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Occupy The Buffer Zone

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jan 07, 2012 6:54 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:VP
They have to stand up to those trying to push them aside just like us TCs standing up to GCs trying to push us aside.
"the bully got bullied and thats why nobody is helping you".

Your a dickhead mate it a all in your racist mind and your transferring your view beliefs and racists ideologies onto people who's lives you have destroyed.
piss off

No you piss off you narrow minded blind misfit.

...why is humanist a misfit and blind, is he "Greek"?
...or, is he a misfit and blind because you are "Turk"?

...oh, I know, you won't reply because you don't speak my English.

lol, (a smilie that's farting)
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby bill cobbett » Sat Jan 07, 2012 9:36 pm

In the last few minutes, the TA are up to something...

The Occupiers write...

URGENT MEETING! buffer zone 10pm (in 40 mins). The north Army has stationed soldiers in the space a few feet away from the tents (from where they confiscated our generator yesterday). Two members of the camp entered to inquire about the fate of the generator and were chased out with sticks and had objects thrown at them. If you can make the meeting, please do.
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby kurupetos » Sat Jan 07, 2012 9:40 pm

bill cobbett wrote:In the last few minutes, the TA are up to something...

The Occupiers write...

URGENT MEETING! buffer zone 10pm (in 40 mins). The north Army has stationed soldiers in the space a few feet away from the tents (from where they confiscated our generator yesterday). Two members of the camp entered to inquire about the fate of the generator and were chased out with sticks and had objects thrown at them. If you can make the meeting, please do.

They are Grey Wolves. Tell the kids to be careful.
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby humanist » Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:03 pm

Repulse no need to defend me am okay. If he cannot see that he is the primary hater in here and that is the only thing that drives him. Am over his Gc bashing. Everyone in here but the exception of one to two people have no hate towards the TC's . Yes a number of us blame them for their situation and ours because they choose to go down a path of destruction on every level their destruction as an important minority group that contributed to the uniqueness of Cypriot culture and languages, their destruction as a community by the ever increasing assimilation into mainstream Turkish culture, society and language, destruction of other peoples livelyhoods including their own. But what they do w/ their lives is their business really.
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:13 am

humanist wrote:Repulse no need to defend me am okay. If he cannot see that he is the primary hater in here and that is the only thing that drives him. Am over his Gc bashing. Everyone in here but the exception of one to two people have no hate towards the TC's . Yes a number of us blame them for their situation and ours because they choose to go down a path of destruction on every level their destruction as an important minority group that contributed to the uniqueness of Cypriot culture and languages, their destruction as a community by the ever increasing assimilation into mainstream Turkish culture, society and language, destruction of other peoples livelyhoods including their own. But what they do w/ their lives is their business really.

At last you have said something worthwhile and truthful.

Your policy of forcing Tcs into minority status in a GC will never be acceptable or happen as you yourself stated "But what they do w/ their lives is their business really" better assimilate with Turks that once wanted this with Greeks doesnt that make you the biggest hypocrite?
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:48 am

..."once wanted".

...people change, they learn from mistakes; who is the hypocrite?
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby bill cobbett » Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:52 am

No news on the presence of TA soldiers on the edge of the Occupaion of the Buffer Zone reported earlier.

... but the Occupiers have released some info on the liberated cultural centre, the two old shop units on the corner of Lydras and Kykkou freed on New Year's Eve and some more details of their wider agenda, on what they refer to as a Revival of Pan-Cyprian Grassroots Political Thought....

(This for VP and other Turkish speakers, English and Greek speakers can see a translation at ... 3761495725 )

Ara Bölge'yi İşgal Et Hareketi şimdi kendi kültürel alanına kavuştu. Bizlerin bugünlerde hayata döndürdüğü kullanılmayan sokağın köşesinde, daha önceleri bir valiz yapımcısının dükkanı ile yan tarafında bulunan daha geniş dükkan artık kültürel ve politik etkinliklerimizin merkezi haline geliyor.

Bu alan insanlara kitap ve fikirler yoluyla bilgi alış-verişi yapma, bilgiyi dağıtma,müzik yapma, sanat eserlerini sergileme ile kültürel, sosyal, politik ve eğitimsel çalıştaylar düzenleme şansı tanımaktadır. Kim olduğumuzu, değerlerimizi, kültürümüzü anlama, anlatma ve yeniden tanımlama için kelimeler, görseller ve işitsel öğeler bulmak ve birbirimizden öğrenmek için bir alan yarattık.

Amacımız kültür yaratmaktır. Bu yaratı yalnızca dar anlamda sanat ve ilgili etkinlikleri değil, daha geniş kapsamlı bir algıyı da içermektedir. Bu alan adayı kontrol eden baskın siyasi ve askeri elitlerin uzun zamandır engellemesiyle karşı karşıya olan Kıbrıs'taki farklı grupların biraraya gelip, kültürel alış-verişte bulunabileceği bir alan olacaktır.

Amacımız tabandan gelen yeni bir siyasi kültür yaratmaktır. Kapitalist düzenin yabancılaştıran etkilerine meydan okuyarak, alternatif birliktelik formlarının oluşması için verimli bir ortam sunuyoruz.

(Kültür merkezimiz anaakım kültürle bazı paralellikler, kesişmeler taşımakla birlikte, bu parallellik aracıları ve mevcut piyasa algısından doğan bağımlılık ile kalıplaşmış tanımlamaları dışarıda bırakmaktadır)

Bu alan, tıpkı bizler gibi, kapılarını ardına kadar açmıştır. Tüm insanlara ve geleceğe açık bir kapı...
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby humanist » Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:22 pm

Bill ...... thank you for the post, I have checked out the facebook comments but it doesn't say much about the police and the likes. Any news? Please don't tell me they have shut them down.

good to see the three languages being represented there. That is the rich linguistic uniqueness OUR Country has and very few realise.

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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:06 pm

humanist wrote:Bill ...... thank you for the post, I have checked out the facebook comments but it doesn't say much about the police and the likes. Any news? Please don't tell me they have shut them down.

good to see the three languages being represented there. That is the rich linguistic uniqueness OUR Country has and very few realise.

It's time Greek and Turkish Cypriots kiss and make up

Kiss and make up part is not a problem the happy ever after is.
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Re: Occupy The Buffer Zone

Postby bill cobbett » Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:53 pm

A little more news from earlier today that reminds us that the Occupation is under attack from many sides.

One of the Occupiers writes defiantly...

We currently have two 24/7 UN Army Post Tents, along with two lines of barbed wire closing the streets leading to the rest of the buffer-zone and an Armed Turkish Military Post set up close to our tents, which violates the agreement of demilitarization of the checkpoint. A woman and man who where filming at the scene where nearly attacked by Turkish soldiers who came silently, holding sticks and guns, but managed to run away before they got caught. The UN is doing a good job, calling the south side police and church about the building we occupied and the day after calling the Turkish army to confiscate our generator and fix up an armed army post right next to some of our tents! I guess you’ve already realized that your bullshit doesn’t scare us and we only multiply. We are in the middle, “north” and “south” UNITED, and we will stay.

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