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Occupy The Buffer Zone

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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:51 pm

All protest is good boys and girls and this one may contribute to spur on the stuck in a stalemate politicians.

Still very little new in the Press, other than as Halil says above.

Anyway here's another vid of the occupation last night...

As ever more info at... ... 7295489372
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby B25 » Tue Nov 22, 2011 3:04 pm

halil wrote:UN said they don't know how to deal with this event and action which takes at buffer zone.

Well that easy enough, you have good experience of that Halililil. Just get one of your ministers, a bunch or TC/TR police and a bunch of TC thugs with sticks and battons and send them in there, that'll sort them out, right.

You know how to do this well, you did a good job on Solomou and Issac (may they RIP). :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby Viewpoint » Tue Nov 22, 2011 6:06 pm

B25 wrote:
halil wrote:UN said they don't know how to deal with this event and action which takes at buffer zone.

Well that easy enough, you have good experience of that Halililil. Just get one of your ministers, a bunch or TC/TR police and a bunch of TC thugs with sticks and battons and send them in there, that'll sort them out, right.

You know how to do this well, you did a good job on Solomou and Issac (may they RIP). :twisted: :twisted:

Wrong place wrong time.
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:01 pm

For those who don't like accessing FB, these are translations by CS of the Politis coverage...

A movement in its early stages

On Saturday afternoon some tens of people people who each week make an appointment at that particular spot, built a self-made kitchen for tea, and afterwards proceeded in a discussion about the next steps for the further organisation of the under formation movement of 'Occupy the Buffer Zone'.
As had been pre-planned, the protesters set up tents for the first time since the beginning of the actions on the 15th October, in order to spend the night at the Buffer Zone, whilst they put up banners with slogans and gave out leaflets to passers-by against the presence of foreign armies on the island and against the political system. A bit later, members of the United Nations force went close to the protesters asking them to remove a barrel in which they had built a fire to warm themselves up, whilst later they made a reference to the impeding of the patrol for the first time.
The protesters, who, according to their Facebook site are trying to bring the world movement against the monetary system to the Cypriot reality, are also focussing their actions against the division and the occupation.


Stressed blue-helmets because of protest
From Dead to Live Zone

A tangle, perhaps even without precedent, has been created for the United Nations by the decision of a team of G/C and T/C peaceful protesters to proceed on Saturday evening to a symbolic occupation of a point at the Dead (Buffer) Zone between the two roadblocks at Ledra Street, with the aim of staying also for last (Sunday) night.
Furthermore, according to sources, the United Nations are purportedly putting pressure to the police forces of both sides to mediate towards the removal of the protesters, citing as a reason that they are preventing the conduct of patrols by the blue-helmets, as the tents are blocking the road that cuts the street towards the occupied-area roadblock.
The presence of protesters, however, is not preventing the passage of people to and from the occupied areas.
An unprecedented situation
The blue-helmets purportedly tried to convince the police forces of each side to undertake reposnsibility for the G/C and T/C protesters, correspondingly , as they are not allowed to remove them themselves, based on their guidelines. Furthermore, as 'Politis' is in a position to know, there is no issue of impeding the blue-helmet's patrol, as they can pretty well be served in other ways on each side of the dividing line.
Yesterday, as activists reported, but also members of the police that man the roadblock on the south side of nicosia, 'policemen' from the occupied and the free areas, together with a number of men of the UN, asked the protesters to move, giving them a deadline for today (monday) noon.
According, howver, to the G/C policemen, the UN will today at noon re-examine the issue, so that they will decide for the next steps.


More as ever at the group's FB Page at... ... 72?sk=wall (By the way, you don't need to subscribe to FB to read what's going on)
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby halil » Tue Nov 22, 2011 8:24 pm

Message from the Weekly occupation of Lidra St. buffer zone...............

Those of you wanting to bring donations, we need Petrol for the generator, unleaded 95! :!:
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby kurupetos » Tue Nov 22, 2011 8:52 pm

halil wrote:Message from the Weekly occupation of Lidra St. buffer zone...............

Those of you wanting to bring donations, we need Petrol for the generator, unleaded 95! :!:

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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Nov 22, 2011 9:10 pm

kurupetos wrote:
halil wrote:Message from the Weekly occupation of Lidra St. buffer zone...............

Those of you wanting to bring donations, we need Petrol for the generator, unleaded 95! :!:


What on Earth are you chortling about reh Toffoui!!! ... It's a request that gives an excellent indication of the permanence of the protest.

Any chance of a bit of support for these boys and girls who are staging the most significant protest we've seen in CY to end division for ages??? Hateh reh K. ,,, and the rest of you scabby lot.... pleeeeeeeese.
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby B25 » Tue Nov 22, 2011 9:30 pm

halil wrote:Message from the Weekly occupation of Lidra St. buffer zone...............

Those of you wanting to bring donations, we need Petrol for the generator, unleaded 95! :!:

Whats up Halil, you given up beating them to death, now you want to burn them to death?? :D :D :D
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby Cap » Tue Nov 22, 2011 9:45 pm

You know a serious uprising and majority protest from both sides just might do the trick.

But then again.... one can only just imagine the violence by the illegal occupying forces.
They'd slaughter thousands of their 'own' to keep hold of the strategic geographical gem they're currently polluting.
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby humanist » Tue Nov 22, 2011 9:55 pm

Well said cap

aww I so want to be there ;)
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