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Occupy The Buffer Zone

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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Jan 13, 2012 3:23 pm

Following a lot of criticism of the UN Pisskeepers, the UN have have reacted and issued some kind of notice on the Occupation to quit immediately.

The occupiers have put out a general call for help to defend Re-United Free Cyprus.

The Occupiers write...

Emergency Assembly at 6pm today, as foreseen following the controversial visit of UN Chief of Staff (see note), the UN has handed us a notice to "vacate the area immediately". We need everybody that can to come and occupy and protect this space that we are using to protest the status quo and our division and to initiate social change. We need everybody that can sleep at the camp tonight to come down and sleep, and everyone that can come and be present to do so. Please note, during all of this, we will continue as usual with our Exposition and Screening tonight in our wonderful new Activity Centre! OBZ business as usual!
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby kurupetos » Fri Jan 13, 2012 3:26 pm

Kikapu wrote:
humanist wrote:well, whilst am not fan of halil from the forum, it still like a family member being imprisoned lol ...... I think sometimes its the language barrier that may skew what is said, as for the pro turkish articles he posts .... well may be its just his job and he has to do it

Nuremberg Trials did away with excuses such as "I was only following orders, therefore I'm not guilty of any crimes"! :wink:

We should remember this, when we have the Tseri Trials. :lol:
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:15 pm

A call to defend the Occupation of the Buffer Zone tonight for VP and other turkish speakers...



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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:17 pm

... and for GI Girl and greek speakers, here is an article in Politis which starts...

Την άμεση αποχώρησή τους από τον χώρο που έχουν καταλάβει, στη νεκρή ζώνη της Λήδρας, ζήτησαν σήμερα τα Ηνωμένα Έθνη από τους διαδηλωτές. Με σημείωμά της, που παρέδωσε σε αρκετούς από τους διαδηλωτές, η ειρηνευτική δύναμη των Η.Ε. στην Κύπρο (UNFICYP) αναφέρει ότι δεν εγκρίνει τις δραστηριότητές τους στη νεκρή ζώνη από τις 25 Νοεμβρίου.

More at... ... V=articles
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:11 pm

Just out from the Occupation for greek speakers...

A message of defiance for UNFICYP telling them to leave the Buffer Zone themselves, the Occupiers are staying.

Asihktir UN ... as it were.

Τα Ηνωμένα Έθνη για λόγους "υγιεινής και ασφάλειας" μοίρασαν ένα ανυπόγραφο κείμενο που μας καλεί να εγκαταλείψουμε τον τόπο μέχρι αύριο. ΟΛΟΙ από νωρίς ΑΥΡΙΟ (Σάββατο 14/1) στην κατάληψη της νεκράς ζώνης στην οδο Λήδρας! Να φύγουν αυτοί! Προωθήστε!
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:46 pm

it is shameful that Unficyp allows the UN to be seen as an interlocutor which prevents these protesters from expressing a position which is Cypriot, rather than "Greek" and "Turkish".

...if it is a question of Safety and Salubrity then the effort should be first to express this concern. Any threat to remove them, even based on these basic issues is a lie.
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:47 pm

This is a translation of an article that appeared in Politis earlier this evening...

The Occupiers write...

"For reasons of safety and hygiene the United Nations distributed an unsigned text which calls on us to leave the area by tomorrow. Everyone is called to gather here from early Saturday morning (14/1) so that we occupy the 'dead zone' at Ledra Street rather than them. Please share" .... and translation of an article in a Cyprus newspaper from the Greek original ... "

The article in Politis...


Immediate withdrawal by demonstrators from the area they have occupied, the buffer zone area at Ledra Street [in Nicosia Cyprus], has been called for by the United Nations. In the note, delivered to several of the protestors, the UN peacekeeping force in Cyprus ( UNFICYP ) says that it does not approve of their activities since 25 November in the buffer zone.

According to UNFICYP, the activities of the protesters pose risks to themselves, but also for others. Their presence is reportedly preventing the restoration works to buildings in the area, and there are risks to public health because of garbage that has accumulated. As stated in the notice, the UNFICYP has also received complaints from neighbors about the noise, the smoke from fires lit by protesters, animals and ....

The call for withdrawal from the area seems to have been prompted by the recent action of the protesters in occupying two abandoned buildings in the [unpopulated] buffer zone and their having lit fires in them, according to the communication, in violation of regulations for the buffer zone. That is why, UNFICYP requests the evacuation of the area immediately in accordance with the Notice.

Following this development, the protesters have called an extraordinary meeting this afternoon in order to protect their movement, which protests the status of the buffer zone dividing the island.

This action was preceeded yesterday morning, by the removal, by the peacekeepers, of banners that were hung by the protesters in support of the blogger, detained in the occupied territories. As reported by the protesters on Wednesday morning, the 7 uniformed peacekeepers and one man in civilian clothes approached the camp between the checkpoints at Ledra and asked the protesters "aggressively" to take down the banner which had the words "End torture in the army. Khalil, we are at your side." According to the protesters the peacekeepers appeared prepared to use violence and they did eventually take down the banners when the protesters refused to do that.
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:00 am

...right, from the videos we saw, the buildings have remained untouched from the day this part of the Green Line was formed; restoration work, really?

...frankly, it would not surprise me if the occupation is cleaner than the streets on either side of the Buffer Zone.

"Gerard" it seems has taken offence because the protesters prefer transparency, rather than the secret negotiations which seem to be so important to the other interlocutors that he must deal with. Perhaps if they had taken the banner down as a part of some "inside" deal, they would have been able to join whatever club exists that insists on secrecy, rather than openness.
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:05 am

I think it was a bad strategic move to do this in the middle of winter! Had this started in June all the youngsters in Cyprus would’ve been there and not necessarily for political reasons! :lol:
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:15 am

...not a question of choice GR, they seized the moment.

it really is up to us to give them the support they need because they are committed to Cyprus, and we are Cypriots.

...I am disgusted that they are not permited to freeze until the rest of us get the idea that they are really committed to demonstrating that there exists a body of people in Cyprus who choose to be representatives of a body of people who place the interests of the island first, rather than their "Greekness" or their "Turkishness".

...and i hope that someone in New York has the sense to stop any acts that will destroy the credibility of the UN as Peacekeepers.
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