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Angelos Epithemiou...

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Angelos Epithemiou...

Postby tsukoui » Mon Nov 21, 2011 1:53 am

Is it me or does anyone else find themselves biting back accusations of racism against this so called comic... they can't black themselves up so they go for the next best thing...

Here is how the Guardian... that bastion of middle class liberalism describes him... "Like Borat but with everyone in on the joke"...

Sigh... I suppose we should indulge these barbarians...
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Re: Angelos Epithemiou...

Postby Get Real! » Mon Nov 21, 2011 1:56 am

Everyone's racist/dicsrimanatory by their very nature so it's not worth any arguments.
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Re: Angelos Epithemiou...

Postby tsukoui » Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:32 am

Thank you Get Real!... I hope all will forgive my salotic outbursts on this forum, but I wanted to see where Get Real's comment led... back to religion and anti-semitism it unfortunately seems...

The point is that whilst everyone is discrimatory in some way or another, not everyone is racist... for the whole concept of "race" is a modern invention... one that sadly has gained concreteness due to economic and cultural policies of implementation by imperialism... the Ottoman's had slaves from all corners of the known world... Russian, European, Asian and African... they went for the same price... this is not to say that they didn't distinguish or have discriminate... but they didn't do so based on "race"... we Cypriots were not originally considered to be part of the "White race"... we should not fall into the trap of believing that we now are... the British are so desperate to laugh off racism... but until the economic realities that were imposed on the world are changed... i.e. the end of capitalist imperialism... they cannot... in their efforts to make "racist" humour acceptable they turn to Khazakstan in the case of Borat or Cyprus in the case of Angelos Epithemiou... but their agenda is simple... to act as if "race" does not exist without dealing with the fundamental issues that continue to give it life... we should strongly resist these efforts... Cypriots, like "Blacks" cannot be "racist" because we suffered and continue to suffer (via the occupation) the ill effects that the invention of "race" brought to the world... we can be xenophobic, intolerant and prejudiced, all of which are undesirable traits... but not "racist"... we are still "wogs" in many British eyes though they would never dare to say it out loud... and Angelos Epithemiou only goes to prove how widespread that idea still is...
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