question posed.

'Andy' leaned toward his two companions and quietly uttered the words of "The Secret Sentence !", in astonishment both of them shot back into their seats and it was 'Patrick' who made the correct reply which determined that all three were 'Brothers'.

As if the 'Revelation' by 'Andy' was not enough, further discussion revealed some truly remarkable facts, 'Andy' had first encountered 'Jimmy Light' when he first absconded all those years ago, he had made his way to 'Brighton' with his 'Girlfriend' and there, whilst walking along the seafront on a cold evening, wondering about where to rest for the night, they became aware of a 'Young Man' of similar age to himself staring at them, they assumed that he was also suffering the rigours of the cold and invited him to join them for a cup of tea in a nearby 'Cafe', THAT meeting was a turning point in the life of our 'Young Fugitive', that small act of 'Kindness' to a 'Stranger' was the 'Springboard' to a life of 'Safe Passage' through 'Stormy Waters' for 'Jimmy Light' had but recently formed 'The Brotherhood' as an act of 'Defiance' against the 'Corruption' of the 'Police Force' in 'Brighton', (a well documented period when young people were being 'Bribed' and 'Bullied' into accepting responsibility for 'Crimes' they did not commit, in order that 'The Force' would be viewed more favourably) 'Jimmy' had many connections in and around both the 'London' and Brighton' areas, he was able to direct both 'Andy' and his 'Girlfriend' to an 'Hotel' where BOTH of them would be given a job and accommodation.

'Andy' naturally accepted the offer, he became one of the 'Earliest' members of 'The Brotherhood' and he now expressed his great 'Joy' to learn that after so many years, 'The Brotherhood' was attracting such persons as those who sat before him now.

The story of the many 'Adventures' (or if you prefer 'Acts of Derring-Do) experienced by 'Andy', will make good reading I am sure, perhaps HIS story should be told.

How strangely 'Fate' doth place it's hand upon us ALL, how sad we mostly let it pass unnoticed, how true the words of he who first announced, "It's a Small World !". :wink:
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Re: The Trials of 'Isaac Koch'

Postby Schnauzer » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:11 am

'In Praise of Caution'.

'Andy' leaned forward and placed his elbows on the table before him, he bonded his wrists together and rested his chin upon his fists as he realized that there was a certain 'Oddity' in the manner in which these introductions had taken place, it was 'Andy' himself that had first suggested the adoption of 'Nom de Plumes' by ALL members of 'The Brotherhood' YET, here he was seated opposite two 'Brothers' who were seemingly unaware of the obligation to conceal their true identities, he clearly remembered how well the idea of his proposal was accepted by 'Jimmy Light' and, furthermore, he had never known (nor wished to know) the true identities of ANY of the 'Brothers' he had encountered throughout his life, 'Andy' was a little perplexed by such thoughts.

Both 'Chief Inspector Patrick Muldoon' and 'Amos DeCrow' sensed that there was something bothering 'Andy', it was as if he had suddenly lost interest in their companionship and wished himself to be elsewhere, neither of them were left in suspense for long as 'Andy' broached the subject of 'Anonymity'.

"Gentlemen" said 'Andy', "I fear that I may have made a grave mistake in revealing myself to you since in doing so, I have broken a fundamental rule which MUST be observed by every member of 'The Brotherhood', it was I that actually encouraged 'Jimmy Light' (back in 1954) to introduce the idea of each 'Brother' selecting a 'Nom de Plume' for themselves, a necessary precaution I thought, since there may be those who, like myself, preferred a certain 'Anonymity' due to their circumstances, my proposal was readily accepted by 'Jimmy' and, therefore, I personally had some influence in the formulation of certain principles of 'The Brotherhood' BUT, I now find myself as uncomfortable in knowing of YOUR identities as I am in your knowing of MINE"

'Andy' sat up and leaned back in his chair once again, he crossed his arms across his chest and looked in turn at his new 'Brothers' as if awaiting a reply to his concerns, it was 'Patrick' who took it upon himself to explain the reason for such an infringement of the rules.

