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Muslim punches English Defense League leader

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Muslim punches English Defense League leader

Postby Cap » Sun Nov 13, 2011 10:23 am

Colonization, one neighborhood at a time.

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Re: Muslim punches English Defense League leader

Postby Get Real! » Sun Nov 13, 2011 10:57 am

When the American and British governments began their “clever” anti-Arab/Muslim crusade in the early 90s starting with the invasion/occupation of Iraq, their respective citizens were cheering on the death and destruction the “alliance” was inflicting on their victims!

They even gave Arab/Muslims trying to defend their country, catch phrases like “insurgent” and “terrorist” for the western pea-brained fools at home to toy with while the carnage continued! The British and American public was shouting…

“Yeah… go get them rag-head terrorists!”

In fact, some of these pea brains even made it on our forum and were following the “brave” events of the western warriors closely with regular posts on their accomplishments!

As a direct result of the now 20 year old catastrophic campaign brought upon these 3rd world countries, a huge number of Arab/Muslim asylum seekers and refugees uprooted from their homelands have made their way to the UK to escape the mayhem.

Their answer was very simple! You wanted me to change my ways because I disturbed you from 10,000km away? Ok…I’ll come and live with you! So they have now gotten organized and created entire neighborhoods for their own kind and slowly but surely will even take over your politics!

These days the safest place for an Arab/Muslim it seems is to be IN the UK and America and that’s EXACTLY what they’re doing!

And now your “clever” governments think it’s a good idea to attack Iran with its 76 million strong population, so no chocolate cookies for guessing what that will bring upon the imperialist fools…
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Re: Muslim punches English Defense League leader

Postby Schnauzer » Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:37 pm

Well put Get Real BUT, addled brains are addled brains and I doubt if your illustration will encourage those under the influence of 'Western Myopia' to think for themselves (until it is too late of course).

Incidentally, the ranks of those that are embracing the faith of 'Islam' are swelling beyond ANY other religion on the face of the earth, perhaps THAT might even be the ultimate objective of the 'Western Powers' and that the recently advertised slogan "Islam will conquer the world" might not be too far removed from reality.

Interestingly, the concept of 'Conversion by the Sword' (as oft mentioned in The Holy Qur'an) could be seen as a brilliant foresight, if one considers "Who is wielding the weapon" and by what means the 'Conversion' will manifest (as it seemingly IS doing) among those who view with more open minds the awful atrocities being inflicted upon innocent people.

The 'Western Powers' have done a great job along the lines of 'Islamic Conversion' thus far, each bullet fired (Sword wielded ?') swells the ranks yet further. (imho) :wink:
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