Hi all,
I was just doing a search on google looking for the below and came across your site.I also have a board on msn but no way as good as this, so well done managers.Anyway im after some info please,so any help would be great.
A friend is moving at the end of november to cyprus from israel and later his wife and new born child will be joining him.
Their child was born a month ago , much premature at 25 weeks pregnancy (6th month).
As such he will be needing a lot of medical care and attention once they move to Cy and they are very worried about child care quality in the Cy since preborns with heart problems are often flown to israel from the Cy.
Please help!!can you tell me if the doctors at limassol are good with this kind of thing, where do you monitor the baby every week and if someone can even give me specific names , it will be great.
Many thanks