"We have both spoken to 'Jimmy' on precisely the issues you have raised" said 'Patrick', " You must understand, as 'Jimmy' does, that the positions of both myself and 'Amos' are such that we cannot be contacted in our professions by any other name except our own, any alternatives would possibly lead to the exposure of our involvement with a fraternity which might be regarded as unseemly among those of other persuasions, therefore, in the interests of security AND the advantages of both myself and 'Amos' being in the positions we are, the matter of our identities is of little consequence since we will be primarily concerned with matters which will be of great financial benefit to 'The Brotherhood' and as such, WE must ensure that our endeavours remain as secretive as possible".

'Andy' did not really like what he was being told, he reasoned that it was possible that both 'Patrick' and 'Amos' could be 'Infiltrators' and that HE had unwittingly provided them with knowledge that might prove to be harmful to 'The Brotherhood', he knew how much 'Jimmy' had favoured the idea of false identities, he had never known of any occasion where it was necessary to reveal one's personal details, it was just not done.

Considering the explanation that 'Patrick' had offered in response to his doubts, 'Andy' made a proposal to 'Patrick' which he felt would ease his anxieties, there was a simple 'Test' he could set which would certainly allay any suspicions he might have about his new (Policeman) 'Brother' and his associate, he felt a little relief as the thought came to him and he leaned forward and rested his arms on the table, he drummed the fingers of his left hand and gently bit his bottom lip before setting 'Patrick' a task, it was a simple one which (subject to the outcome) would prove beyond any doubt that his suspicions were unfounded.

"IF, as you have indicated, you have made your identities AND intentions known to 'Jimmy' and received his consent, you MUST have been in direct contact with him, IF such be the case, you MUST be in a position to communicate directly with him since YOU have made special arrangements regarding your positions, therefore, I would like you to phone 'Jimmy' right now and ask him for the 'Nom de Plume' of the young man he met in 'Brighton' all those years ago, I have met 'Jimmy' on several occasions in the years that have sped by and he knows me well enough, confirmation of your ability to comply with my request will put my mind at rest".

'Patrick' gave 'Andy' a broad smile as he stood up, he moved toward the comfortable armchairs at the other end of the 'Member's Lounge' and invited 'Andy' and 'Amos' to join him, once seated, he produced his 'Mobile Phone' and scrolled through his contacts, he was soon speaking to someone and quietly made the enquiries that 'Andy' had asked of him, it was quite apparent that the person 'Patrick' was speaking to WAS 'Jimmy' and he suddenly laughed as he was given the information he requested, 'Patrick' ended the conversation and placed his 'Mobile Phone' back in his pocket.

"Well hello there 'Tureen Boch" said 'Patrick' "And how in the name of 'Jayzus' did you ever manage to come up with a handle like that?, there must be a bit of 'Irish' in you mate, Ah but then there's a bit of 'Irish' in everyone, if there was not, the whole world would be a very dull place to live in !".

The look of relief on 'Andy's' face was a joy to behold, he immediately apologized for his doubts and was delighted with the jovial manner in which 'Patrick' received them, he was even more pleased when 'Patrick' complimented him on the astuteness of his 'Test' and assured him that the display of such caution was worthy of his inclusion in certain 'Plans' envisaged by both himself and 'Amos'.

"You will be an ideal 'Outside Contact' for us when we set up operations in our respective departments, the manner in which you have presented yourself and sought to ensure the safety of 'The Brotherhood', is a clear indication that you are a sound and trustworthy man, 'Jimmy' knows you well, he regards you as a 'Kooshty Moosh' and THAT is good enough for any one of us, as far as 'Nom de Plumes' are concerned, I was always known as 'Ernie O'Hara' back in the old days and with a name like 'Amos DeCrow', who needs another !".

The three 'Brothers' now relaxed in their armchairs, each of them contented with the outcome of their encounter, 'Tureen Boch' particularly satisfied with the prospect of perhaps being able to assist in the furtherance of the ambitions of 'The Brotherhood'.

