Cyprus Potential Vast Natural Gas Reserves on the Table Cyprus is making headlines these days due to its centrality in the EU banking and debt crisis, but it’s also one of the few areas in Europe where potentially vast unexplored natural gas reserves are to be found offshore.
In a recent international energy seminar organized by the Greek Institute of Energy of South East Europe (ΙΕΝΕ), interesting facts and data were presented by scientists and market experts that shed light to a series of fascinating developments that will shape to an extent the energy game in Europe.
Presently six sea blocks of Cyprus have been awarded for research to international companies (Blocks: 2, 3, 9, 10, and 12). The President of the Cyprus agency for hydrocarbons (KRETYK), Charalambos Ellinas, stated that his organization estimates around 40 trillion cubic feet could be found only in these 6 blocks and that by 2020 the country could export around 2 trillion cf per annum to world markets, an impressive amount, enough to cover the needs of a country like France. Already French Total, Italian Eni and Korean KOGAS have bought research and exploration rights and Noble Energy in Block 12 has made the first discovery of an estimated 3.5 TCF. The total capital expenditure for the six blocks over the coming years is estimated at $2 billion and Ellinas also commented that his agency assumes that block 9 (to be researched by Total) most probably contains twice as much gas as the 12 one. ... s-reserves