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Ataducky Day in the Occupied Areas

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Ataducky Day in the Occupied Areas

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Nov 11, 2011 4:46 am

Regular readers of the Jokes and Enigmas section may be amused to hear that another Ataducky Day was stoically endured by the CYs living in the areas under the Turkish Occupation yesterday.

The Spokesperson for the Majority Settlers and Turkish Stool Erogloo turned up with a few crisply dressed officers from the Turkish Piss-Takers Army and a coach-load of bussed-in illegal settlers spontaneously appeared at various events to mark the day.

In an exciting change to the usual format the Israeli Air Force took the place of the Turkish Air Force with a Fly Pass over the Occupied Areas.

Meanwhile the CYs living under the occupation put on brave faces and passed the day in what's become the traditional way by taking to the streets and telling Turkey to go asihktir.
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Re: Ataducky Day in the Occupied Areas

Postby humanist » Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:33 am

Did they really take to the streets again, I feel so isolated over here in good olde ausland
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Re: Ataducky Day in the Occupied Areas

Postby bill cobbett » Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:22 am

humanist wrote:Did they really take to the streets again, I feel so isolated over here in good olde ausland

Hi A,

Yep from earlier this month, the CY Mail reports on a demo which attracted some 10,000.

The report contains the following para...

..."Speaking at the rally, head of the Turkish Cypriot teachers’ union Sener Elcil said, “Turkish Cypriots will never accept being a minority [in the north] and being treated as slaves”. Head of another public sector workers’ union KTAMS Ahmet Kaptan told the crowds, “Despite them setting up barricades and bringing in hundreds of police and special forces to frighten us, our struggle will continue until this ‘government’ has been brought down.” ..." ... e/20111101
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