Who knows what 'Jiggery Pokery' these three 'Brothers' will get up to once the 'Doors' to the 'Halls of Power' are opened to them ?, one thing is for sure, whatever 'Benefits' their 'Plans' may produce, they WILL be passed on to those who deserve them, a welcome diversion to the 'Mismanagement' of those who are currently engaged in the welfare of the unfortunate folk that are generally dependant upon their integrity. :wink:
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Re: The Trials of 'Isaac Koch'

Postby kurupetos » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:55 pm

Schnauzer wrote:'In Praise of Caution'.

'Andy' leaned forward and placed his elbows on the table before him, he bonded his wrists together and rested his chin upon his fists as he realized that there was a certain 'Oddity' in the manner in which these introductions had taken place, it was 'Andy' himself that had first suggested the adoption of 'Nom de Plumes' by ALL members of 'The Brotherhood' YET, here he was seated opposite two 'Brothers' who were seemingly unaware of the obligation to conceal their true identities, he clearly remembered how well the idea of his proposal was accepted by 'Jimmy Light' and, furthermore, he had never known (nor wished to know) the true identities of ANY of the 'Brothers' he had encountered throughout his life, 'Andy' was a little perplexed by such thoughts.

Zionism! :shock:
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Re: The Trials of 'Isaac Koch'

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:05 am

kurupetos wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:'In Praise of Caution'.

'Andy' leaned forward and placed his elbows on the table before him, he bonded his wrists together and rested his chin upon his fists as he realized that there was a certain Oddity' in the manner in which thes[/color]e introductions had taken place, it was Andy' himself that had first suggested the adoption of 'Nom de Plumes' by ALL members of 'The Brotherhood' YET, here he was seated opposite two 'Brothers' who were seemingly unaware of the obligation to conceal their true identities, he clearly remembered how well the idea of his proposal was accepted by 'Jimmy Light' and, furthermore, he had never known (nor wished to know) the true identities of ANY of the 'Brothers' he had encountered throughout his life, 'Andy' was a little perplexed by such thoughts.
Zionism! :shock:

:D :D
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Re: The Trials of 'Isaac Koch'

Postby Schnauzer » Mon Dec 24, 2012 9:20 pm

"Merry Christmas and Prosperity in the new year"

To ALL forum members from :- 'The Ghost of Isaac Koch!' :bawling: and 'The Brotherhood' :angel:
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Re: The Trials of 'Isaac Koch'

Postby ZoC » Mon Dec 24, 2012 9:43 pm

kurupetos wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:'In Praise of Caution'.

'Andy' leaned forward and placed his elbows on the table before him, he bonded his wrists together and rested his chin upon his fists as he realized that there was a certain 'Oddity' in the manner in which these introductions had taken place, it was 'Andy' himself that had first suggested the adoption of 'Nom de Plumes' by ALL members of 'The Brotherhood' YET, here he was seated opposite two 'Brothers' who were seemingly unaware of the obligation to conceal their true identities, he clearly remembered how well the idea of his proposal was accepted by 'Jimmy Light' and, furthermore, he had never known (nor wished to know) the true identities of ANY of the 'Brothers' he had encountered throughout his life, 'Andy' was a little perplexed by such thoughts.

Zionism! :shock:

belated happy hanukkah, schnauzer.
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Re: The Trials of 'Isaac Koch'

Postby kurupetos » Mon Dec 24, 2012 11:42 pm

ZoC wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:'In Praise of Caution'.

'Andy' leaned forward and placed his elbows on the table before him, he bonded his wrists together and rested his chin upon his fists as he realized that there was a certain 'Oddity' in the manner in which these introductions had taken place, it was 'Andy' himself that had first suggested the adoption of 'Nom de Plumes' by ALL members of 'The Brotherhood' YET, here he was seated opposite two 'Brothers' who were seemingly unaware of the obligation to conceal their true identities, he clearly remembered how well the idea of his proposal was accepted by 'Jimmy Light' and, furthermore, he had never known (nor wished to know) the true identities of ANY of the 'Brothers' he had encountered throughout his life, 'Andy' was a little perplexed by such thoughts.

Zionism! :shock:

belated happy hanukkah, schnauzer.

Remind me to add you in the list tomorrow. :wink:
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