If your objective is to 'Criticise', then surely it would be far better to do so in a manner which would enable the recipient of your criticism to understand the reasons for such, rather than have to suffer your constant attempts to 'Stigmatise' homosexuals by assuming that 'I' am of such persuasion (which I assure you I am not and am insulted by your assumption).
Your crude analysis of MY characteristics is very far short of accurate and I am sure you will forgive me for attempting to analyse YOURS.
Having only your 'Avatar' to guide me (coupled with several of your past posts) I must seek to form an opinion based upon them, I have viewed your most recent contribution (an 'Emoticon' submitted as a response to one of my posts) and from it, I have discovered quite an interesting fact in tandem with your 'Avatar'.
'Kuru'.... Is a 'Cerebral Disease' (quite incurable) and 'Petos' is particularly relevant to 'Dogs', ergo, Kurupetos could well be representative of 'Mad-dog'

Incidentally, 'Kuru' IS likened to 'Mad Cow Disease', rather unfortunate don't you think ?.